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Unsere Forschung. Ein Mehrwert für Europa.
Für die Frankfurt UAS ist die angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung eine Kernmission. Entsprechend ist die Forschung an der Frankfurt UAS stark innovationsgetrieben und hat einen starken Fokus auf die Anwendung in der Praxis. Im nationalen und europäischen Forschungssystem bildet die Frankfurt UAS so eine Brücke zwischen Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung.
Aktuell orientiert sich die Forschung an der Frankfurt UAS an folgenden Schwerpunktthemen:
- Care, Gesundheit und Diversität
- Digitalisierung und Informations-/Kommunikationstechnologien
- Mobilität und Logistik
Die Wissenschaftler/-innen der Frankfurt UAS forschen darüber hinaus in vielen weiteren Feldern. Organisiert ist die Forschung an der Frankfurt UAS in den vielfältigen Zentren, Instituten und Laboren.
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und deren Themen.
Europäische Forschung an der Frankfurt UAS
Die Frankfurt UAS versteht sich als europäische Hochschule. Sie ist Mitglied der EUA (European University Association), der europäischen Hochschulallianz U!REKA (Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance) sowie Partner zahlreicher weiterer Hochschulen in Europa.
Die Frankfurt UAS ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW), die in den Förderprogrammen der Europäischen Union (EU) vertreten ist, zum Beispiel im siebten Forschungsrahmenprogramm und Horizont 2020 (achtes Forschungsrahmenprogramm). Darüber hinaus sind unsere Wissenschaftler/-in im EU-Gesundheitsprogramm, dem EU-Justizprogramm oder ERASMUS+ präsent.
Die Hochschule verfügt über einen Gender Equality Plan.
Hier finden Sie eine Liste europäischer Projekte der Frankfurt UAS.
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Europäische Projekte der Frankfurt UAS

Prof. Dr. Maren Harnack, Professorin für Stadtplanung an der Frankfurt UAS, nimmt an der COST Action CA18137, Middle-Class Mass Housing (MCMH) teil. Das Forschungsschwerpunkt der COST Action, die vom University Institute of Lisbon koordiniert wird und an der 73 europäische Forschungseinrichtungen beteiligt sind, ist es, ein transnationales Netzwerk zu schaffen, das europäische Forschende zusammenbringt, am Thema Middle-Class Mass Housing arbeiten.
Das Netzwerk wird Forschende miteinander in Verbindung bringen, beispielhafte Projekte dokumentieren und Analysewerkzeuge entwickeln und damit dazu beitragen, die Informationsgrundlage sowohl für die Weiterentwicklung von Strategien als auch für politische Entscheidungen zu schaffen. Middle Class Mass Housing wird in der Stadt- und Architekturforschung im Allgemeinen unterschätzt, und es fehlt an vergleichenden Analysen und globalen Perspektiven.
Prof. Dr. Harnack forscht zu den Themen bezahlbares Wohnen und ressourcenschonender Städtebau. Im Jahr 2018 gründete sie mit ihren Kollegen das Forschungslabor Nachkriegsmoderne – Re-Working Mass Housing. Heute ist sie Sprecherin des Labors und erforscht urbane Konzepte für eine bestandsorienterte Form der Stadtentwicklung und die Entwicklung innovativer Vermittlungsformen, um Themen der Stadtentwicklung allgemein verständlich zu kommunizieren.
Der Forschungsschwerpunkt von Prof. Dr. Harnack liegt in den Bereichen Architektur, Stadtplanung und Sozialwissenschaften und damit in Disziplinen, die sie in Stuttgart, Delft und London studiert hat. An der MCMH Action nehmen Forschende aus den Bereichen Wohnungsbau, Architektur und Städtebau, Planungswissenschaften, Politik, Soziologie, Architekturgeschichte und modernes Kulturerbe teil. Prof. Dr. Harnack ist Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe (WG 3) „Leverage contemporary architecture interventions and Public Policies“.
Mehr Informationen zur COST Action Middle-Class Mass Housing (MCMH)
Abstract: Tackling low vaccine coverage (VC) is a key area for action. Despite efforts, pockets of unvaccinated individuals persist in Europe. People in prison constitute a sizeable fraction of the population, in absolute number and for its rapid turnover. Incarcerated individuals largely belong to socially-deprived communities with low socio-economic status and education level, high disease burden and prevalence of risk behaviours; and often, sub-optimal access to care. Prisons may be a gateway to offer appropriate and high-quality healthcare and vaccination services to individuals while in detention. To respond to this public health priority, the RISE-Vac consortium brings together multisectoral skills, solid experience and well-established networks in the prison health field, reflecting epidemiological and structural diversities of European context. RISE-Vac aims at improving the health of prison population in Europe by promoting vaccine literacy (VL), enhancing vaccine offer and increasing vaccine uptake (VU). Using state-of-the-art methodologies, RISE-Vac will gather existing evidence on vaccination strategies and services targeting people in prison and combine it with prospectively collected data on (1) attitude and VL among prison population and staff; (2) vaccination status and VU during incarceration. RISE-Vac will use a co-creation approach to develop information and training materials tailored to people in prison and staff to increase their VL. Models of vaccination delivery will be devised and piloted to respond to the needs of prison population, prison settings characteristics and national priorities. Benefits resulting from RISE-Vac activities will accrue also in the general population, increasing overall VC. By upholding the principle that prison health is public health, the RISE-Vac project will provide tools and data-driven, evidence-based options to guide European countries in improving health status of people in prison and European population at large.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 05/2021 - 04/2024
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Third Health Programme
Förderkennzeichen: GA 101018353
Abstract: Das Vorhaben im Rahmen des DAAD-Programms EXCEED zielt auf einen fachlichen Austausch zwischen deutschen und den zentralasiatischen/chinesischen Partneruniversitäten ab, und orientiert sich dabei an SDG-Zielen (Sustainable Development Goals) im Rahmen einer verbesserten Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und strebt eine Stärkung der Hochschulkooperationen in und zwischen diesen Ländern an. Die beteiligten Universitäten/Forschungseinrichtungen werden ihr fachliches Profil in Lehre und Forschung im Sinne der Agenda 2030 schärfen. Langfristig werden Absolvent/-innen durch ihr Studium in praxisorientierten und dem Stand der Wissenschaft entsprechenden Studiengängen „Soziale Arbeit“ (oder verwandte Bezeichnungen etwa im Gesundheitsbereich) für die Übernahme verantwortungsvoller Positionen qualifiziert. Die erwarteten Ergebnisse der Forschungskooperationen werden zum Auf- und Ausbau großer regionaler Netzwerke beitragen. Gleichzeitig soll die Expertise im Rahmen der universitären Antworten auf das Problem der Drogenabhängigkeit/-therapie die gesundheitliche Diskussion in diesen Staaten stärken unter Einbeziehung von Politik und Zivilgesellschaft (v. a. NGOen).
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 01/2020 - 12/2024
Förderer: DAAD (aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung/BMZ)
Förderprogramm: exceed – Hochschulexzellenz in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit 2020-2024
Förderkennzeichen: ID 57526259
Abstract: The EDURAD project aims to build on existing research and practices in order to develop a multi-agency, effective and comprehensive educational approach to address both the radicalization process and the violence associated with it. The priority area the project focuses on is the education sector, adopting a broad perspective that includes formal, informal and non-formal education. This broad lens is intentional as it ensures that the impact is far-reaching, more effective and sustainable and involves both macro-level policy actors and grassroots local community actors taking into account the cultural, religious and social sensitivities. This approach on preventing violent extremism through education (PVE-E) is two-pronged. First, it involves the creation of interdisciplinary, local and inter-sectorial networks called ‘PVE-E hubs’ to produce new knowledge, enhance awareness and build capacity of teachers, parents, youth and community NGOs and faith leaders. Second, it involves the development of pedagogical ‘PVE-E tools’ in the form of online modules that can be taught in history, politics or civics lessons and trainings with educators on how to use them successfully. The project targets diverse forms of extremism, with a specific focus on developing networks and tools for the prevention of the two currently most common forms experienced in Europe: right-wing extremism and Islamist extremism. It has a pro-active rather than a reactive focus. In other words, emphasis is placed on building the capacity of young people to resist violent extremist ideas, rather than trying to deradicalize them once they have already been recruited, radicalized or performed acts of violent extremism (including terrorism). It is much more realistic to expect education to have a positive influence in helping young people resist violent extremism than it is to expect an individual that has already been radicalized to voluntarily and self-willingly be motivated to revert firstly from violence to dialogue and secondly, to change their epistemological perspective and worldview for which they may have been willing to sacrifice their own lives for. Finally the project builds on and contributes to critical approaches to PVE-E that take into account three important elements that are highlighted in research and development projects: a) the sensitivities that may arise at all levels (local, national, regional and international); b) the dangers of stereotyping and stigmatization of youth; and, c) the negative repercussions from turning learning spaces into securitized spaces where students no longer feel safe to engage in constructive dialogue.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Köttig
Laufzeit: 01/2020 - 12/2021
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Internal Security Fund Police (2014-2020) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: GA NUMBER-871110-EDURAD
Abstract: In Europe, as in North America, highly potent synthetic opioids (SO) are a growing health threat. There are reports on the growing SO availability, use and related overdose. This raises the following question: How can EU countries be prepared and equipped for a continued rise in SO prevalence, use and incidents? The aim of project SO-PREP is to contribute to the enhancement of SO-PREParedness of EU Member States to effectively monitor and respond to SO-related health risks, hazards, and harms. Objectives are: (1) gaining a better insight and understanding of the current use and trends of SO and related health needs in Europe, (2) strengthen the national health system SO preparedness, (3) developing an evidence-based toolkit for implementing enhanced SO monitoring and response capacity The project will assess the European situation and learn from experiences in North America and in Estonia (the only European country with extensive SO experience). Next, the project will assess SO health system response capacity and develop a model SO preparedness. Finally, all of this will lead to the development of a toolkit with clear and concise guidelines for implementing seven key responses to emerging SO as advised by the EMCDDA: internet monitoring, drug checking, drug consumption rooms, take-home naloxone programmes, user information, targeted preventive information via e-Health, and substitution treatment. The expected impact of the project is: (1) a better understanding of the current SO situation, (2) national health systems that are more informed, prepared and equipped with regard to the continued emergence of SO, (3) timely and adequate implementation of tailored SO key responses to mitigate related problems of dependency and (fatal and non-fatal) incidents. Through SO-PREP, policies and services of European countries will be timely and adequately prepared for the continued increasing prevalence, use, harms and hazards of highly potent SO.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 01/2020 - 12/2021
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Justice Programme (2014-2020) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: Number-861676-SO-PREP
Abstract: The area of disability includes physical, mental, developmental and age-related disorders. People facing these problems, encounter several major obstacles that prevent them from seamlessly integrating in society. Nowadays more and more of these people have their capabilities, rather than their disabilities, recognized and accepted by the general public. The rapid technological advance of past decades, has also triggered a dramatic progress in technology usage for assistive and training purposes. Since true inclusiveness, and a deinstitutionalization process pass through all the professionals involved in the care of persons with disabilities, from the lowest levels to the highest ones, there is an increasing need to integrate existing skills, with new approaches and digital competences, able to properly meet these new challenges. New and up to date training curricula need to be developed, to respond to the needs of care service beneficiaries and properly take advantage of new opportunities offered by technologies.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
Laufzeit: 10/2019 - 09/2022
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: ERASMUS+ – Key Action 2 / Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Förderkennzeichen: GA NUMBER 642655
Abstract: Geodetic reference frames form the backbone of all georeferencing services. Observations like sea level monitoring require an uncertainty of 1 mm or better when comparing global data, significantly below the current capability of 5 to 8 mm. This project focuses on two critical points in the complex traceability chain. Firstly, references of unprecedented accuracy for the Earth-bound verification of space-geodetic methods like Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) or Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are established. Secondly, the surveying capabilities for the geometric tie of co-located space-geodetic observations are systematically improved. Innovative field instrumentation and novel analysis strategies will thus be developed.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Eschelbach
Laufzeit: 06/2019 - 05/2022
Förderer: EURAMET e. V.
Förderprogramm: EURAMET e. V. – EMPIR Calls 2018 / SI Broader Scope (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: GA NUMBER 18SIB01 GeoMetre
Abstract: The use of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in European prisons has become a serious health and social problem with numerous life-threatening poisonings in the last years. This project is the first to assess the prevalence of NPS use in three European countries known to facethis problem (Germany, Poland, and Hungary) by an interdisciplinary approach using comprehensive urine analyses and qualitative socialresearch. Analytical methods will be kept up-to-date by monitoring the NPS market and identifying new compounds in a timely manner. On thebasis of the type of drugs detected and the results of qualitative structured interviews conducted with employees in the penal system, a strategyincluding modular trainings for penal system professionals as well as prisoners will be developed to reduce NPS use and related harms inEuropean prisons. Targeted intervention measures will be applied in prisons in Germany, Poland, and Hungary. Their effectiveness will beassessed on the basis of detecting changes in NPS use prevalence as indicated by repeated urine analyses and the results of qualitativestructured interviews conducted after the intervention. The concept and the measures thereby identified as most effective will be disseminatedamong the member states in a European conference addressing key stake holders and representatives of organisations responsible for drugprevention in prisons. Main beneficiaries are prisoners (harm prevention, both acute and structural), prison officers (personal safety) and thejudicial system (reduction of medical costs, law enforcement).
Abschlusskonferenz: findet am 13.01.2021 statt, Save the date
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 10/2018 - 09/2020, Verlängerung bis zum 31.01.2021
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Justice Programme (2014-2020) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: Number-807055-NPS-Prison
Abstract: ChildRescue will explore patterns of interaction and awareness during the missing children investigations, leveraging the untapped potential of open-social-linked data to augment the background information of missing children through multi-layer (personal, psychological, social and activity) profiling and predictive analytics, respecting and protecting privacy and personal data. ChildRescue will provide evidence-based insights for the network effect’s impact to the missing children response organizations and allow them to make informed decisions for each case. Based on location-based mobile notifications that spread using an intelligent system, citizens close to points a missing child was last seen or where s/he is probable to be found become “social sensors” for the investigation, paying attention to people passing by, contributing and validating potential evidence. ChildRescue will deliver a modular, open source solution to be adopted by different voluntary organizations, according to their needs and the readiness of their systems. The project’s results will be piloted in (a) missing children cases by the partners who are responsible for the Amber Alert and 116 000 hotlines in those countries; and (b) missing unaccompanied minors cases supported by the Hellenic Red Cross, in complementarity with existing models of operation. Missing Children Europe and Red Cross will ensure visibility of the results across all relevant response and volunteer organizations in Europe.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
Laufzeit: 01/2018 - 12/2020
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Horizont 2020 – EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: 780938
CORDIS: Fact Sheet / Results
Abstract: DOCMAN will focus on improving pedagogy specifically around on-line education to prepare Health and Social Care managers for the challenges of integration, inclusion and innovation. This project will use research to develop innovative and open access resources to deliver educational resources and strategies for the future. Models of care, integration of health and social care services and cost sharing are some of the key areas that European wide collaborative learning could be of great benefit.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Röber, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schulze
Laufzeit: 09/2017 - 08/2020
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (ERASMUS+)
Förderkennzeichen: 2017-1-UK01-KA203-036776
Abstract: For prisoners with a history of drug use, in particular opioid use, the risks related to drug use, in particular overdose and death are extremely high in the immediate period after release due to high rates of relapse and lower opioid tolerance (Farrell and Marsden, 2008). Much still needs to be done in order to ensure that people with a severe history of drug use are sufficiently cared for, when released from prisons. Harm reduction measures need to be in place for ex-prisoners to be able to readjust to freedom without relapsing back into drug use and extreme risk of fatal overdose when released. The immediate time after release (“my first 48 hours out”) is a critical time for action, when the cooperation between prisons, healthcare providers and NGOs is key in ensuring continuity of care and where targeted interventions can save lives from overdose and build a path towards engagement into further treatment and rehabilitation for drug users. The project aims at addressing the gaps in the continuity of care for long-term drug users in prison and upon release, by supporting life-saving interventions for the prevention of overdoses and reduction of other risks related to drug use and for the establishment of a treatment path, which does not get interrupted upon release. The specific objectives of the project are:
- Complement knowledge on risk behaviour for drug users in prison and upon release by giving a voice to the drug users communities through qualitative participatory research in 4 European countries – WP1;
- Advocate and promote the implementation of life saving services for drug users in prison and upon release by producing hands on guidelines for policy makers and practitioners from prison health services on how to promote, initiate and manage services related to overdose prevention through naloxone programs and related training and capacity building (WP 2 and 4);
- Educate grass root organisations and drug users, as well as practitioners working with them in prison and upon release on risks related to drug use upon release and risk reduction practices, through the production of practical and accessible educational materials (WP 2 and 4);
- Produce and disseminate knowledge and good practice on continuity of care – including medical care and drug treatment (provision of substitution treatment, antiretroviral treatment and hepatitis treatment) and social support (WP 3);
- Co-construct and disseminate evidence and good practice on continuity of care and harm reduction in prison and upon release to a wider European public of different stakeholders, promoting active interaction between stakeholders from different countries, through a European “Knowledge and expertise web portal” (WP 5)
Working on continuity of care and treatment, on harm reduction and on the prevention of death linked to drug use and overdose for people involved in the criminal justice system and in prison, requires approaches which can meaningfully address the different groups of stakeholders and beneficiaries which have a say in the introduction, development, definition, design, delivery, monitoring and accessing services for drug users in the criminal justice system. These involve: policy makers in the area of health and criminal justice, prison administrations representatives and security staff in prison, health and social sector professionals working in the criminal justice system (depending from Ministries of Justice, Interior, Health or Social Services and with different organisational structures in different Member States), health and social sector practitioners, grass root organisations, NGOs and other services providing care for people who use drugs and clearly the end beneficiaries, drug users, which will be meaningfully involved in the current project.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 02/2017 - 01/2019
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Justice Programme (2014-2020) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: HOME/2Q15/JDRU/AG/DRUG/8852
Abstract: Young offenders are considered one of the most vulnerable or at risk groups of developing drug problems and they are likely to be affected by a myriad of health and social inequalities. This proposal focuses on young people aged between 15 and 24 who have been in contact with the criminal justice system. The ‘health in all policies’ approach encourages consideration of the needs of this target group across policy domains, including public health. The objectives of this proposal address the 3rd EU Health Programme: they are to gather knowledge, exchange the best practice and identify transferable innovations and principles of good practice on interventions to prevent illicit drug use, the development of polydrug use and the use of new psychoactive drugs (NPS) among vulnerable young people in touch with the criminal justice systems in partner countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Poland and the UK); to assess identified initiatives against minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction; to examine the appropriateness of the existing standards within the criminal justice context and to develop a set of guidelines adapted to initiatives aimed at the target group; and to initiate a European knowledge exchange network for practitioners and stakeholders working with young people in the criminal justice system. In order to understand the perspectives of the young people and those who work with them, the project employs a range of qualitative approaches including literature reviews, a scoping survey to collect new information on initiatives, interviews and focus groups, data obtained through interaction on the project website, and documented webinar discussions, consultations with stakeholders and young people and output from thematic meetings. Key outcomes include: increased policy and practice knowledge of preventive interventions, innovative practices and quality criteria among relevant stakeholders; increased engagement of professionals in a European knowledge exchange practitioner forum; awareness of new quality standards guidelines and how to access them.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 01/2017 - 12/2019
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Drittes Gesundheitsprogramm (2014-2020) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: GA# 738162 EPPIC HP-PJ-2016
Abstract: CareVET project’s main objective is to extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities, delivering an up-to-date pioneer curriculum in the field of Supported/Assisted Living. The curriculum will address the latest’s technological advancements in the assisted living domain, as well as role playing skills and self advocacy promoting techniques that can be utilized by the supportive living operators(SLOs) to improve the beneficiaries’ well being. Special attention will be given to skills transparency through ECVET system and the certification of the course and the SLOs that will be following. CareVET is also going to promote work-based learning (WBL) and will involve the trainees working in supported living residencies being supervised by an experienced SLO of the hosting organization. The toolkit will be demonstrating state-of-the-art solutions in Assisted Living(motion detection, location identification, heart rate measurements, step counting, sleep behavior, etc), that the SLOs will be able to try with beneficiaries during WBL. The e-learning platform will offer modern interfaces (HTML5- responsive design) and will be used during the courses, as participants will be able to bring their tablets/ laptops and make notes directly on the platform. The e-learning platform will also offer features for self-learning and will offer personalization tools and wizards for role playing scenarios design, implementation and evaluation of the beneficiaries.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
Laufzeit: 10/2016 - 09/2018
Förderer: Europäische Kommission, Europäische Union (EU)
Förderprogramm: Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (ERASMUS+)
Förderkennzeichen: 2016-1-EL01-KA202-023612
Abstract: Because of demographic developments of the aging population in almost all countries of the European Union, social and health structures are in an ongoing process of adapting adequate responses to this challenge. Dependency of psychoactive substances, however, still are associated with young people. Meanwhile, addiction is the 3rd frequent mental disease after depression and dementia e.g. in Germany (Kocs, 2007). A survey of the European Monitoring Centre of Drugs and Drug Addiction concludes: “It is evident that the total number and the proportion of older chronic, problematic drug users in Europe have increased significantly over the last decades. Older drug users are likely to suffer from the negative social consequences of decades of drug use. The available information suggests that specialised treatment and care programmes for older drug users are rare in Europe. Concerns have been voiced that current treatment and care services may be ill-equipped to respond adequately to the needs of older drug users and that certain specific services may be required (EMCDDA, 2010)." A report of the Uniuversity of Applied Science, Frankfurt, states: “The increase of older drug addicts is increasingly important for assistance systems such as addiction and support services - staff of appropriate institutions notice the changes in the age structure of their clientele and face every day problems to refer older drug users to appropriate care and services.” The project 'Better Treatment for Aging Drug User' will build on the given evidence and knowledge base, collect data and will transfer the results into a practical learning curriculum for adult learners (for members of both drug and geriatric services) by linking research elements, education and capacity building and by contributing to a better policy / approach towards improved services for the aging population of drug users. It will provide adult trainers and organisations in the drug help system, in geriatric institutions and local governments with tools and models of good practice, which create adult learning opportunities for the establishment and improvement of services for aging drug user.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 09/2016 - 08/2018
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (ERASMUS+)
Förderkennzeichen: 2016-1-LU01-KA204-013837
Abstract: Through the concerted effort of the partners representing the member states and the European Commission, the Joint Action aims at clear improvement of the situation and improved capacity of countries to respond to HIV- and co-infection risks, vulnerabilities and epidemiology in the EU, with a particular focus on member states where obvious gaps in effective and evidence informed interventions exist or are implemented to a level that lacks sufficient impact.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 10/2015 - 09/2018
Förderer: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: JOINT ACTION – Action co-financed with member state authorities (Europäische Kommission – Drittes Gesundheitsprogramm (2014-2020))
Förderkennzeichen: GA# 677085
Abstract: There is a strong link between drug trafficking and the spread of crime, corruption, substance abuse and HIV infection in the Central Asian States – with serious implications for their legal, political, economic, and social stability. Heroin dependency amongst registered drug users in this region is high (between 50-80 % depending on the country). Injecting drug use ranks as one of the main causes of HIV and other blood-borne infections. Although these states have done a great deal to raise awareness about the risk of infection from sharing needles and other drug injecting paraphernalia, more still needs to be done to make people aware of what they can do to prevent HIV infection. CADAP, which was initially launched in 2001, is assisting the Central Asian governments to implement policies and measures designed to reduce demand for illegal drugs. Now in its sixth phase, CADAP’s overall objective is to strengthen the Central Asian States’ capacity to deal with the drug phenomenon in a comprehensive, integrative and sustainable manner. The ultimate beneficiaries are the people in the Central Asian region, especially policymakers, drug experts, prison and hospital staff, media professionals, teachers, drugs users, prisoners and young people. Having entered its sixth phase in April 2015, CADAP 6 is continuing to strengthen the capacity of its five Central Asian partner countries, empowering them to design and implement appropriate drug policies, including a comprehensive, integrative and sustainable approach for reducing drug demand and supply. CADAP 6 continues to build on the results attained in previous phases by investing in capacity building and professional skills upgrading at drug-related ministries, state agencies, rehabilitation centres and amongst other key stakeholders. At the same time, it is promoting and further advocating the mainstreaming and application of European best practices. GIZ took charge of CADAP coordination and steering in 2010. All programme activities focus both on national and regional capacity building. Activities range from policy advice and technical assistance to monitoring the drugs situation, prevention, drug treatment and harm reduction services. The programme is co-financed by the European Union (EU) and implemented by a consortium of EU institutions: Trimbos Institute (Netherlands), ResAd (Czech Republic), National Bureau for Drug Prevention (Poland) and Frankfurt UAS (Germany). CADAP is part of the EU-Central Asia Action Plan on Drugs 2014-2020 which represents continuity of the EU policy and long term engagement with Central Asian partners to help further strengthen their national policies in drug demand reduction. CADAP 6 consists of four components: National drug strategies, national focal points, prevention, and treatment.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 04/2015 - 03/2018
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: EuopeAid / External Actions of the European Union (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: DCI-ASIE/2015/356-893
Abstract: The I-SUPPORT project envisions the development and integration of an innovative, modular, ICT-supported service robotics system that supports and enhances older adults’ motion and force abilities and assists them in successfully, safely and independently completing the entire sequence of bathing tasks, such as properly washing their back, their upper parts, their lower limbs, their buttocks and groin, and to effectively use the towel for drying purposes. Advanced modules of cognition, sensing, context awareness and actuation will be developed and seamlessly integrated into the service robotics system to enable the robotic bathing system to adapt to the frail elderly population’ capabilities and the frail elderly to interact in a master-slave mode, thus, performing bathing activities in an intuitive and safe way. Adaptation and integration of state-of-the-art, cost-effective, soft-robotic manipulators will provide the hardware constituents, which, together with advanced human-robot force/compliance control that will be developed within the proposed project, will form the basis for a safe physical human-robot interaction that complies with the most up-to date safety standards. Human behavioural, sociological, safety, ethical and acceptability aspects, as well as financial factors related to the proposed service robotic infrastructure will be thoroughly investigated and evaluated so that the I-SUPPORT end result is a close-to-market prototype, applicable to realistic living settings.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
Laufzeit: 03/2015 - 02/2018
Förderer: Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – Horizont 2020 – EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: GA# 643666
CORDIS: Fact Sheet / Results
Abstract: N/A
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Claus Reis
Laufzeit: 01/2014 - 12/2015
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: 98/V50A/21821
Abstract: N/A
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 01/2013 - 12/2014
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – DPIP – Drug Prevention and Information Programme (2007-2013) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: JUST/2011/DPIP/AG/3583
Abstract: Goal of the action is to strengthen the Indian aviation sector through qualification of professionals from the private and public sector. Executives of the aviation sector will be trained through a part-time postgraduate study programme in aviation management. As a result of this, management skills of present and future executives in the aviation sector will be raised to European standards.
To guarantee the sustainability of the action, staff of University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, India (UPES) will be trained in teaching the MBA Aviation Programme to students at the Indian University in Dehradun or other cities in India. As a result, the students will acquire competences in the area of general management and leadership as well as aviation management and applied research.
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler
Laufzeit: 01/2012-12/2014
Förderer: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), Teilnehmerentgelte, Europäische Union (EU)
Förderprogramm: EuopeAid / External Actions of the European Union (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: DCI-ASIE/2011/279-604
Abstract: N/A
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Heino Stöver
Laufzeit: 02/2011 - 01/2013
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU), Europäische Kommission
Förderprogramm: Europäische Kommission – DPIP – Drug Prevention and Information Programme (2007-2013) (EU-Förderprogramme)
Förderkennzeichen: JUST/2009/DPIP/AG/0950-30-CE-0385814/00-47
Abstract: N/A
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
Laufzeit: 01/2011 - 12/2013
Förderer: Europäische Union (EU)
Förderprogramm: Marie Curie Actions (FP7) IRSES – International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der EU (FP7))
Förderkennzeichen: GA# 247541
CORIDS: Fact Sheet / Results