
Library A-Z

Extended loan services

If you are writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis we offer you the following services:

  • Instead of four weeks you can borrow books and other items for two months;
  • you can renew the items once online for additional two months;
  • you can reserve up to 5 items currently on loan.

Please note: A renewal is not possible if your library account is blocked due to fines, or the items are requested by another user.

To take advantage of this service, please send a confirmation that you are currently writing a final paper (usually the HIS form)  to ausleihe(at) or show the confirmation at the service desk.

Publishing your thesis online

You can publish and deposit your Bachelor's or Master's thesis online on the university repository WIPS. We need a signed declaration of consent for the release of your publications in electronic form  and a recommendation by your professor.

In the women's bathroom on the 3rd floor you can find a changing unit for babies

You can search for CD-ROMs in the library catalog and borrow them just like books. They are shelved according to their subject in separate drawers or boxes.

On the ground floor you can find a locker room to store jackets, coats, bags and other items that you do not need in the library.

You can borrow a locker key at the service desk using your study chip or library card. Please make sure to remove all items and return the locker key in the evening before the libray closes. If you fail to return the locker key on time, there will be an overdue fine (3 Euro).

Please do not leave any valuables in the locker. The library assumes no liability for lost or stolen items left in the lockers.


You can find a printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. In general, for guests copying or printing is not possible in the library.


There are two book scanners in the computer lab. In case you forgot to bring an USB drive you can borrow one at the service desk. Scanning ist free of charge. In addition students and staff can use the two printing, scanning and copying stations in the library, one in the computer lab on the ground floor and one on the 3rd floor.

The borrower is responsible for all items checked out. Please check all books before borrowing and report any damage at the service desk to make sure you are not held responsible. If a book becomes accidentally damaged or gets lost that you have borrowed, please contact the library as soon as possible to avoid additional overdue fines.

The library charges current replacement cost for damaged or lost material. Please note we are required to charge additional 15 Euro per item on top of the replacement costs. Damaged material includes, but is not limited to melted, warped, cracked or broken discs, and any material chewed, written in, stained, or liquid damaged.

If you want to search for articles or do an in-depth search you might want to go directly to a specific database on top of searching the library catalog.

In DBIS you find a list of available databases grouped in subjects that are not included in the library catalog. Please note: all databases are described in German only but the databases are mostly available in English and contain English and German records or full texts.

For members of the University off-campus access is possible by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPN requires an authentication with your IT user login & password provided by the IT department. For more information on setting up VPN click here.

You are welcome to continue using the library after graduation. Please keep your study chip for this purpose. Your library membership can be renewed by email to  ausleihe(at)

Please include

  • first and last name
  • library card number (below the barcode on your study chip)
  • residence address
  • date of birth

Or you can come to the service desk in person.

You can search for CD-ROMs in the library catalog and borrow them just like books. They are shelved according to their subject in separate drawers or boxes. 

Please read our FAQ on e-books.

The library subscribes to a large number of journals, most of them online.

All e-journals can be found through the library catalog. If you want to browse for e-journals you can also use the Electronic Journal Library. It lists all e-journals available at the Frankfurt UAS by subject or title. You can find e-journals licensed by the library and e-journals that are freely available. Via traffic-light symbols (right tab) you can limit your search to licensed journals only. For more information check the help pages.

For members of the University off-campus access is possible by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPN requires an authentication with your CIT account provided by the IT department. For more information on setting up VPN click here.


  • Using the library and borrowing: free of charge
  • Scanning: free of charge Interlibrary loan (Germany): 1,50 Euro per order
  • Borrowing from other libraries (ILL): 1,50 € (2 Euro shortly) per order or up to 20 pages (copies)

Returning items late

  • 1st overdue notice: free of charge
  • 2nd overdue notice: plus 3 Euro per item
  • 3rd overdue notice: plus 6 Euro per item   

Fees according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG.

Lost or damaged  items

  • Books or other library material: 15 Euro administration fee per item plus cost of item
  • Replacement fee for new library card: 20 Euro 

The library is a place to study. Please help us to keep the rooms clean.

Water fountain and room for eating
There is a small room right when you enter the building. In this room we offer you a water fountain to refill your bottles. Here is also a place to eat someting small when you take a break studying. Please do not bring any food inside the other rooms of the library. You can bring your water bottle or other beverages as long as they are in closed bottles or containers.

The library offers the following group study rooms. There is no reservation necessary. Study spaces can be used during opening times of the library.

  • 3 group study rooms on the ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor
  • 2 group study rooms on the 3rd floor
  • 4 group study rooms on the 4th floor

Library regulations

  • Beverages: Beverages in spill-proof bottles or mugs are allowed. We have a small room in the entrance area were you can fill your own bottle with fresh water.
  • No food policy: You are not allowed to consume any food study areas or group study rooms. We have a small room in the entrance area where are allowed to eat something.

We are happy to help you at the service desk during opening times. Furthermore, we offer the following services:

Schedule an online meeting

For in-depth questions or help please schedule a meeting in advance to make sure we have enough time.

+49 69 1533-3300

Students and staff of the Frankfurt UAS

Computer lab: On the ground floor of the library you will find a computer lab. You can log in with your CIT account to use the computers there. You can find a printing, scanning and copying station there too.

WiFi: You can use WiFi throughout the library building. You need your CIT account provided by the IT department. Please note, using the WiFi is permitted for the purpose of studying or researching only

Students/members of other universities

The eduroam wireless network provided by the DFN enables university students and employees to not only connect to the Wi-Fi of their own university, but to the Wi-Fi of the Frankfurt UAS. You can login with your username and password of your ‘home’ institution

More information


If you are not a university member internet access is not possible in the library. You are able to use the computers for searching the library catalag and accessing e-books, databases and e-journals on site.

The library subscribes to about over 41.000 e-journals and 270 print journals. You can search for print and e-journals via the library catalog


If you are looking for e-journals only you can either check the Electronic Journals Library or the  library catalog. The Electronic Journals Library lists all e-journal. You can search by title or you can browse by subject. A traffic light systems tells you if a given journal is licenced through the library and therefore accessible (yellow), freely available (green) or not available (red). Students and staff can access licensed e-journals from off-campus via VPN.

Print journals

Print journals up to volume 2016 can be found on the 3rd floor. Current issues are stacked in numbered boxes in the main reading room on the ground floor. You can check for the box numbers in the library catalog. All journals in the main reading room are sorted according to subject. Just be aware that most journals are available online and not in print.

In general, print journals cannot be borrowed. You can copy or scan articles.

For further questions please contact:  zeitschriften(at)

Via your library account you can

  • check due dates
  • renew your items, unless there are any reservations
  • check your own reservations
  • see if there are any fines
  • change your password
  • enter or change your email address (not possible for students of the Frankfurt UAS)

Your login for your library account as well as for reserving items and using the self-service facilities:

  • the 12-digit number (barcode) on the top right side of your library card / study chip (without the hyphen);
  • your password, preset is your date of birth (ddmmyy).

If you changed and forgot your password you can reset your password

Library regulations (available in German only)

On the ground floor you can find a locker room to store jackets, coats, bags and other items that you do not need in the library.

You can borrow a locker key at the service desk using your study chip or library card. Please make sure to remove all items and return the locker key in the evening before the libray closes. If you fail to return the locker key on time, there will be an overdue fine (3 Euro).

Please do not leave any valuables in the locker. The library assumes no liability for lost or stolen items left in the lockers.

To access information about your library account, renew borrowed materials, and request items currently on loan, you must first log in to your library account. To log in you need the 12-digit number below the barcode on your student card or libarary card and your password. Preset is your date of birth i n the form of DDMMYY (e.g. 111288 for 11th December 1998).

If you changed your passwort and cannot remember it  anymore you can rest your password or ask at the service desk.

Please make sure to take care of your library card or study chip and don’t let others use it. Library cards are not transferable.Card holders are responsible for all items checked out on their cards and any fines or fees that may be incurred. Please report a lost or stolen card as soon as possible to prevent any misuse. You can contact us in person,via phone  +49 69 1533 3300 or email.

If you are not a student of the Frankfurt UAS the library has to charge 20 Euro for replacement cards.

In case you don't want to use the library anymore and you are not a student of the Frankfurt UAS, please return your library card.

The borrower is responsible for all items checked out. If you lost a book, please contact the library as soon as possible to avoid additional overdue fines.

The library charges current replacement cost for damaged or lost material. Please note we are required to charge additional 15 Euro per item on top of the replacement costs.

In order to provide an environment conducive to study and reseach. Therefore we kindly ask you to conduct cell phone conversations outside of the library, and turn off ringers while in the library.

German National Library in Frankfurt


Library of the Goethe University in Frankfurt


The library charges fines for returning items late. 

  • 1st overdue notice: 3 Euro per item
  • 2nd overdue notice: plus 3 Euro per item
  • 3rd overdue notice: plus 6 Euro per item   

Fines according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG.

Paying fines

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro card
  • by bank transfer using the following bank details:
IBANDE10 5005 0000 0001 0064 85
Recipient of payment (Empfänger)Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Reference (Verwendungszweck)Bibliothek AND Library card number

To access information about your library account, renew borrowed materials, and request items currently on loan, you must first log in to your library account. To log in you need the 12-digit number below the barcode on your student card or libarary card and your password. Preset is your date of birth i n the form of DDMMYY (e.g. 111288 for 11th December 1998).

If you changed your passwort and cannot remember it  anymore you can rest your password or ask at the service desk.


You can find a  printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. For printing and copying you need to add money to your study chip first. You can add money to your student card at the printing station using a girocard or debit card. You can add 1 Euro, 2 Euro, 5 Euro, 10  Euro. It is 5 cent for black and white prints or copies and 7 cent for color prints/copies.


You can find a  printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. You need to log in with your token or parking card.


In general, for guests copying or printing is not possible in the library.

You can renew standard loans up to 4 times via your library account.

Renewal period:

  • 28 days
  • The new loan period starts with the date of renewing.
  • You can renew items until the day the books are due.

Renewing is not possible if:

  • the book is for short-term lending  only
  • you already renewed the item twice,
  • the book is overdue,
  • someone else reserved it,
  • your membership has expired
  • you have fines to pay.

How to reserve items:

  • Once you found the book in the library catalog just click on reserve.
  • Log into your library account by entering your library card number and your password. Preset as your password is your date of birth (ddmmyy).
  • You may reserve up to 4 items currently on loan. 

Picking up reserved books:

  • An alert that the book is ready for pick-up will be sent via email.
  • The item will be available for you for 5 days.
  • In case you did not add your email address to your library account, you can check directly in your library account, if the requested item is ready for pick-up.

You can also make a purchase suggestion.

There are two book scanners in the computer lab. In case you forgot to bring an USB drive you can borrow one at the service desk. Scanning ist free of charge. In addition students and staff can use the the printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor.

For guests copying or printing is not possible in the library.

On the ground floor you can find self-service machines for borrowing and returning books. For borrowing you need your student card or library card and your password. Preset as your password is your date of birth (ddmmyy).

BibliothekID: 11137
letzte Änderung: 19.02.2025