
Supervised Nursery (BeKidz) now available

New childcare service supports parents with children aged 3 months to 12 years.

Frankfurt UAS has succeeded in re-establishing a flexible childcare service for the children of students and employees in the form of a "Betreute Kinderzimmer" (childcare room) at our university from September 2023. The offer of the "Betreute Kinderzimmer" (BeKidz) is carried out in cooperation with the ASB Lehrerkooperative gGmbH as the responsible body and is supported by the Studierendenwerk through a financial contribution.

BeKidz is open to you as parents of the university if you would like to have your child cared for by the hour during your stay on campus. The times are tailored to the specific needs of the parents and you will be charged a small financial amount. The care is provided by qualified pedagogical assistants (day care workers and student assistants) employed by ASB-Lehrerkooperative gGmbh.

The offer is aimed at children from the age of three months up to a maximum of 12 years. Care is provided after prior registration or agreement and after an acclimatization period, but a request in emergency and special situations is also possible. The maximum care time for each child is 15 hours per week. Up to 5 children can be cared for at the same time from Monday to Friday from 8:00 -18:00.

The latest social survey by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research shows the relevance of such an offer. This is because 7.8% of students have children and around 63% of these children have not yet reached school age.

The possibility of hourly childcare at our university is especially helpful for parents who would like to take care of their small child themselves, who are looking for a transition to regular childcare, or who would like to give their children their first group experiences outside the family with other children, supported by professional staff. Above all, however, it meets the special needs of students and university employees with children who want to continue their studies or teaching after the birth of their child – often on a reduced scale.

You can also find more information on this topic at (only available in German)

Your Family Services Office

Birgit Widera und Petra Rauber
E-Mail: familienbuero(at)

Zentrale WebredaktionID: 13137
letzte Änderung: 23.11.2023