
Training opportunities for tutors and mentors

Starting in the winter semester, a wide range of qualification offers for tutors, mentors and student assistants will be available at our university. It offers you the opportunity to further educate yourself on various topics and to network and exchange ideas with other tutors and mentors. For example, you will learn how group processes work, how to design a tutorial didactically, or how to improve your communication. The program consists of basic and in-depth modules and you can decide individually which topics are of interest to you.

Participation in the workshops not only helps to develop your skills as a tutor, mentor or student assistant, but also promotes key competencies that are important for professional life. A certificate of attendance will be issued for each workshop, which you could attach to job applications.

If you are interested in continuing your personal education, you can find more in-depth information at: (only available in German)
For useful materials and short self-study sessions, you are also welcome to visit our campUAS course:

Zentrale WebredaktionID: 13137
letzte Änderung: 23.11.2023