
Hidden champions and start-ups (in English)

Germany is known as a country of inventors and technology. This has led to many companies being global brands today. All of these companies started small and so today Germany is a country where numerous start-ups in different sectors are running many exciting new projects. In the lecture „Working in Start Ups“, our lecturer Marijan Misetic CEO of MDM Consulting & Personal GmbH will explain the advantages for graduates with numerous practical examples of working in Start Ups. Start-ups in particular are considered an attractive option for international graduates to start a career in Germany.

In addition, Marijan Misetic will provide basic information in this online seminar on what you need to consider if you want to found a start-up yourself or want to become self-employed.

Don't miss the opportunity to be informed by an expert on this very important area of the German economy.

Please register here.

The trainer:

Marijan Misetic is the CEO of the Personal Agency MDM Consulting & Personal GmbH. He has more than 10 years of experience in recruiting and job search and will share his knowledge with you in this webinar.

Wann und wo?

16:00 bis 18:00
Zentrale WebredaktionID: 9247
letzte Änderung: 01.04.2021