
Professional Networking - Grow a valuable network to create the best career for yourself (in English)

As a student, you have very likely been advised to build a good network if you want to find the best job opportunities, student jobs or internships - but how do you actually network or moreover: Find a job through your network? If so far the whole business of networking has remained a bit of a mystery to you, you are very welcome to join this 2 hour training session. 

Together we will explore:
• What networking REALLY means 
• How to make the best of your existing network 
• How to grow a valuable online network especially on LinkedIn 
• How to approach decision makers on career fairs and other events 

You will also get to know different types of networking opportunities to make sure there is something to match your personality type and make you feel comfortable. If so far you thought that your dream company is out of reach or does not have the right job openings, this training will show you how to approach them in different kinds of ways. 

Please register here.

The Trainer:

Sarah Grötzinger has worked in recruiting, talent management & HR marketing for more than 10 years. During that time, she scanned more than 20 000 applications, conducted over 2000 interviews and hired several hundred German as well as international engineers & technical experts on all levels, mainly for the automotive industry. After further education as a certified Coach & Trainer, she has supported over 200 clients within the past years as a Career Coach, Consultant and Trainer to help them create a fulfilling life & career.

Wann und wo?

16:00 bis 18:00
Zentrale WebredaktionID: 9247
letzte Änderung: 01.04.2021