
Advice for the job search

Here will you find the right job advertisements:

  • Here you will find our vacancies for student assistants at our university.
  • Check the big job portals like Indeed, StepStone and Jobware or special websites for graduates such asAbsolventa regularly.  
  • In addition to job advertisements, the training provider HelloGermany offers useful information and videos  for international students about the application process and the first steps into the German job market.
  • On regional job portals such as the Frankfurter Jobanzeiger or Meine Stadt as well as branch-specific search websites such as Jobvectorget in IT or get in Engineering (for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & natural scientists) you can also find interesting job offers.
  • This new job portal zuhausejobs  specializes in home office and remote jobs in German-speaking countries 
  • Take a look at the Frankfurt UAS job portal. Sometimes it is also worth checking the job offers of other universities in the preferred working region.
  • Visit trade fairs and conferences, subscribe to newsletters from the field of your specialization and check trade magazines such as Baunetz (for the construction and architecture industry).
  • If you create a professional profile on LinkedIn or Xing recruiters can directly contact you. You will also get access to many valuable job offers while at the same time expanding your network.
  • Would you like to work for a specific company? Then you do not need to wait for a vacancy to be posted. With an intiative application you can introduce yourself to the company and present your special skills and competences.

Another advice: save the job postings on your hard drive! They will often be deleted after the advertisement and are no longer available for your preparation of the job interview.

In the download section on the right side, you will find additional tips on the job search during the corona pandemic.

Website editorial teamID: 9289
last updated on: 04.30.2024