CV and cover letter
The application documents are one of the most important success factors of your application since they will lead you to the job interview. Therefore, completeness, a clear structure, and a uniform formatting are essential.
We at the International Career Service will help you to optimize your application documents and to design them individually and precisely.
On the right side you will find samples for creating a German CV and an explanation for the cover letter.
On this English-language website of a training provider you will also find free information about the cover letter and a video with explanations.
You can also check our website for any upcoming events and current cooperations.
Combine all application documents (CV, cover letter, certificates, if applicable) in a uniform format (one font, max. two colors) into one single PDF-file.
Up to two pages are appropriate for the resume. Make sure that it is clearly structured, e.g. in this order: personal data, work experience, education, language skills, further competences, etc. The most recent experiences are always at the top (chronologically from now to then).
Write your CV without gaps, but with a focus. Which IT skills are relevant for the advertised position? What is only briefly mentioned for the sake of completeness, which important activities are described in more detail?
Never copy/paste the same application documents unchanged for several jobs. Each application is unique, time-consuming and is always adapted precisely to the job advertisement.
Do not merely repeat facts from the resume in your cover letter, but specifically express your motivation: what is it that you are interested in about the position?
Why are you suitable for the position? Present your skills in the cover letter using specific examples. Which competences did you acquire when and in which context could you apply them?
Inform yourself thoroughly about the company: Take a close look at the website and social media channels and follow media coverage.
What exactly does the company do, who are its customers? What are the goals, focus areas, current projects, products and developments, etc.? What particularly appeals to you about this potential employer?
Discover even more helpful tips for writing your cover letter in our cover letter tutorial in the campus course: Career planning for international students.
If an application photo is needed or not is a quite controversial question depending on personal preference. In practice, it is still very common in Germany. But make sure to send a picture taken by a professional photographer.
Beautiful vacation photos are unsuitable for an application and look unprofessional.
Here you can find more information and examples for suitable application photos for the German job market.
Indicate your language skills level by using the European Framework of Reference (from A1 – C2). And write your documents in German (even if you have poor language skills) to show your motivation.
This interesting 4-minutes video from an application coach in English deals with the question if you should send English application documents of the job ad is in German.
Which documents are required in the offer? These are often your last job references, your university diploma and probably a language certificate.
It is often difficult to obtain these documents in other countries. Contact your former employer eventually. Or ask one of your professors for a letter of reference, if you cannot present any other documents.