

We want PROFfm to have achieved the following goals:

  • To increase awareness of a UAS professorship as an attractive career option and to promote it to specific target groups
  • To create new, attractive jobs and roles, particularly at the interface between the university and external partners
  • To enhance our appointment and selection processes
  • To further improve and make more flexible working conditions for our professors
  • To align appointments and development opportunities more closely with the higher education strategy
  • Achieve an equal ratio of female to male professors

Plan of action

By 2027 we will:

  • develop and implement a target group-oriented communication concept together with our partners
  • build up the Network Flexible Academic Careers
  • develop new employment formats at all levels of the HAW career and at the interface between science and practice. These include: collaborative doctorates, collaborative postdocs, collaborative professorships, innovation professorships
  • offer individual career advice for interested applicants
  • analyze and further improve our appointment and selection processes
  • anchor professional personnel diagnostics in the appointment and selection process
  • expand international recruitment
  • further develop and improve our university's own UAS didactics
  • reduce the bureaucracy for our professors and provide them with more support in their administrative tasks
  • improve the onboarding process for newly appointed professors and facilitate induction with the help of pilots
  • set up and maintain an office for advising and coordinating all PROFfm topics
  • evaluate all measures in order to consolidate them if they are successful

In order to successfully implement our goals and use synergy effects, we dovetail our measures closely with the strategic development projects of Frankfurt UAS. PROFfm is also embedded in the university's appointment planning and thus guarantees a holistic approach.



Contact Project Management

Contact Project Team

Sandra BrunträgerInternational Recruiting Processes (currently not in house)
Building BCN, Room 1030
Ann-Kristina GleimPROFfm advisor on collaborative programmes
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 1030
Franziska HedrichPROFfm communications and network
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 1013
Franziska HedrichID: 11251
last updated on: 01.31.2025