The Innovation Project
Prof. Dr. Lämmlein dedicates her innovation professorship to the topics of personality development and UAS didactics. From 2021, she will be helping to set up the interdisciplinary scientific center, the School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE), at the Frankfurt UAS. Her goal is to develop new formats that support our students and teachers in their (academic) skills development. In order to anchor ScoPE in the long term, she is planning the following steps, among others:
- Concept for the structural (further) development of the ScoPE
- Creation of a space for thinking, education and innovation
- Onboarding and peer mentoring of the ScoPE professorships
In Conversation with Prof. Dr. Barbara Lämmlein
Ms Lämmlein, what do you do in your innovation professorship?
I support the School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE) in the structural development and in the university-wide institutionalization. Our central themes are personality development, social responsibility, key skills and UAS didactics. Specifically, for example, peer mentoring is to be established and the SCOPE professorships in all departments are to be supported in the onboarding process. But I also have my own projects, especially in the field of UAS didactics. We want to support good teaching and offer didactic topics that are specifically tailored to our university. But I also deal with cultural education and the question of how to promote personality development through art and culture. Our goal is to support students to become resilient and informed.
Where could students encounter the offers of ScoPE in the future?
For example, we will offer film evenings followed by discussions in cooperation with the student councils. However, we will also organize events where students have the opportunity to experience art - for some students this may be their first opportunity to deal with cultural education. From autumn 2022 we will really get started.
You brought a key as a symbol for your innovation project. Why?
We want to enable our students to open doors for themselves, e.g. in companies such as those based in Frankfurt. Therefore a key, a door opener. But of course the key also stands for key competencies, such as presentation techniques, data literacy or the ability to question things critically.
What good contribution can ScoPE make to our society?
We need strengthened personalities who are not only successful at university, but can also survive in life. We need people who take on social responsibility. Who can cope well with their lives and are resilient. And they know that a setback or a change is not only bad, but that you can also emerge stronger from difficult situations.
What is your personal approach to the topic of personal development?
During my studies, I found out for myself what I was missing compared to my fellow students. From home I had little contact with art and culture. But friends at the university gave me the opportunity to deal with it. I would like to make this experience possible for other people as well. It really is an affair of the heart.
Thank you for the interview!