A fight against stereotypes: Women in the IT-sector

At the screening of "CODE: Debugging The Gender Gap," students discussed stereotypes about women in the IT industry.

On May 3rd, interested students gathered at Café 1 to watch the documentary film "Code: Debugging The Gender Gap." The film shed light on the often subtle societal barriers and prejudices that women may encounter on their way into the IT industry and offered perspectives on how these can be overcome and dismantled. As always, there was popcorn and cold drinks available.

In addition to many fascinating personal stories of women in IT, the audience got to know important figures such as Grace Hopper, one of the first well-known and highly respected computer scientists, and Tracy Chou, who publicly advocates for the increased representation of women in large and small IT companies. The study introducing the important concept of "Stereotype Threat" was also presented – a term describing the negative impact of stereotypes on the personal performance of those affected.

Subsequently, there was an engaging exchange of personal experiences at the university and discussions about possible future developments and opportunities.

Die Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Frankfurt UASID: 12434
last updated on: 03.19.2024