

Exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, concerts and more

Dear fellow culture-enthusiasts,

Do you get excited about art as much as we do? Maybe you even do creative work yourself and are looking for a work space or a place to exhibit your pieces of art? We also offer a broad variety of art and culture on and off campus for free. With various exhibitions, our big band an choir, the free admission to 19 Frankfurt museums and the zoo - there is just the right thing for everybody. Take a look in our pogramm!

We believe that especially in times of social distancing, culture plays an important role in connecting people and building community. No matter if on site or online. This makes culture more important than ever.

The CampusKultur team is looking forward to the exchange with you and many inspiring cultural experiences.

For more information please use the German Website, too. We do not provide all information in English.

Nadine Näther

Our CampusKultur offer

Website editorial teamID: 1606
last updated on: 10.16.2024