
A Hero's Journey

We live in a world full of stories and we know them by heart, so why not use them?!

Think of a famous Oscar Movie (e.g., Lord of the Rings) or your bedtime story as a child and then, tada: you know a hero’s journey.

Ireland is well known for its talent in storytelling and love of sharing ancient tales through centuries. Just be in a pub around 9.30pm and either there will be traditional Irish music or a storytelling session going on.

The magic of Irish storytelling is coming to us in the Language Center with a special guest all the way from Ireland!

What is improv?

Improv (also known as Improv Theater) is a form of theater. The scenes are played out without any scripts and with either only a few or no predetermined events that should happen. The perfect way to practice your English skills!

Key information

Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: LanguageLab+ (Building 2, Room 379)
Instructor: Andrea Wodniok (Certified Applied Improv & Solution-Focused Coach)
Language: English (you should be able to actively participate in a conversation)
Target group: Students and staff members at Frankfurt UAS
Registration: No registration is required, but feel free to send an email to daniel.walker(at) in advance if you are interested.

What do we have planned?

• Warm Welcome in Irish
• Warm up (tell us about your favorite Hollywood movies!)
• “Hollywood & co.” Introduction to a Hero’s Journey (by Joseph Campbell)
• Creating our own Hero Journey together
• Creative and fun activities to improve language learning
• Storytime at the campfire

Daniel WalkerID: 14214
last updated on: 06.28.2024