
Prof. Dr. Maren Harnack

Professorship for Urban Planning and Design

Online - Office hours
Monday 14:00 to 15:00


Lecture series urban planning

Since 2017, Maren Harnack and Janna Hohn, professors of urban planning and urban design at Frankfurt UAS, have been organizing two lectures per semester on urban planning topics in cooperation with the Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning SRL e.V. Regionalgruppe Hessen, Rheinland Pfalz, Saarland and the Frankfurt Research Institute FFin.

Experts from practice, research and teaching who work at the interface of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture are invited. The lectures serve the professional exchange, also beyond the Rhine-Main region, and include work reports, but also contributions from publicly funded projects such as the Regionale in NRW or the IBA Stuttgart.

Each lecture is recognized by the Chamber of Architects of Hesse with two continuing education points.
You will be regularly informed about the lectures and other events via the FFin distribution list. If you are interested, please register here for the newsletter.


"Thresholds - Narratives on the city of the future"

Dr. Laura Veronese, studiofutura

Against the backdrop of dynamic changes such as climate change or the mobility turnaround, Dr. Laura Veronese, in her contribution to the lecture series Urban Design, shows studiofutura's working method as research for future narratives, new interpretations and approaches to solutions in the field of tension between disciplines, times and scales.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 |19:00 |Building 1, Café 1

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt
Café 1

Registration: no registration required!

Inaugural lectures: Prof. Dr. Paola Alfaro d'Alençon and Prof. Dr. Jan Dieterle

"Commons - Climate - Ecosystem: Sharing common ground"

Resource scarcity, climate change and the decline in biodiversity are an expression of anthropogenic changes to our urban environment. However, the city is not only a problem, but also an innovation space for new ways of life and experiments in harmony with ecological and social processes. What does this mean for our specialist areas of "Urban planning and design in an international context" and "Sustainable open space and urban design"?

Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 7:00 pm

"Across - shaping urban futures"

Prof. Dr. Lisa Diedrich
Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD) University of Buenos Aires

What roles can designers play in critically addressing the global challenges of the Anthropocene and urban landscapes in the North and South? How do we want to educate and research in the future, in cooperation with science and civil society, in a world understood as a "pluriverse"?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m.


Mathias Burke
studio amore, Berlin


Against the background of multiple crises, spatial disciplines and research also have to find new ways. The lecture shows the search of the studio amore for these paths in the field of tension between theory and practice, city and country, science and design as well as spatial and social transformation

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt
Building 1, Room 527

Registration: no registration required!




„Urban design is more than just magnified architecture…“

- a personal review of 40 years of teaching, research, practice

Farewell lecture
Prof. Dr. Michael Peterek
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

Performative Planning - Strategic Design

Aida Nejad, Jan-Timo Ort
Studio Malta, Stuttgart | Berlin

Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 7:00 pm



Together for the "Pfauenbühne" (Peacock Stage)

On the preservation of the historic theater hall at the Schauspielhaus Zurich.

Lydia Trüb, Swiss Heritage Society
Heinz Kriesi, former scenographer, stage designer and equipment manager
Schauspielhaus Zurich
Matthias Ackeret, Committee "Save the Peacock"
Silke Langenberg, ETH Zurich

June 28, 2022 / 7:00 p.m.

Never demolish, always add, transform or reuse

Jean-Philipp Vassal

Hybrid lecture: on site (building 4, lecture hall E08) and via Zoom
May 17, 2022 / 7:00 p.m.

To the recording of the lecture

Cooperative processes - future-oriented models - identity-forming spaces

Stephan Schwarz
ISSS research | architecture | urbanism

Online lecture (via Zoom, access data will be sent)
January 25, 2022 / 7.00 p.m.

Phase 0: Interventions, pioneers and visions

Wulf Kramer
Yalla Yalla! - studio for change, Mannheim

23. November 2021 / 7.00 pm


Verena Schmidt
Teleinternetcafe Architecture and Urbanism, Berlin

29 June 2021 / 7:00 pm

Demand measurement

Urban conflicts and urban alliances
Gabu Heindl
GABU Heindl Architecture, Vienna

May 25, 2021 / 7:00 pm

Experiment Apolda

Katja Fischer
IBA Thuringia

19. January 2021 / 19:00

From spaces of social production to the production of social spaces

Julia Köpper
OCTAGON Architecture Collective, Leipzig

Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 7:00 p.m.

Urban acupuncture

Jan Kampshoff
modulorbeat and TU Berlin

Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 7:00 pm

Departure to the morning city

Andreas Hofer
Director IBA2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart

Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 7:00 pm

Re-Read / Re-Write Access - City as Analog Wikipedia

Tabea Michaelis, Landscape Architect / Urban Design
denkstatt sàrl / BIAS - Institute for Applied Urban Research Basel

Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 7:00 p.m.

Public space as a field for experimentation

Hanna Noller
Stadtlücken e.V., Stuttgart

Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 7:00 pm

Joy and sorrow on the first floor

Philippe Cabane
CABANE Partner - Urban Strategies & Development, Basel

Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 7:00 pm

Of giants and dwarfs in the city

Yasemin Utku
sds_utku / TU Dortmund

Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 7:00 pm

Landscape Architecture - In the Field of Tension between Norms, Particular Interests and the Longing for Nature

Elke Berger
studio B Landscape Architecture, Munich

Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 7:00 pm

Future Land - new alliances and regional projects

Uta Schneider
Regionale 2016, Velen

Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 7:00 pm

Everything remains different...

Verena Brehm
CITYFÖRSTER architecture + urbanism

Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 7:00 pm

From wish production to the joint design of city

Renee Tribble, Lisa Marie Zander
Planbude, Hamburg

An early participation process as a basis for the new construction of the former Esso houses in Hamburg St. Pauli.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Bachelor course of studies architecture (B.A.)

Lecture and Exercise Urban Design 2
Students learn about urban structures beyond the individual architectural object; the lecture Urban Design 2 deals with the spatial, open space, functional and social determinants in urban design. In the exercise, students deal with the design and spatial formation on the scale levels of the residential environment and the urban neighborhood as well as its overall urban networking and apply these in an urban design exercise.

Städtebau 2

Elective course in urban development and open space planning
On the basis of changing current topics from the field of urban development and open space planning, students independently develop positions on urban development topics in individual and team work. For this purpose, relevant information from literature, archives and systematic, own surveys are collected, evaluated and interpreted. The results of the methodical analytical work are presented as a subject-related position.  Within the framework of the elective Urban Planning and Open Space Planning, students acquire in-depth knowledge of urban planning approaches; they learn to evaluate the context and boundary conditions of urban planning and to develop new approaches on this basis.

Die immer neue Altstadt

In the bachelor's thesis, students work on a larger, complex urban quarter from the analysis to the urban design detail. They must develop alternative designs, weigh and balance conflicting requirements and specifications, arrive at independent solutions and independently select adequate forms of presentation and areas of specialization.


Bachelor Thesis

Master of Architecture (M.A), Master of Advanced Architecture (M.A), Master of UMSB (M.Eng)

Seminar Urban Renewal / Urban Redevelopment
The seminar participants deepen their knowledge in the field of urban renewal and urban redevelopment and are enabled by the application of the acquired knowledge to plan and evaluate the renewal and redevelopment of cities under consideration of context and boundary conditions and to make system decisions on this basis. Knowledge of guiding principles, concepts, procedures and instruments in the fields of urban renewal, urban redevelopment and urban design is imparted. In addition, methods of analysis and development of action concepts from the neighborhood to the individual object are taught. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to contexts other than the familiar, including multidisciplinary contexts, and to implement independently acquired knowledge in projects.

Urban renewal Aschaffenburg

Urban renewal Fassberg

Urban renewal Herbron

Stadterneuerung Aschaffenburg Vorschaubild
Vorschaubild  Stadterneuerung Fassberg
Stadterneuerung Herborn Vorschaubild

Master Program Environmental Management and Urban Planning in Metropolitan Areas

Seminar Urban Planning History and Theory
The module Urban Planning History and Theory deals with the different periods of urban planning history and theories of the city in the past and in the present. Students acquire knowledge of the development of contemporary cities, urban spaces and urban regions and the associated concepts, theories and models. This knowledge is the basis for the subsequent critical examination of contemporary development trends, in which theoretical knowledge is related to concrete spaces.

Seminar Social and Cultural Aspects of Urban Planning
The seminar deals with the interaction between urban space and society. It examines the social and cultural significance of the European city, the social and cultural preconditions for the development of cities, and the importance of the public and private spheres as structural elements for urban planning. Aspects such as urban identity and cultural diversity, urban segregation and marginalization processes play an important role. In the field, students observe to what extent the theoretical considerations can be found in urban society.

Interdisciplinary Project / Design
In design, students learn in-depth knowledge and methods of urban design. They combine stocktaking, evaluation, goal formulation and program development and develop design approaches from this. The focus is on dealing with the spatial, functional and open-space building blocks of the city, which are applied within the framework of a complex design project, as well as the adequate drawing/graphical representation of the results.


Identification and image change as factors in building development

Housing and urban development of the 1960s and 1970s is often perceived as problematic.

In particular, projects from this period are considered "social hot spots," even if they do not stand out in the crime statistics. So far, the debate has mostly focused on reasons for the failure of these structures and, in particular, on the lack of connecting factors for the identification of the population.

However, numerous individual cases show that the housing and urban development of the 1960s and 1970s can facilitate both good social coexistence and a strong identification of the population. This transfer of these strategies could be used systematically and could be used for a sustainable development of the building stock that goes beyond energetic refurbishment.

Research Laboratory Building Culture and Settlement Construction of Post-War Modernism

11. - 12. Oktober 2019

Frankfurt University of Applied Siences

The Postwar Modernism Research Laboratory explores the housing estates of the years 1945-1975 in the Rhine-Main region and identifies strategies for their further development and for the continued construction of this resource.

PDF Activities and Projects 2018 - 2021

Quality of life in large housing estates

Study to improve the assessment of housing and quality of life in large housing estates

Quality of life is a multifaceted topic that is addressed by a variety of disciplines. In the context of neighborhood development in large housing estates, however, quality-of-life concepts have rarely been applied. This is where the research project "Quality of Life in Large Housing Estates" comes into play and explores the question of what constitutes quality of life in large housing estates, how it can be measured using indicators and to what extent the assessment supports the strategic as well as operational further development of housing estates. 

PDF of the report / PDF of the assessment catalog

The late Ernst May settlements in Hesse

Housing estates of the post-war modernism in Frankfurt

Frankfurt University of Applied Siences, 2018

A pilot study in cooperation with the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen. Using the example of the late Ernst May housing estates in Hesse, the study worked out how the criteria for monument protection can be applied to post-war housing estates, which can then be transferred to other estates.

To the PDF of the pilot study

Generic Germany

Housing estates of the post-war modernism in Frankfurt

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2015/2016

Full survey and documentation of mass housing in the Frankfurt / Rhine-Main region as part of a research semester.

Quality of life in large housing estates
Study to improve the assessment of the quality of living in large housing estates
Maren Harnack / Natalie Heger / Ruth Schlögl
Frankfurt UAS, March 2022
To the publication in PDF Format >>>

Research Laboratory -Postwar Modernism
Activities and Projects

2018 - 2021
Research Laboratory Building Culture and Settlement Construction of Postwar Modernism
Softcover, 70 pages, German
To the publication in PDF Format >>>

The Late Ernst May Settlements in Hesse
An investigation by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Harnack, MA Paola Wechs and Julian Glunde.
In cooperation with the State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in Hesse.
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt 2019
To the publication in PDF Format >>>

The return of the housing machines
Gentrification and social housing in London
Harnack, Maren
Transcript, Bielefeld 2012


Points of Observation.
Open City 1850–2009
Harnack, Maren, Brodowski,Nina, Eisinger, Angelus, Seifert, Jörg
Hrsg. International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2009





Transformative Participation
Strategies for the construction of settlements in post-war modernity
Matthias Brunner / Maren Harnack / Natalie Heger / Hans Jürgen Schmitz (Eds.)
Jovis, Berlin 2021


Adaptive Re-Use
Strategies for Post-War Modernist Housing
Maren Harnack, Natalie Heger und Matthias Brunner (Hg.)
Jovis Verlag, Berlin, November 2020


Living in the post-war modern
Housing estates in the Rhine-Main region.
Maren Harnack, Matthias Brunner and Natalie Heger (eds.).
DKV-Edition, Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin 2020.


Identification spaces
Potentials and Qualities of Large Housing Estates
Harnack, Maren and Stollman, Jörg (eds.).
University Publishing House of the TU Berlin, Berlin 2017


Urban Quality of Life at Risk
Harnack, Maren, Spellerberg Annette
University of Kaiserslautern, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2016



Community Spaces
Conception - appropriation - identity
Harnack, Maren, Haumann, Sebastian , Tvrtkovic, Mario, Wolf, Tobias Michael, Berkemann, Karin, Herold Stephanie
University Press of the TU Berlin, Berlin 2015


Harnack, Maren: Post-war housing heritage. Listing, use and fiscal pressures. In: Bruno Reichlin, Roberta Grignolo (Hg.): Critical Encyclopedia for the restoration and reuse of 20th-century architecture, (Erscheinungsdatum noch unbestimmt)


Harnack, Maren: Beautiful Buildings for Beautiful People? In: Christa Reicher et al.: Big Beautiful Buildings. Die Nachkriegsmoderne im Europäischen Diskurs. Verlag Kettler, Dortmund


Harnack, Maren: Changing Estates. Modernist Housing as a Resource for Sustainable Development. In: Gospodi, Aspa (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Changin Cities IV, University of Thessaly


Harnack, Maren: Drifting clouds. Porosity as a paradigm. In: Sophie Wolfrum (Hg.): Porous City. Birkhäuser, Basel 2018

Harnack, Maren: Macht euren Scheiß doch alleine! In: Christian Holl et al. (Hg.): Living the Region. Wasmuth, Tübingen 2018


Harnack, Maren: Driving me Crazy. In: Folke Köbberling: Full Stop. Werkkatalog. edition metzel, Berlin 2017

Harnack, Maren: Greater London: Regionale Wohnungspolitik. In: Harald Bodenschatz, Klaus Brake (Hg.): Wohnungsfrage und Stadtentwicklung. 100 Jahre Groß-Berlin. Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2017


Harnack, Maren, Stollmann, Jörg: Which second life. Adaptive Reuse as a Contested Paradigm In: Ana Tostoes, Zara Ferreia (Hg.): adaptive reuse. the modern movement towards the future. Docomomo International, Lissabon 2016
Harnack, Maren: Abwarten und Tee trinken. Warum manche Häuser Zeit brauchen. In: Walter Nägeli, Niloufar Tajeri (Hg.): Architekturen des Minimaleingriffs. Birkhäuser, Basel 2016
Harnack, Maren, Holl, Christian: Arrival City ist… kleinteilig verfügbar. In: Oliver Elser, Peter Cachola Schmal, Anna Scheuermann (Hg.): Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country. Katalog für den Deutschen Pavillon der Architekturbiennale Venedig. Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern und Berlin 2016

Harnack, Maren: Das Bild der Großsiedlungen. In: Wohnbund e.V. (Hg.): wohnen ist tat-sache. Jovis, Berlin 2016
Harnack, Maren, Kohler, Martin: Hochstraßen – verschwindende Dokumente der Nachkriegsmoderne in Deutschland. In: Antje Matern: Beyond Modernity. Urbane Infrastrukturlandschaften und ihre Transformation. Transcript, Bielefeld 2016
Harnack, Maren: Sozialer Wohnungsbau in London. In: Klaus Zehner, Veronika Selbach (Hg.): London – Geographien einer Global City. Transcript, Bielefeld 2016

Harnack, Maren: Big is Beautiful. In: Hans Drexler, Joachim  Schultz-Granberg (Hg.): Affordable Living. Jovis, Berlin 2014
Harnack, Maren: The pastoral mode in urban development. In: Jacek Gyurkovic, Anna Agata Kantarek, Mateusz Gyurkovich, Agnieszka Wojcik (Hg.): The future of the Cities – Cities of the Future. Cracow University Press, Krakau 2014
Harnack, Maren: Großsiedlungen. In: Europan  Deutschland (Hg.): Europan 12 –Adaptable City. Berlin 2014
Harnack, Maren: Grenzen von Unternehmen. In: Klaus Boltres-Streeck, Stefanie Rathje (Hg.): Die Grenzen der Unternehmen. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftskommunikation (Band 10). Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin 2014
Harnack, Maren, Church, Dominic: Smart, Smug or Stupid. In: Luca F. M. Fabris (Hg.): Engine the Smart City. Maggioli Editore, Mailand 2014

Harnack, Maren, Lannuzel, Tristan: Mappa mundi. Wie denke ich die Welt?In: Christian Kaufmann (Hg.) Entlang der Mainzer. Ein interdisziplinäres Kunst- und Kulturprojekt zur performativen Stadtkultur in Frankfurt am Main. Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt 2013
Harnack, Maren: Wie steht es um das Bild der großen Wohnsiedlungen in der Öffentlichkeit? In: Kompetenzzentrum Großsiedlungen e.V. (Hg.): Leben in Großen Wohnsiedlungen. Soziale Stadt, stabile Nachbarschaften, bezahlbares Wohnen. Berlin 2013

Harnack, Maren: Under pressure. The future of London‘s Council Housing. In: Mateusz Gyurkovich (Hg.): Future of the City – Mass Housing Estates or Multyfamily Housing Complexes. Cracow University of Technology Editions, Krakau 2012
Harnack, Maren, Schubert, Dirk: Soziale Mischung und Segregation in Wohnquartieren in Großbritannien. In: Tilman Harlander, Gerd Kuhn (Hg.): Soziale Mischung in der Stadt. Karl Krämer, Stuttgart 2012
Harnack, Maren: London’s Trellick Tower and the pastoral eye. In: Stephanie Herold, Biljana Stefanovska (Hg.): 45+ Post-War Modern Architecture in Europe. Graue Reihe des Instituts für Stadt- und Regionalplanung der TU Berlin, Heft 43. Berlin 2012 - PDF abrufen
Harnack, Maren: The Modern Slum Reborn. In: Angelus Eisinger, Jörg Seifert (Hg.): urban RESET. Birkhäuser, Basel/Boston/Berlin 2012
Harnack, Maren, Kohler, Martin: As found. Use, meaning and re-appropriation of contentious urban spaces. In: Thomas Hauck, Volker Kleinekort (Hg.): Infrastructural Urbanism.  A New Approach to Urban Design. DOM Publishers, Berlin 2012
Harnack, Maren: Sammeln. Gestalten. Zettel. In: Juli Gudehus: Lexikon der visuellen Kommunikation, S. 476 / S. 546 / S. 2774. Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 2012

Harnack, Maren: London’s Trellick Tower and the pastoral eye. In: Matthew Gandy (Hg.): Urban Constellations. S. 127–131. Jovis, Berlin 2011

Harnack, Maren, Schluchter, Sandra: Idea Stores, London. Brede School Nesselande. Park und Villa De Heerlijkheid, Hoogvliet. Revitalisierung Angell Town, London. Betreute Wohnzone Moerwijk.In: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (Hg.) Stadtquartiere für Jung und Alt. Europäische Fallstudien, Bonn 2010

Harnack, Maren, Baumann, D., Schwinge, W., Weeber, R.: Leitbilder und Konzepte zur Integration von Migranten. In: Difu (Hg.): Zukunft von Stadt und Region I. Integration und Ausgrenzung in der Stadtgesellschaft. S. 87–114. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006



Articles in magazines and online media

Harnack, Maren; Heger, Natalie: Hidden Champions. Perception, Values, and Preconception of large-scale post-war Housing Estates in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main Region. In: Docomomo Journal 68, April 2023, S. 98–105

Harnack, Maren; Schlögl, Ruth; Brunner, Matthias; Heger, Natalie: campaigning for Postwar Modernist Housing Estates in the Frankfurt Rheine-Main Region. In: Architektur & Urbanizmus, vol. 55 No 3–4 2022 S. 212–216, Slovak Academy of Sciences 8

Harnack, Maren: Lücken für das Unplanbare.In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung Heft 4/2021 S. 18–23, Dezember 2021

Harnack, Maren: In die Zange genommen. Kritik am Wohnungsbau um 1968. In: sub/urban Band 6 Heft 2/3 2018   

Harnack, Maren: Alles schon mal dagewesen. Wohnhochhäuser in der Stadt. In: Stadtbauwelt, Oktober 2017
Harnack, Maren: Facelift einer Ikone. Trellick Tower wird saniert. Auf: - Link zum Artikel 2017

Harnack, Maren: Die inneren Werte. Nordweststadt Frankfurt. In: Bauwelt 40/41 2014, S. 26–31
Harnack, Maren: Wohnen im Turm. In: Edition Le Monde diplomatique 1/2014, S. 52–55
Harnack, Maren: Methodik zur Bestandsanalyse und Entwicklung von städtebaulichen Konzepten. In: Denkmalpflege & Kulturgeschichte 2/2014, S. 9–12

Harnack Maren: Vom Wohnen für alle zur Notlösung für Arme. Kommunaler Wohnungsbau in London nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. In: Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte 2013/1, S. 60–72
Harnack, Maren, Holl, Christian: Groß, aber oho!. In:  eMagazine 16/2013 Link zum Artikel

Harnack, Maren: Lernen von London. In: Arch+ features 17 / Heft 209/2013

Harnack, Maren: Hohe Ansprüche und leere Versprechungen. Die HafenCity Universität und der Hamburger Senat. In: PlanerIn 4/2011, S. 48–50

Harnack, Maren: Der Widerstand der Materie. In: pnd|online 3/2010. RWTH Aachen; Link zum Artikel
Harnack, Maren: Church, Dominic: Schlimmer als bei Maggie. eMagazine 48/2010; Link zum Artikel
Harnack, Maren: Skopje 2010. Eine Stadt zwischen Trauma und Identitätssuche.In: Der Architekt 2/2010, S. 58–63

Harnack, Maren: Schleichender Verfall. Kenzo Tanges Stadtzentrum in Skopje gefährdet. In: Metamorphose 6/2009, S. 64–65
Harnack, Maren; Schluchter, Sandra: Herrlichkeit in Hoogvliet. In: Tec21, 19/2009, S. 21–25
Harnack, Maren: Engelsstadt. Das Quartier Angell Town in London. In: db Deutsche Bauzeitung 4/2009, S. 48–55
Harnack, Maren: Architekten, schaut auf diese Stadt. Skopje. Der vergessene Wiederaufbau einer Hauptstadt. In: eMagazine 35/2009

Harnack, Maren: Was tun wir hier eigentlich? Das neue Interesse an der Methodik des Entwerfens. In: eMagazine 7/2009

Harnack, Maren: Sehendes Auges. Architektur und städtische Kultur in Zeiten der Finanzkrise. In: eMagazine 7/2009  
Harnack, Maren: Kabelwerk Wien. Fallstudie für die Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). London 2009

Harnack, Maren, Baumgärtner, Christine, Brombach, Karline, Hartmann, Rahel, Holl, Christian, Jessen, Johann, Küchel, Lisa, Tornow, Britta: Innovationen für familien- und altengerechte Stadtquartiere, Fallstudien im europäischen Ausland – ein Überblick. In: BBSR (Hrsg.): ExWoSt-Informationen Nr. 32/4 - 11/2008, Bonn
Harnack, Maren: Pliensauvorstadt revisited. In: dérive Nr. 33, Oktober-Dezember 2008
Harnack, Maren: Hegianwandweg. Sulzer-Areal. Im Raiser. Fallstudien für CABE, London 2008
Harnack, Maren: Langsames Geld. Die Entwicklung des Sulzer-Areals in Winterthur. In: Context 4/2008

Harnack, Maren: Scharnhauser Park. Sulzer Redevelopment. Neu-Oerlikon, Zürich. Fallstudien für die CABE, London 2007






docomomo conference in Frankfurt
Interview in hr2-Kultur, 24th of April 2023

Helfen Plattenbauten gegen Wohnungsnot?
Maren Harnack in WDR 5 Politikum, 10th of Mai 2023


Wiederaufbau mitten im Krieg
Interview with Maren Harnack, radio hr info, 25. Oktober 2022 (from minute 47:30)

Rüsselsheim im Wandel
Maren Harnack interview with Hessenschau, 19. March 2022

Wohnraum im Wandel
Innovationsprofessorin Prof. Dr. Maren Harnack Portrait, September 2022


Eine Stadt wie Frankfurt braucht Entwicklungsstrategien
Interview with Prof. Maren Harnack, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 3rd February 2021

What does adaptive re-use stand for concerning post-war housing ensembles?
Adaptive Re-Use, Interview with Maren Harnack, Jovis Verlag, 4. March 2021

Buch der Woche: Adaptive Re-Use
Unterschätzter Nachkriegswohnbau, article


Viel besser als ihr Ruf (German only)
hr-info Kultur radio report about the publication "Wohnen in der Nachkriegsmoderne", 20th of november 2020

Verkannte Vorzüge. Schöner Wohnen in den Siedlungen der Nachkriegsmoderne
Book review "Wohnen in der Nachrkiegsmoderne",, 21st of november.2020

Wohnen in den Wolken
Interview with Maren Harnack, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, page 30, 11th of March 2020

„ein gutes Buch zum Vorglühen“…
book review „Wohnen in der Nachkriegsmoderne“ auf


Warum Enteignungen kein Sozialismus sind – sondern Demokratie
Interview with Prof. Harnack auf, 10th of April 2019




Irgendwann funktioniert eine Stadt nicht mehr…
Interview in the series „Mal ehrlich: welche Probleme haben wir wirklich?“,
Kulturfrühstück; hr2-kultur, 7th of September 2018


2017 - 2013

Weitergedreht: IvI
Hessenschau, Hessischer Rundfunk, 4. Juni 2017

Mangel an günstigen Wohnungen in Städten
Hessenschau, Hessischer Rundfunk, 10. Mai 2017

Edificio Copan –Leben im größten Wohnhaus der Welt
Freistil Feature, Deutschlandfunk, 11. Dezember 16

Stadt Frankfurt kauft Wohnhaus zum Schutz der Mieter
Hessenschau, Hessischer Rundfunk, 19. Juni 2016

Boomtown Frankfurt zu teuer für den Durchschnittsverdiener?
Hessenschau, Hessischer Rundfunk, 8. Sept. 2016


Baukulturkonvent 2016
Kulturjournal, Österreichischer Rundfunk Ö1, 26. April 2016


Großsiedlungen heute – Zu Hause in der Trabantenstadt
Zeitfragen Feature, Deutschlandradio Kultur, 15. Sept. 2014


Stadtlust. Wachsende Städte – können Menschen dort wirklich gut leben?
Sonntags – TV fürs Leben, ZDF, 6. Juni 2013



University activity and research

Since 10/2011
Professor for Urban Design
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor Architecture and Master Umweltmanagement und Stadtplanung  in Ballungsräumen (UMSB)

Researchlab Post-War Modernist Housing
financed by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Research project „Die späten Ernst May-Siedlungen in Hessen“
financed by Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen,

research semester "Massenwohnungsbau der Nachkriegsmoderne in der Region Rhein-Main".

Universität Stuttgart, area of expertise Architektur- und Wohnsoziologie
Research project/Prof. Dr. Tilmann Harlander
"Durchmischung oder residentielle Segregation?"

2008 – 2011    
HafenCity Universität Hamburg, area of expertise: Städtebau und Quartiersentwicklung
reasearch team, Prof. Dr. Michael Koch

lectures and courses:
2008/2009: Open City (participation architecture biennale Rotterdam)
2009/2010: Skopje 2.0 (exhibition Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof)
suppervision: Bachelor-, Diplom- and Masterthesis

Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Städtebau und Raumplanung,
Prof. Dr. Arnold Klotz, teaching assignment

Universität Stuttgart, Fachgebiet Orts- Und Regionalplanung,
Prof. Johann Jessen
IFAS Reseach project Familien- und altengerechte Quartiere im internationalen Vergleich
Expertin für die Länderstudien Großbritannien und Niederlande

TU Darmstadt, Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Regionalentwicklung
research team, Professor Julian Wékel

Research assistant, Prof. Dr. Johann Jessen
Urban Planing Institut, Universität Stuttgart


Practical activities

Since 2008
urbanorbit, office for architecture and urban planning
PartGmbB with Mario Tvrtkovic
Inventory of the settlement "Roter Hang" in Kronberg
Supervision of the urban redevelopment areas Blanke and Blumensiedlung in Nordhorn
Outline planning e.g. for social city Kreyenbrück (Oldenburg) and Diepholz
Preliminary investigation Tonndeich (Wilhelmshafen)

Freelance work as Accredited Researcher for the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), London
Case studies among others on Scharnhauser Park, Ostfildern and Neu-Oerlikon, Zurich

ORplan, Consortium for Local and Regional Planning, Urban Design and Architecture Esslingen 2030 (research project)
various design plans (project management)
various expertises for the revitalization of residential areas (project management)

Architect's office Professor HG Merz, Stuttgart
Exhibition architecture for the  Donauschwäbische Zentralmuseum Ulm
design, work planning and construction management (collaboration)

Architect's office Uwe Münzing, Stuttgart
Interior design of the Bertelsmann pavilion at Expo Hannover
Design, construction planning and tendering (collaboration)

Janson + Wolfrum Architecture + Urban Planning
Scharnhauer Park and landscape area Naturraum Filder (student collaboration)

Online Conference Transformative Participation

Transformative Participation
Strategies for postwar modernist housing development.

March 12, 2021 - 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The conference "Transformative Participation" approaches the question of what role participatory approaches have played and could play in the future in the further development of post-war settlements from different angles. It presents overviews and concrete case studies, it looks at historical and current processes and reflects on the methods of different disciplines (especially urban planning, sociology and art).

Continue building cultural icon

Which theater for which city?

December 16, 2020, 6:00 p.m.

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll (Theater Studies) & Prof. Dr. Carsten Ruhl (History of Architecture)

Frankfurt's theater is currently facing a course that will significantly shape it well into the 21st century: What should the buildings look like in which the city-subsidized theater will take place in the future?

Continue building cultural icon

The ceiling sculpture of the theater foyer by Zoltán Kemény

December 4, 2020, 6:00 p.m.

Speakers: Dr. Dieter Schwarz (curator Zurich, former director of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur) and Alfons Maria Arns (cultural historian, Frankfurt Main).
In conversation with: Susanne Titz (Director Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach).
Moderation: Prof. Philipp Oswalt (Universität Kassel)

Continue building cultural icon

Continue building cultural icon

November 23, 2020, 6:00 p.m.

After an introductory lecture by architect Prof. Claus Anderhalten as a specialist in building in the existing fabric, Jan Schneider, head of the building department of the city of Frankfurt and proponent of a new building solution at the Osthafen, architect Astrid Wuttke from the office schneider + schumacher, the author of the validation report, and Prof. Maren Harnack, co-founder of the initiative Zukunft Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt, will discuss.

In cooperation with the Protestant City Deanery of Frankfurt and Offenbach and Arch+ Association for the Promotion of Architectural and Urban Discourse.

Video recordings of the events on November 23 and December 4 are available at



„Big Things"
Winter School, Universität Genua, January 27, 2020.



„Gemeinschaftsräume in der Stadt"
Input Future Workshop Fördern und Wohnen, Hamburg, September 9, 2019.

"Changing Estates. Modernist Housing as a Resource for Sustainable Development."
International Conference on Changing Cities IV, Chania, June 27, 2019.

„Großsiedlungen – und was wir davon lernen können"
Lecture in the session Large projects - building more city on the edge. University day on site, Kassel May 28, 2019.



„Die Stadt und der neue Stadtteil“
Lecture as part of the Stadtplus series at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt, December 5, 2018

"Trash or treasure? The critique of post-war modernist housing."
U!REKA Conference
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, November 27, 2018.

"From Tower of Terror to Power Tower."
Universität Kassel, November 14, 2018

"Good Housing for All. London and the LCC"
Fachhochschule Erfurt, October 23, 2018.

„Wohnen im Ballungsraum“
Lecture in the context of the event "Dealing with growth in cities and surrounding areas" Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt,
Supporting program to the federal congress national urban development policy, September 17, 2018.

"Baumonster I love you"
Lecture at the opening of the project "Auf Wiedersehen Utopia" of the TU Berlin in the new city of Wulfen.
Wulfen, August 25, 2018

"Baumonster I love you"
Network meeting "Big Beautiful Buildings",
TU Dortmund, May 25, 2018

„Großsiedlungen – Kritik der Kritik“
Workshop "1968: housing question" sponsored by the Wüstenrot Foundation.
Bauhaus University Weimar, May 4, 2018.

„Big (not so) beautiful buildings“
Network meeting "Big Beautiful Buildings."
Dock Europe, Hamburg January 8, 2018   



„Wohnraum –Gentrifizierung im Ballungsraum“
Presentation at the conference "Metropolitan Areas of Europe. Challenges to Planning and Building"
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, May 16, 2017.
„Lernen von London?“
Universität Stuttgart, Urban Planning Institute, May 4, 2017.



„Identifikation und Integration in der Stadt“
Geisenheim University, November 17, 2016
„Which second life? Adaptive re-use as a contested paradigm“
(with Jörg Stollmann). Paper presented in the panel "Modern Housing and the Aesthetics of Growth and Change" at the 14th International Docomomo Conference,
Lisbon, September 6-9, 2016.
„Another kind of normal. Mass housing in Western Germany“
Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Winterthur, August 23, 2016.
„Housing Estates – What‘s next? The German Case“
Regional Habitat III Preparatory Conference.
Prague, March 16-18, 2016
„Wohnungsbau und Wohnungspolitik in Greater London nach 1945“
Lecture at the Hermann Henselmann Colloquium.
Berlin, February 27, 2016
„Renaissance der Wohnmaschinen. Nachkriegsmoderne in London“
Monument Salon of the Cultural Authority of the Hanseatic City.
Hamburg, February 23, 2016

„Paternalism, Emancipation, Lifestyle. Mass Housing as a Contested Housing Concept“
Lecture at the event "50 Years After - Re-visiting the grandeur of the spirit of making in Europe's urban design and housing discourse of the 1960s", hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.
Vienna, January 21, 2016



„Wohnhochhäuser im Stadtraum“
Lecture in the context of the Hochhausfassadentage.
Frankfurt, November 13, 2015
„Städtebau, Sozialraum Dichte“
Keynote speech for the 3rd forum new residential quarters.
Mainz, November 4, 2015
„Wohnen,wo keiner hin will?“
Lecture as part of the Urban Design lecture series at HafenCity University.
Hamburg, June 25, 2015
„Rettung der Hochstraßen“
Lecture in the context of the project Welche Denkmale, welche Moderne? Bauhaus University Weimar
Weimar, January 14, 2015



„Wohnungsbau der Nachkriegsjahrzehnte. Soziale Utopien und gebaute Realität“
Volkshochschule München, in cooperation with the Wüstenrot Foundation.
Munich, December 4, 2014
Hochhaustag Wien
Expert in the panel "Living in high-rise buildings" on the high-rise framework plan.
Vienna, September 12, 2014
„Baumonster I love you“
Lecture in the context of the MV workshop "zu hause" on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Märkisches Viertel.
Berlin, July 4, 2014
„The pastoral mode in urban development“
International conference "The future of the Cities -Cities of the Future".
Cracow University, May 23, 2014
„Identifikationsprozesse in Großsiedlungen“
TU Kaiserslautern, January 16, 2014.



„Renaissance der Wohnmaschinen“
23rd Vienna Housing Biennale, September 17, 2013.
„Methodik zur Bestandsanalyse und Entwicklung von städtebaulichen Konzepten“
39th Day of the Hessian Preservation of Historical Monuments.
Bad Hersfeld, August 18-19, 2013.
„Großwohnsiedlungen und Öffentlichkeit“
Expert conference of the Competence Center Large Housing Estates e.V.
Berlin, June 19, 2013
„Lernen von London – oder doch lieber nicht?“
Universität Stuttgart, Urban Planning Institute, May 29, 2013.



„Lernen von London“
ARCH+ features 17, Berlin , December 14, 2012.

„Mainfeld, mon amour“
(with Sebastian Haumann) ETH Zurich, Institute for History and Theory of Architecture.
International Symposium "Der Fall Göhner. Zur Krise des Großwohnungsbaus in den 1970er Jahren"
Zurich, October 10-11, 2012     
„Baumonster, I love you“

Lecture as part of the series "Wohnen als Praxis," HCU Hamburg.
Hamburg, July 27, 2012



„From Tower of Terror to Power Tower“
TU Berlin, Institute for Urban and Regional Planning.
International Conference "45+ Post-War Architecture in Europe"
Berlin, July 2011
„Market power, quality and lifestyle choices: some thoughts on housing in London“
Lecture in the series "Urban Practices "University College London
London, March 2011



„How did this become the Height of Fashion?“
Annual Conference of the Working Group on Geographic Housing Market Research on the topic of "Gentrification".
Dresden, December 2010
„Why does British Housing come from Mars?“
(with Martin Kohler) International Festival "This is not a Gateway"
London, October 2010
„Shifting Boundaries. The new appeal of public housing in London“
Bryn Mawr College, lecture series of the research group "Edges and Boundaries".
Bryn Mawr, April 2010
„From Tower of Terror to Power Tower“
University of Ss. Cyril & Methodius
Skopje, February 2010
„Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Hochstraßen“
(with Martin Kohler) TU Munich, international symposium "Infrastruktururbanismus".
Munich, February 2010


Website editorial teamID: 3879
last updated on: 10.08.2024