Sustainable tourism concept for Hanau and the western part of the Main-Kinzig district in the context of the RhineMain Regional Park – NaTourHuKi
Duration: February 2020 to January 2025
Project partners: TU Darmstadt, Hochschule Heilbronn, City of Hanau, Spessart Tourismus und Marketing GmbH, Regionalpark Ballungsraum RheinMain GmbH
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the funding measure "Stadt-Land-Plus"
Head of project: Overall project: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Dettmar, TU Darmstadt
Frankfurt UAS sub-project: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Schäfer
Contact: Dana Stolte, M. Eng., research assistant
The project deals with the development of a sustainable tourism strategy for the landscape area "Kinzigtal" from Hanau to Steinau an der Straße in the Main-Kinzig district. The demand for regional recreational opportunities and other tourism offers in the region up to the Spessart will increase considerably in the coming decades. This is a consequence of the growing population in the Rhine-Main conurbation and especially in the city of Hanau. Regional tourism is booming nationwide and also offers greater economic opportunities for this region. The project aims to develop reliable forecasts, utilisable potentials and possible perspectives.
Important transport infrastructures run through the Kinzigtal, connecting Hanau at the edge of the conurbation with the rural areas as far as the Spessart. However, there are already considerable conflicts here. In the project, ReLUT is dealing with a tourism-related traffic analysis of all modes of transport in Hanau and the western Main-Kinzig district. In particular, walking and cycling as well as public transport are being analysed. In a potential analysis, possible implementation projects are always to be assessed with a focus on cross-modal offers. In the context of the project, the focus is particularly on the area of local mobility, supplemented by electromobile offers.
Further up-to-date information on this project can be found on the homepage