Project partner: Bliq, Fluxguide GmbH
Duration: January - December 2021
Project management: Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen
Contact:Elisabeth Lerch
Funding body: Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
Stopping and parking vehicles on bike lanes or in second rows poses a substantial hazard to cyclists, as they then have to swerve into moving traffic. The project focuses on traffic data analysis in relation to stationary traffic, road traffic regulations and cycling. As part of the ParkRight project, image inspections are to be carried out and historical driving data used to identify illegal stopping and parking in a comprehensive and traceable manner. Patterns in infractions will be identified based on vehicle type, traffic infrastructure design, and other factors of the analyzed area. For this purpose, data derived from the image traffic data with the help of a labeling procedure. A web application will also be developed to make the analysis results accessible. In this way, potential actions can be prioritised and interdependencies identified.