
Prof. Dr. Angelika Senft

Welcome to the homepage of the Chair of Marketing of Prof. Dr. Angelika Wiltinger.

Prof. Dr.
Angelika Senft
Building 4, Room 512
Fax : +49 69 1533-2903

Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

Wed, 11:00 am – 12:00 am

by advance reservation by e-mail or

also individual appointments digitally possible

by appointment via email

Focus in teaching and research

  • General Business Administration
  • Advertising research
  • Marketing Media usage
  • Gender and customer satisfaction


  • Participation in the Strategic Marketing module, 5th sem., requires registration at the Examination Office and in Moodle with group assignment. Please pay attention to the applicable deadlines.
  • The scripts for the courses in the current semester are available on Moodle.  You will receive the passwords in the first first lecture or during my office hours.


  • Business Administration program at the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, specialization in Marketing with Dr. Hermann Simon, doctorate for Dr. rer. oec. at the University Duisburg in the area of advertising effect research on the topic of "Comparative Advertising - Theoretical Reference Rrame and Empirical Study"
  • Different positions in leading function in Marketing at the BASF Group, the Henkel KGaA, and consulting work in the areas business strategy, marketing, and communication. Diverse activities abroad in the US (New York, Boston) and Spain.
  • Several years as a lecturer at the UAS Dortmund, UAS Bochum, UAS Düsseldorf, AKAD Düsseldorf, EACC New York in Marketing and International Marketing
  • Professor of Business Administration and Marketing at Faculty 3: Business and Law of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences with lectures and exercises in the area of strategic marketing, marketing mix, service and industrial goods marketing
  • Technical coordinator for Marketing at the faculty, publisher of the graduate book of the faculty, member of the Faculty Commission for the Award of Prizes and Honors
  • Assistant at conferences and seminars
  • Expert and consulting work in the area of strategy, communication, customer satisfaction, positioning, analysis and optimization of the marketing mix, media use, advertising effect, gender marketing
  • Member of the German Marketing Association and the Marketing Club Frankfurt, the AfM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft for Marketing), the Schmalenbach Society, and the Institute for Economic and Legal Research Frankfurt

Thesis papers

I am happy to supervise you with your thesis.

It is up to you whether you want to look for a topic yourself or whether you want to work on a topic from my topic list. The list of topics as well as important information about a thesis with me can be found in Moodle under Senft: Abschlussarbeiten.

Due to the high demand for Bachelor's theses in the Marketing concentration, only Bachelor's theses by students who have also chosen the Marketing concentration will be supervised until further notice.

This does not affect master's theses.

In any case, it is advisable to contact me  ..öearly and reserve a place for a thesis.


For all courses, you will receive information, the script as a download etc. on Moodle. The password will be announced during the first lecture.

The following courses will be offered: 

Bachelor programs

  • Strategic Marketing (5th semester)
  • Marketing Mix (7th semester)

Service Marketing

Market and Marketing

Introductory, intermediate, and final seminar

Master programs

Industrial Product Marketing 


Study on the usage behavior of women and men in the area of internet and social media.

Using the example of the target group of students, the study examines how 18-30-year-olds use the internet, how they get online, how long they go online, and what they do online. A particular focus will lie on studying different communities in the area of social media and possible differences between female and male users.

Increasing advertising efficiency by means of customized, target group-specific communication measures; study of changing media usage behavior in classic media and online, mobile media in different target groups.

Study of the target group of "women" as one of the most important decision-making groups in marketing.

Women make more than 80 % of all buying decisions for furniture, travel, and electric appliances; but they are also significantly involved in the decision-making process or even the sole decision-maker for money/capital investments or cars (50 % and more). We want to study to what extent it makes sense to address this important target group through marketing measures tailored specifically to them in order to significantly increase efficiency in marketing.

Prof. Dr. Angelika WiltingerID: 5369