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Prof. Dr. Swen Schneider

Professor of Information Systems


Program Director - Master Strategic Information Management
Managing Director of the Institute of data driven business

Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

by appointment via email

by appointment via email

Focus in teaching and research

  • Digital Business and e-Commerce
  • Business Process Modeling and AI
  • Bots and Trust in the Internet
  • Mobile Internet
  • E-Finance and FinTechs (cooperation with Startup Center TechQuartier)


Dr. Swen Schneider is a Professor of Business Administration and Management Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt/Germany and was Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law 2013 - 2019. Now he is the executive Director of the Institute of data driven business at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

His current research areas are the management of Software- and Web Engineering projects as well as E-Business and European E-Commerce/ Trust and Applied Artificial Intelligence, especially in the field of Mobile Internet Technologies and E-Finance.

Prior to joining the University of Applied Sciences in 2003, he worked for different international companies such as MASTERCARD, IBM as well as Commerzbank Consulting. During his professional career he gained experiences in Project Management, Requirements Engineering/Testing, Modeling Business Processes and in Sales & Business Development as well as in the field of IT- and Management Consulting.

In spring 2005 Dr. Schneider was a visiting Professor at the London Metropolitan University/UK. In 2007 he was as a lecturer at the Institute for Financial Management and Research in Chennai/India. (one of the top-ten MBA-schools in India). He visited several times the University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse (USA) and received the Carl Wimberly Award for International Partnerships.

Dr. Schneider graduated from the University of Trier in 1994 in Business Administration and Business Information Systems. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Management Information Systems from the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany (minors in Computational Linguistics and Personality Psychology).

Currently he lectures courses in Research Methods, E-Commerce/Digital Business Management, Business Process Modeling, E-Finance, Business Intelligence and Innovation as well as Agile Project Management and Digital Transformation Strategies.

He is a certified Scrum Master and Product Owner and advises companies on Digital Transformation and Agile Projects.

Program Director Master of Science Strategic Information Management since 2008

Member of the FIBAA  accreditation body since 2005

Member of the German Information Systems Society (GI) since 1995

Member of the Frankfurt Payments Network Organization since 2016

Liaison professor of sdw (a foundation of a German scholarship program for outstanding students) since 2009

Coordinator for internationalization and student exchange 2006-2012

Member of the FraUAS Senat 2006 - 2012

Dean of the Faculty business and law as well as a member of the extended university management 2013 - 2019

Executive Director of the Institute of data driven business since 2018


New business models and the internet change business processes in companies. What methods can business processes be modeled with and optimized, and what tools are there on the market? How can business processes be outsourced (e.g. cloud computing) or optimized with the aid of AI? When do such steps pay off (business case)?

Short development cycles and continuous improvement of software require close collaboration between clients and contractors. Newer approaches come from software engineering and are attributable to agile project management. We study the questions how the goals can be defined in system integration and software development projects and how they can be performed on time and on budget. An essential point for implementing IT projects successfully is the survey and prioritization of requirements (requirement engineering).

Here, web projects have their own challenge, since in addition to software, one also has to consider the creation or migration of the content (web engineering management)



Information is becoming more and more important. Those who have it can gain a competitive edge, create products tailored to customers, perform targeted advertising, influence people, etc. In particular due to the internet, it is getting easier to generate and analyze information (see Big Data). The collection of information (credit card information e.g. with additional customer or health data) raises new questions concerning data protection (transparent human) and information ethics. People will become more aware of what data they are disclosing. In one collaboration project with the Griffith University (Australia), we examine the question of how people can make decisions about their data and for what purpose / on what occasion people are willing to disclose which of their data. What information on the internet can be trusted and what information is created automatically by bots? Can bots act autonomously in automated communication with the help of AI?

Research on the mobile internet is split into two areas:

  1. Mobile Commerce and Mobile Business (business administration aspect):
    In terms of omni-channel management, customers are used to accessing relevant information, both mobile and stationary in their cutomer jouney. What effect does this have on companies’ transactions and the customer behavior? What effect do mobile technologies have on business processes and what strategic consequences does this have? How can  location-based services contribute to new business models for example.
  2. Internet of Things and mobile infrastructures
    Sensors will become more important in the private sphere and in the area of business. What other technologies like Augmentes Reality do businesses need to become active on the mobile internet and the markets of the future? How can this be integrated into the existing IT system architecture? What costs and what benefits do these technologies bring (business case)? How secure and future-proof are these types of technologies?


Schneider, S.: Anforderungen an ein agiles Self-Service Business Intelligence; S. 57-68; in: Schneider, S. (Hrsg.), Agiles Anforderungsmanagement; Norderstedt; 2023

Schneider, S.: Agiles Anforderungsmanagement; S. 2-7; in: Schneider, S. (Hrsg.), Agiles Anforderungsmanagement; Norderstedt; 2023

Böning, U.; Schneider, S.: Übergang vom face-2-face Coaching zum Digitalen Coach mit Avataren und Bots; S. 281-298; in: Strikker, F.; Böning, U. (Hrsg,): Zur Zukunft des Business Coachings, Stuttgart, 2023

Schneider, S.: (2021) Real Value Networking, Sharing Economy, Plattformökonomie, New Work: Frankfurts Kreativwirtschaft und die neuen Vernetzungsformate; in:

Schneider, S.: (2021) Data Driven Business;

Giegler, N.; Schneider, S.: Leadership und Digitalisierung; in: working paper des Fb3 Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences; 2020

Schneider, S.: (2020) Gig Ecomomy - Warum Homeoffice feste Arbeitsplätze gefährdet; in: Personalwesen; Haufe Verlag; 12/2020;!

Schneider, S.: Digitalisierung der Banken, in: x-Press; 02/2016

Schneider, S.: Vertrauen bei Online Transaktionen im Internet; in : Ruppert, (Hrsg); Symposium Wissenschaft und Praxis; Göttingen 2014

Schneider, S.: The Convergence of Virtual and Physical Worlds; in Turban. E. (eds), Electronic Commerce; Pearson; 2012

Schneider, s.: Hassle-Free Shopping at the Metro Group Future Storein Turban. E. (eds), Electronic Commerce; Pearson; 2012

Schneider, S.: Portalkonzepte aus der Sicht des Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Kundenbindung durch Portale und deren Realisierungsmöglichkeiten; in: Sexauer, H. (Hrsg.); Konzepte des Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Wiesbaden; 2004; S.215-236

Schneider, S.; Rösler, M.; Thiel, M.: Wertschöpfungsketten im Transaction-Banking; in: Geldinstitute; Juni; 2004; S. 10-13

Schneider, S.; Rösler, M.; Thiel, M.: Differenzierungsstrategien; in: Die Bank; Nr. 1; 2003; S. 32 - 35 

Schneider, S.; u.a.: E-Business im Transaction-Banking; in: Information Management & Consulting; Nr. 02/2003; S. 51-55

Schneider, S.; Springer, H.; Goldstein, K.: Chancen des Transaction-Banking im Post-Fusionszeitalter, in: Börsen-Zeitung vom 26.09.2002 

Lenz, K.; Oberweis, A.; Schneider, S.: Trust Based Contracting in Virtual Organizations - A Concept Based on Contract Workflow Management Systems; in: Schmid, B.; Stanoevska-Slabeva, K.; Tschammer, V. (eds); Towards The E-Society - E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government; Boston; 2001

Perc, P.; Schneider, S.: Vertrauen als ein Weg zur Risikoüberwindung im Internet - Virto Projektbericht; Universität Frankfurt; 2001

Keferstein, K.; Lenz, K.; Schneider, S.: Teamarbeit in virtuellen Organisationen; in: Elektronische Geschäftsprozesse [Grundlagen - Sicherheitsaspekte - Realisierungen - Anwendungen]; P. Horster (Hrsg.); Hohenkirchen; 2001; S. 55-63

Oberweis, A.; Guth, V.; Schneider, S.: Modellierung von Vertrauens- und Vertragsmanagementprozessen mittels Petri Netzen zur Absicherung von Telekooperationen; SFB 403 Forschungsbericht; Universität Frankfurt; 2000

Schneider, S.: Vertrags-Controlling in Softwareprojekten; in: Oberweis, A./Sneed, H.M. (Hrsg.); Softwaremanagement 99; Stuttgart; 1999; S. 327 - 334 

Schneider, S.: Perspektiven des E-Business im Bankenbereich; in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Blätter; Nr. 11; 1999; S. 501 - 504 

Scherhag, K.; Schneider, S.: Strategische Herausforderung an ein zukunftsweisendes Kooperationsmanagement; in: Jahrbuch für Fremdenverkehr 1998; München; 1999; S. 5 – 30

Scherhag, K.; Schneider, S.: Vernetzung als Wettbewerbsfaktor im Destinationsmanagement; in: Tourismus Jahrbuch 1998; 1998; Heft 1; S. 79 – 102

Prof. Dr. Swen SchneiderID: 5359