
Hand in hand: Science and practice

Private and institutional partners have many possibilities to commit skills, knowledge, financial means, and time to the areas of education, research, and knowledge transfer. Our formats range from personnel recruiting, entrepreneurship and application-oriented research to the cooperative development of dual programs and continuing education programs. Cooperation brochure (German only) for download.

Cooperation possibilities – an overview

Businesses, organizations, institutions, persons…

We welcome guest lectures or ceremonial speeches that give our students / alumni a chance to look behind the scenes at your business and its focus areas.

Benefits for students / alumni: practical relevance, expansion of know-how

Your benefits: recruiting, publication of topic focus areas, business presentation

Please contact us for an informal conversation. It is easiest to discuss structure and schedule during a personal meeting / phone call. We will organize the advertising for your guest lecture.

Accepting a lecture position brings many benefits: You get in contact with young people, are able to pass on your know-how and experiences, and have lots of possibilities to look beyond your own subject-related horizon. We are always looking for new adjunct lecturers with current topics from the professional world for all areas of the business and law programs. What do we need from you? CV, information about your specialization and your current work, and (optionally) information about the topic you would like to lecture on.

The internship semester – efficient preparation for working life

Every year we send 500 Bachelor students on internships to a cooperating business partner of their choice. In the internship semester, which is firmly anchored in the student programs as a compulsory module, our partners efficiently prepare students for their future professional work in business and administration.

At the moment this affects the programs

Before, during, and after the internship semester, our students are guided and supported by their professors and specially trained employees.

* This Bachelor program is offered in conjunction with Faculty 2. In terms of the BPS, special regulations apply. To Faculty 2.

Businesses profit

  • Recruiting of new employees
  • Connections to the university
  • Communication with university
  • Assignment of final thesis papers
  • Networking
  • Cooperation in teaching and research

Students profit

  • Collect practical experience
  • Try out future work fields
  • Accept final thesis papers
  • Take on activities as working students
  • Opportunity for entry-level offers after the program
  • Networking

The Frankfurt UAS profits

  • Connection to the businesses
  • Communication with the businesses
  • Networking
  • Cooperation in teaching and research


A dual Bachelor program at the Frankfurt UAS combines the teaching of theoretical knowledge and skills at the university with application and internalization during internship phases with the cooperating businesses. The significance of the dual profile lies in exactly this combination, which allows students to connect their academic program with their professional qualification and thus generate efficiency increases for both.

  • Public Administration
  • Taxation
  • Tourism
  • Aviation

there is a possibility to cooperate with us and bring suitable students together with our existing dual Bachelor programs:

As partner for a dual program, the cooperating business works together with us while fusing theory and practice over the duration of a three-year Bachelor program. In each semester, a theoretical phase at the Frankfurt UAS alternates with an internship phase at the cooperation partner of their choice, which they will conclude with a internship or project report, in some cases with presentation.
Internship and project reports are guided and evaluated by the respective institution or a business.

90 % of the dual students of the Frankfurt UAS sign an employment contract with the businesses immediately after receiving their degree. This does away with extended onboarding periods for the companies and cost-intensive trainee programs for the recruiting phases.

  • Application and internalization of technical know-how
  • Getting to know processes and structures of businesses
  • Optimal preparation for later professional work
  • Self-reliant acceptance of responsibilities and projects
  • Sharpening own interest in certain work areas
  • Targeted preparation for managing tasks and challenges in different business areas
  • Connection to the businesses
  • Knowledge transfer through communication with the businesses
  • Networking
  • Cooperation in teaching and research
Aviation Management
Sandra ReinstorfReferentin dualer Studiengang Luftverkehrsmanagement (B.A.)
Building BCN, Room 227
Fax : +49 69 1533-2903
Public Administration
Dorit RichterReferentin dualer Studiengang Public Administration (B.A.)
Building BCN, Room 225
Dorit RichterReferentin dualer Studiengang Public Administration (B.A.)
Building BCN, Room 225
Tourism Management
Iris TeutReferentin dualer Studiengang Tourismusmanagement (B.A.)
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 227
Fax : +49 69 1533-2903

Mentoring a final thesis paper brings lots of benefits: You get in contact with young people, are able to pass on your know-how and experiences, and have lots of possibilities to look beyond your own subject-related horizon. In all areas of the business and law programs, we are always looking for new mentors with current topics from the practical world who are willing to discover new topics from the practical world. What do we need from you? CV, information about your specialization and your current work, and (optionally) on what topic you would like to mentor.

Workshops of businesses with students – because direct contact creates connections

In workshops, we ensure that businesses and students get to know each other and communicate – and in many cases end up in a professional relationship.

Target group:

With the "internship workshop," cooperating businesses address the Bachelor students of our faculties who are about to begin their internship semester.


Here, the companies have the opportunity to recruit students for a internship semester.


Business representatives give the students insights into the business and the internship positions to be assigned are described in detail. The business, for instance, lets the students develop a case study (practical case) and can observe potential interns, get to know them better, and recruit them specifically.


The "internship workshop" is usually a one-day event that takes place in the facilities of Frankfurt UAS.

Target group:

In "a business introduces itself workshop," cooperating businesses address all interested Bachelor, Master or MBA students in the Faculty Business and Law.


An outstanding platform for businesses to assign Bachelor and Master final theses or get to know and recruit future employees from all the programs.


The businesses have the opportunity to present their benefit portfolio, their mission, and their company culture. The business for instance lets the students develop a case study (practical case) and can observe potential employees, get to know them better, and recruit them specifically.


The "a business introduces itself workshop" is usually a one-day event that takes place in the facilities of Frankfurt UAS.

Target group:

In "topic workshops," cooperating businesses address all interested Bachelor, Master or MBA students of the Faculty Business and Law.


An outstanding platform for businesses to get to know and recruit future employees from all the programs.


The workshop covers a special topic concerning the business during an intense discussion with at most 15 participating students. Situations and problem cases are discussed in a solution-oriented manner.


"Topic workshops"are usually one-day events that take place in the facilities of Frankfurt UAS.

You may send us job advertisements for graduates by e-mail as a PDF file. They are placed for free on our Career Center page for a duration of max. three months.

This format aims to connect the students of our excellent partner universities with businesses from the Rhine-Main region for the duration of an internship semesters. A number of prerequisites are required that can only be determined during a personal meeting.

Mentoring a project paper brings many benefits: You get in contact with young people, are able to pass on your know-how and experiences, and have lots of possibilities to look beyond your own subject-related horizon. In all areas of the business and law programs, we are always looking for new mentors from the professional world for project papers with and without research character. What do we need from you? CV, information about your specialization and your current work, and (optionally) information on the topic you would like to mentor and/or what project papers / research you would like to place for students in our institution.

Topics from the practical world are always reorganized, adjusted, and sometimes removed in teaching and during the development of the curricula. We are open to people who would like to cooperate spontaneously or even in one of our commissions (e.g. Practical Advisory Board) and technical groups. What do we need from you? CV, information about your specialization and your current work, and (optionally) information on the topic you would like to contribute.

Far away from the bustle, offices, or student life, fire-place evenings promote the personal communication and contact of our students with personalities from the profession. Fire-place evenings are performed exclusively with Master students and offer an outstanding platform to get to know potential employees.

At the moment, we accept job ads for working students / temps only in print form. They are placed free of charge in a display case made specifically for this purpose.


Would you like to present yourself as a business to all students from the Frankfurt and Rhine-Main metropolitan area? If you have offers for internships, side-jobs, final thesis papers, trainee positions, and full-time positions for students from all regional universities, the University Fair "meet@frankfurt-university" will provide you with the optimal conditions to get the word out.


IQB Career Services GmbH

We welcome academic events with an absolute added value for our students / teachers. We will gladly provide you a room(s) for this purpose and help you advertise your event.

Bernd Müller-Dauppert, member of the Executive Board, Miebach Consulting GmbH in Frankfurt am Main

"For five years now, there has been an intensive working relationship between the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and our company, Miebach Consulting. We are a consulting business specialized in logistics and supply-chain management that has headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and offices in another 24 offices around the world. As a consulting business, the collaboration with competent research partners and the recruiting of university graduates with an outstanding education is extremely important to us. The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences has greatly helped us with this. The opportunity of getting to know potential consultants intensively during a five-month internship semester is very interesting to us and it also offers the students exciting insights into the project work of a logistics consultant. Another very helpful aspect for the selection of suitable candidates is the possibility to have direct contacts with the students as adjunct lecturer in order to awaken or reinforce their interest in logistics. Student days such as the Logistics and Mobility Congress, which we like to support with company stands, round out this collaboration. This creates a perfect way to interconnect theory and practice."


Feel free to contact us if you are interested in collaborating with us. We are always ready to listen – and are open to new ideas for the cooperation.

Dean's Secretary's Office

Katharina StemmerReferentin der Dekane
Building 4, Room 203
Fax : +49 69 1533 2903
Webteam Faculty 3ID: 4271