
Study Subject Coordination

The course advisors/study subject coordinators are your contacts when it comes to lecture content and semester planning. The contact details can be found on the German website.

1.1 Fundamentals of business administration

1.2 Leadership

Prof. Dr.
Nicolas Giegler
Head of degree course: Leadership (M.A.)
Building 4, Room 510

1.3 Financing

1.4 Marketing

1.5 Production and logistics

Prof. Dr.
Benjamin Bierwirth
Head of degree course: Global Logistics (M.Sc.)
Building HoST, Room B 03 319

1.6 Taxes/tax law/auditing

Prof. Dr.
Susanne Rägle
Head of degree course: Business Administration – Double Degree (B.A.)
Building 4, Room 514
Fax : +49 69 1533-2903

2 Accounting

Prof. Dr.
Matthias Schabel
Head of degree course: Business Administration (B. A)
Building 4, Room 501
Fax : +49 69 1533-2949

3 Economics

4 Business mathematics/statistics/quantitative methods

Prof. Dr.
Tobias Hagen
Professor for Economics and Quantitative Methods
Building HoST, Room B 03 319

5 Private law/public law

Business administration degree programs

Prof. Dr.
Kathrin Gounalakis
Building 4, Room 509
Fax : +49 69 1533-2483

Business Law degree program

Prof. Dr.
Christiane Siemes
Head of degree course: Business Law (LL.B.)
Building 4, Room 404

6 Business information systems

7 Key qualifications/management skills/study skills

8 Specialized languages

Lilia Weber
Building 2, Room 373
Fax : +49 69 1533-2700
Secretary's Office Faculty 3 TeachingID: 7897
last updated on: 02.28.2024