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Examinations winter semester 2023/24 - Regulations and checklist

Information on the exam phase

Status: 18.12.2023, time: 17:00

This page is subject to a dynamic process. We endeavor to provide answers to all questions. Please be sure to visit this page again and again. Thank you very much!

The following information reflects the current planning status and applies to the winter semester 2023/24 (MBA courses are not affected). Changes are possible at any time!

The examination period for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs begins on 05.02.2024 and ends on 24.02.2024.

The examination period for the dual Bachelor's degree programs in Aviation Management and Tourism Management is set from 08.01.2024 to 20.01.2024.

The examination period for the dual Bachelor's degree programs Public Administration (1st semester) and Taxation is from 08.01.2024 to 19.01.2024.

The examination period for the 3rd and 5th semester of the dual Bachelor's degree course in Public Administration begins on 29.01.2024 until 09.02.2024.

Please refer to the peregos app for the individual exam dates. Register with your CIT account at the following link:

Please note: Participation in an exam is only possible after prior registration and admission. It is strongly recommended that you print out a current receipt from the HIS portal for self-monitoring.


Information for the regular examination phase

The examinations take place on the Nibelungenplatz campus in building 4. All seminar rooms and corridors on the third and fourth floors of Building 4 are considered examination areas.

Students are only permitted to remain in the examination area for the duration of the respective examination during the entire examination phase (05.02. - 24.02.2024). Access to the examination area is only permitted with a study chip and after prior identity check. Please leave the examination area quickly at the end of the examination. The arrangement of the tables and chairs in the rooms may not be changed.

Identity check in building 4 - please be on site according to the instructions!

In order to be able to carry out an orderly identity check, please arrive for the identity check on the 3rd and 4th floors of Building 4, staggered according to the first letter of your surname.


You appear for identity check

Letters A – F

30 minutes before the exam starts

Letters G – L

25 minutes before the exam starts

Letters M – R

20 minutes before the exam starts

Letters S – Z

15 minutes before the exam starts

Examination area: The examination room

You can find out on which floor (3rd or 4th floor of building 4) your exam will take place in the peregos app. Log in with your CIT account at the following link: Here you will find all information about the examination rooms. Please note that there may be room changes at short notice. Therefore, check in peregos on the day of your exam in which room the exam will take place and go to the relevant floor 30 minutes before the exam starts. Have your study chip ready, as this is where the identity check takes place.

Webteam Faculty 3ID: 8478
last updated on: 03.27.2024