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Archive of book publications
of Faculty 3: Business and Law

Dynamic start-up scene during the boom - Annual analysis of structure and dynamic of the start-up scene in Germany, KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt, 2011

Since 2000, the KfW bank group has been creating the annual representative population survey for the KfW Start-up Monitor. In these eleven years, the KfW Start-up Monitor has developed into the most comprehensive information source about the start-ups in Germany. It not only provides information about full-time and part-time start-ups, but also on the start-up scene outside of the commercial area (e.g. freelancers). For this edition of the report, 50,000 persons were asked about their start-up behavior in 2010. The large number of cases allows for detailed analysis of the structure and financing of the current start-up scene. In addition, a link to the present survey rounds from different years delivers valuable insights on the dynamics of start-up activities.

To the KfW Start-up Monitor 2011 (German only).

Like all other expenses in the EU budget, the cohesion policy is included together with the receipt side in the current comprehensive general audit of the EU finance system. The study wants to make a contribution to this audit by studying a two-fold and interdependent question: First we study where the strengths and weaknesses of the current system lie and what reform options are recommendable. Secondly, we want to quantitatively elucidate the budget consequences of different reform options, including an updating of the status quo. The budgetary consequences are also significant because they indicate to what extent financial (in terms of payment ability) or political (in terms of willingness to pay) restrictions are violated by the donor countries.

ISBN 978-3-8329-5267-9 (German only)

The result of the study shows that the well-developed transportation connections can hardly achieve a compensating effect for the amount of long-term unemployment, even though the distances between rural and urban districts in the metropolitan areas Rhine-Neckar are short.

Decisive for the very clear differences in some cases are, in particular, the socio-economic characteristics of the unemployed, such as origin, education, and qualifications. More people with a migration background and low educational level live in cities. At the same time, in cities there is more demand for highly qualified employees, who frequently commute from outside the city. Nonetheless, the mismatch of open positions and employees in urban districts, especially Mannheim, clearly decreased from mid-2005 to the end of 2008. The above average decrease of the mismatch in the cities could possibly be traced to a "Hartz IV" effect ("support and challenge").

Since the demand for higher qualifications will continue to increase, the authors are convinced that more has to be done in the area of education and training in the future – in particular in urban districts. In addition, cities must become more attractive for highly qualified workers.

ISBN 978-3-631-59951-8 (German only)

This practical manual for public limited liability companies (AG) and limited joint stock partnerships (KGaA) considers particularly practice-relevant scenarios like business acquisitions, IPOs, incorporation, restructuring, defense against hostile take-overs, internationalization, and the development of an internet presence. It discusses the foundation and development of a business through growth and structural change, all the way to a possible termination and continuation phase. Finally, the book looks at interdisciplinary legal, business administration, and financing-related aspects.

 "... nicely done... a masterwork", The Board of Supervisors 9/2004

Precise and compact textbook. Shows the essential economic foundations and processes. With a detailed introduction into "green logistics", i.e. ecologically sustainable logistics.

Global trade and the increasing global journey present new challenges for logistics both from an economic and ecologically perspective. This textbook discusses the processes needed for the transport, storage, and handling of goods, both from the economic and ecological perspectives. In five chapters, the book covers the basics of logistics and its processes and controlling, supply chain management, and green logistics. The young discipline of "green logistics" tackles the problem of combining economy and ecology inside logistics insofar as both areas take into account the objectives and questions of the other field.

This introduction into logistics is suitable for self-study and as a text book for a one-semester course.

ISBN 978-3-642-15289-4 (German only)

In this book, beginners get to know the topic of process management, what models, methods, and tools are suitable to analyze, define, design, and implement processes. For this purpose, the author connects the applicable process management tools with methods of quality management to show how process quality can be improved and costs saved.

ISBN-13: 978-3-642-01121-4 (German only)

ISBN 978-3-9807324-4-4

Entrepreneurs and executives sign a large number of contracts over the course of their working life and they do not always spend a lot of time negotiating these contracts or considering their implications for the future. This can end up costing companies a lot. This book shows the reader some of the traps during the periods of planning, negotiation, and after signing of the contract; it also provides practical tips how to circumvent them and how contracts can lay the foundation for a long-term successful business relationship for the company. Non-legalese, entertaining, and off the beaten path of the usual legal advice - written for entrepreneurs and executives who from time to time have to manage contract negotiations without an attorney.

A reading sample, more information, and ordering information is available at:

Die Steuerung von Entscheidungen als Grundproblem der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 6. Auflage, Springer: Berlin u. a. O. 2005.

This book develops structuring concepts for solving organizational design problems. Using the example of important organizational problems, the book shows how one can work with these concepts and what solutions are advantageous in different situations. The explanations are normative in design. The reader is supposed to learn to discover problems himself, find connections between them, and judge for himself (also based on personal experience) what organizational measures are indicated in view of the economic goals and the internal and external situation of an enterprise.

This conference volume contains lectures and guest contributions of the symposium "Medication management in in-patient care institutions: Team work of soloists?" It delivers a comprehensive stock-taking of the current problems and solutions for the optimal medication care of nursing home residents. At the interface of out-patient and in-patient health care, nursing or retirement home care with its established structures offers the opportunity to use existing experiences and develop them into a prototypical process model of medication management.

Publication date: 24.10.2014

ISBN-13 (Print edition): 9783954048199 (German only)
ISBN-13 (E-Book): 9783736948198 (German only)

ISBN-13: 9783864963858

In past years, a number of new concepts concerning organizational design have arisen. And more new ones are constantly cropping up, while others disappear again. Since there are no universally applicable organizational structures that would be optimal in every situation, radical changes always require organizational change. This book covers newer and practice-relevant concepts for organizational design. The author particularly addresses the topics of organizational change and future trends.  

ISBN-13: 9783864963841

The organization of a business impacts its competitiveness as well as costs, productivity, quality, and the behavior and motivation of employees. Organizational tasks occur not only during the start-up phase of a business. The processes and structures of existing businesses must also be redesigned again and again to remain successful. Companies must constantly rethink their structural organization and adapt it to circumstances. In this book, the author explains the basics of structural organization, which she differentiates into primary and secondary organization.

ISBN: 978-3-86496-058-1

Professional personnel selection is particularly important because bad staffing can lead to unnecessary conflicts and high costs. This can be avoided through a systematic approach. In her guidelines, Christiana Nicolai shows what instruments and methods exist in personnel selection and what to pay attention to in order to find the right individuals for the business. All practice-relevant phases of the recruiting process are explained, from application management and interview management to the different selection methods. The author also discusses the legal aspects of personnel selection. The book is targeted towards practitioners in the HR segment who are searching for well-founded ideas for the future-oriented design of their work. (Future) executives in other business areas also increasingly require HR-related know-how for handling employees.

1. Auflage 05.2013 (UVK)

ISBN: 978-3-86496-059-8

Today, obtaining one qualification is no longer sufficient for the entire professional life. The half-life of knowledge continues to decrease and makes life-long learning indispensable. For this reason, companies must exhaust the potential of their employees pursuant to current and future requirements in order to remain competitive in the long run. In her book, Christiana Nicolai presents a concept for systematic, future-oriented HR development. All practice-relevant phases of personnel development are explained, from determining needs, planning and implementation, to costs and monitoring success. The author also discusses the possibility of foreign assignments and the associated problems. The book is targeted towards practitioners in the HR segment who are searching for well-founded ideas for the future-oriented design of their work. (Future) executives in other business areas also increasingly require the HR-related know-how for handling employees.

1. Auflage 05.2013 (UVK)

This textbook enables students to prepare for their examinations systematically and quickly. It is intentionally designed to be pragmatic and avoids any deeper organizational theory. The focus lies on compact, practice-oriented depiction. It is particularly suitable for Bachelor students. They can acquire well-founded basic knowledge with it.

The focus lies on the central organizational problem areas of "structural organization" and "process organization." In addition to the consciously created organization, a light is also shed on informal organization, which develops unplanned due to the goals and values of the employees. An overview of the most important representation techniques of organization, such as job descriptions and process diagrams, as well as newer, practice-relevant concepts and the topic of "organizational change" round out the material.

Interested practitioners will receive an insight into the subject, can refresh their knowledge, and get ideas for how to respond to organizational questions.

ISBN 978-3-8305-3095-4

It was already clear in 1992 that the Euro was on its way. The book examines how investors tried to save themselves at that time and what traps they fell into. The same traps are cropping up again in the current Euro crisis. The European Central Bank continues to "print” more and more money. How is this possible and at what point does this lead to inflation? Why didn't inflation arrive a long time ago? The Euro parachute is swallowing unimaginable sums. Why do politicians want this? Can this ever be sensible for us? What effects does the Euro parachute have on you personally? Which political decisions take a step in the right direction and which in the wrong? Can the Euro be saved at all? What does the Euro crisis have to do with the banking crisis of 2008? What happens when the North Euro and the South Euro really arrive? How can you best prepare? Who would profit from this, who would lose? Does it make sense to invest in gold or is silver better? Can you profit from the crisis is you have debt? Should you buy real estate?

ISBN 798-3-924043-60-5 (German only)

A well-designed organization significantly influences the competitiveness of a business. It has an impact on economic variables, such as costs, productivity, and quality, and at the same time, influences the behavior and the motivation of employees. Start-ups face the problem of organization. But also established companies continually have to redesign processes and structures in order to remain successful or increase their efficiency. The many reorganization measures in business show that awareness for the significance of organization has increased significantly in the past few years. Today, it is mainly considered a strategic management function, which represents an essential component for objective-oriented management and long-term success.

This textbook discusses the central organizational problem areas of structural and process organization, and provides an overview of newer, practice-relevant organizational concepts. In addition to the design of the formal organizational regulations consciously created by the company's decision-makers, it also addresses informal organization. It is developed without being planned based on the goals and values of the employees and it changes the formal design into the real organization of the business. The topics of organizational change and future trends are also discussed. The focus lies on a practice-oriented, compact depiction without too much emphasis on theory.

This book allows students to acquire a systematic overview of organizational tasks, problem areas, and connections. However, it is also targeted towards specialists and executives from businesses who are looking for well-founded ideas to solve organizational problems in their area of responsibility.

ISBN 978-3-8252-8421-3 (German only)

Introduction Into the Field of Game Theory The book discusses the basic concepts of game theory, 2x2 bimatrix games, solution concepts for non-cooperative games, and experimental economic research.

The book is an easy to understand introduction into game theory that covers all important areas. It also explains the theories of all Nobel prize winners from this area, such as those from John Nash, Schelling, Aumann, Akerlof, Harsanyi, and Reinhard Selten. The content not only covers the familiar areas of game theory (such as the prisoner's dilemma or the origin of cooperation out of self-interest) but also the unfamiliar areas that are no less exciting (such as coordination games or mixed strategies). 

Despite the easy to understand style, the book also explains the most complicated areas of game theory and provides "math tips," which make it easier to understand than other texts on game theory. It is therefore often used at universities for game theory seminars. The first edition from 1992 was one of the first books on this topic in German; it has been regularly revised and updated since then.

Whenever several decision-makers achieve a result together, this is an application of game theory. For this reason, it is impossible to imagine modern economics or social sciences without it. However, many economists and social scientists have a difficult time understanding game theory because it is a mathematical theory, which so far has been interpreted insufficiently for the concerns of academics studying real-world issues. 
This book is therefore addressed in particular to readers who are interested in the conceptional aspects of game theory: 

- Specific examples provide an introduction into the basic concepts and terminology of game theory. 
- Mathematical prerequisites are illustrated in a descriptive manner. 
- A cross-section of the entirety of game theory research - from the beginnings to the "research front" - simplifies the overview of the subject matter. 
- The book explains in understandable language what hides behind different game theory concepts.

From the content

"Conducting Successful Salary and Advancement Negotiations - Who Wouldn't Like to Master This Challenge?” But: What is special about successful negotiators? What are their personality traits? How do you prepare for a salary and advancement negotiation, how do you get in the right mindset for the negotiation meeting, and how do you react during the negotiation so that you optimize your chances for a higher salary or a better position?

The authors studied the negotiation skills of  successful and unsuccessful executives and provide answers to these questions in this book. They have developed models for successful salary and advancement negotiation for male and female executives - with and without personnel responsibility – and for everyone who wants to be.

ISBN 978-3-832266-66-0 (German only)

The book discusses the determination of the marginal price of an object to be assessed, up to the value at which its purchase (sale) is beneficial (detrimental) from the perspective of the share owners of a publicly traded company / individual private investor. Based on this, the book examines how the marginal price depends on the distribution of the risks between the investors, their risk attitudes, and the size of the object to be assessed. Special space is dedicated to the question of how the margin price deviates from the market value of the object to be assessed depending on the possibilities of risk transformation through portfolio formation in the single and multi-period cases. The popular equivalence of market value and margin price can lead to an incorrect assessment, especially for private investors who receive the surplus as sole owners. We show that the sole owner’s subjective margin price is generally lower than the market value. The deviation can be very high, in particular for large objects to be assessed (for instance an entire company) and high risk aversion.

ISBN 978-3-540852-72-8 (German only)

Mastering legal technical jargon is expected at the latest by the time the exercise papers are written. However, the acquisition of the necessary linguistic abilities is mostly left to chance. This volume tackles this problem - at the level of beginning students. A introductory chapter deals with the structure of legal certificates and has respective sample applications. The focus of the presentation lies on the linguistic design of the certificate. In a comprehensive chapter, versatile formulations are proposed, systematized by thesis statement, conclusion, conversion of certificate style to judgment style.

ISBN: 978-3-8006-4732-3 (German only)

2. überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2012,

The book deals with elementary questions of analysis, management, and the measurement of success of stock investments. It is nonetheless not intended as an introductory text. It often assumes some basic knowledge of stocks and the function of the capital markets, as for instance provided in basic information issued by banks. The book is of interest both for practitioners and academics with respect to capital market practices. The text gives private investors the opportunity to negotiate with their securities consultants and asset managers at eye level.

ISBN 978-3-8440-0871-5 (German only)

The book supplements and expands on "relational data bases and SQL in theory and practice." The focus of the presentation lies on aspects of application programming with data bases. It discusses procedural concepts in SQL, such as stored procedures and trigger, connection of data bases in Java, transactions, and many other topics. Another topic is design with UML. A sample data base and source codes are available for download.

ISBN: 978-3-642-39003-6 (German only)

5. Auflage, Springer Verlag, 2012,

This book explains fundamental concepts of relational data base technology and their implementation in the development and application of practice-ready information systems with the standardized SQL language. Methods for storing and finding data are discussed, as are logical connections. These are the prerequisites for the collected data to remain "consistent" - i.e. free of contradictions and meaningful. A continuous case study and comprehensive collection of exercises help the reader develop the concepts and apply them in practice.

ISBN 978-3642289859 (German only)

Konzepte der Entwicklung und Anwendung, 4. Aufl., Addison Wesley Verlag: München 2007

The book explains fundamental concepts of relational data bases and their implementation in the development and application of practice-ready information systems with SQL. It also outlines valuable guidelines for the practitioners and is an ideal textbook for students. Its successful combination of methodological-theoretical basics and many application samples is very helpful. It covers both SQL:1999 and SQL:2003.

From the content (German only)

Series European Entrepreneurship Education. Kosice 2009,
ISBN 978-80-553-0181-5

This is a textbook which slots into the Lofelong Learning programme EEE (European Entrepreneurship Education) Project. This project has European financial support and involves five partners as follows:

  • Petru Maior University of Tirgu Mures, Romania
  • University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • IUT Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
  • University of Kosice, Slovakia
  • Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The main teaching objectives are:

  • Know of concepts and principles of sustainable development
  • Know of relationship between sustainable development and globalization process
  • Know the factors of economic sustainable development
  • Identify the influence of entrepreneurship on sustainable development
  • Acknowledge the importance of social factor on sustainable development

Additional topics include:

  • pedagogical tools and methods
  • Abilities and Skills
  • Monitoring, feedback, results and impact

Series European Entrepreneurship Education. Frankfurt a.M., 2009,
ISBN 978-3-924100-38-4

This book deals with some of the most important skills involved in entrepreneurship. These skills include the ability to create product ideas and business concepts, problem solving approaches, and management of innovation. Real-life examples are offered throughout the book, and realistic exercises and case studies will support finding creative solutions for all kinds of entrepreneurial problems. By providing both a theoretical analysis of concepts and an explanation of creative skills that are likely to be useful for an entrepreneur, this book provides the reader with the ability to judge when and how to use particular methods of problem solving.

Kosice, 2009,
ISBN 978-80-553-0183-9

For a company manager, entrepreneurship remains first and foremost a temporary and provisional phenomenon. Once the act of creation achieved, once the company set on it tracks, one has to manage, to develop and to ensure the future of the business.

Offering to the readers of this book a certain amount of tools in such diverse and varied fields as strategy, finance, marketing and communication, human resources management… appeared to us as a clear and obvious choice to assist the future leader-managers in their decision-making when steeped in their future profession.

Luchterhand Verlag, 2013, 2668 pages.

The new commentary from an insurance lawyer addresses all the practice-relevant laws and general conditions in one volume. It explains insurance contract law and transitional law, all important general insurance conditions, insurance regulation law, insurance business law, and international insurance law. It also covers the procedural particularities that have to be followed. The commentary is systematic, practice-oriented, and based on current case-law. It also already takes the amendments into consideration that have become effective with the Law on the Change of Legal Insurance Regulations dated April 24, 2013.

ISBN 978-3-472-08019-0 (German only)

ISBN 978-3-89952-718-6

After the reform of the insurance contract law, the withdrawal rights of the policy holder, which were previously anchored legally in different places, have been revised. In a new form and equipped with a series of new functions, the right of withdrawal and its legal consequences are now mostly regulated in one central location.

This paper describes the development steps and analyzes the national regulations based on legal dogma. It also questions the decisions of the European Union legislators. Weaknesses are exposed and practical solutions provided. The first part of the study looks at withdrawal rights and elucidates in particular the scope and the problem area of "eternal withdrawal rights." The second part looks at the legal consequences of withdrawal rights. The third part looks at current legislative developments at the European level, like the consumer rights guidelines and the efforts to create a European contract law.

The book is directed towards both business attorneys, judges, attorneys, and academics.

This textbook is directed at students of all faculties, but in particular of Economics, Industrial Engineering, and Business Information Systems, who want to get a quick, efficient, and comprehensive overview of academic work. No matter whether home assignment, seminar paper, Bachelor thesis or Master thesis, dissertation, post-doctoral qualification, or presentations, the central requirements are explained concisely, precisely, and completely in 130 overviews with many examples provided by the authors. The book is also geared towards professors who want to develop courses based on this book. The book was based on lecture scripts and thus differs from traditional textbooks. The objective of the book is to give the reader an efficient work aid, which briefly and concisely explains the essential core areas of academic work in a thematically and graphically appealing manner; the book is a useful tool enriched with many examples for answering common questions associated with creating a academic paper. 

ISBN: 9783954046621 (German only)

in Internet und Social Media, Cuvillier Verlag, 2013,

Since the beginning of the internet, one frequently hears the thesis that today's adolescents and young adults can no longer be reached through the usual media like TV or print as they primarily spend their time on the internet and move through its various applications - in essence like real digital natives.

A comprehensive survey of students of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main empirically quantified online usage behavior while focusing on social media. The objective was to find out how students currently spend their online time.

ISBN 978-3-95404-436-8 (German only)

Göttingen, Cuvillier Verlag, 2010,
ISBN 978-38-695-5497-6

This textbook is directed at students of all faculties, but in particular of Economics, Industrial Engineering, and Business Information Systems, who want to get a quick, efficient, and comprehensive overview of questions concerning investment and financing. The book is also geared towards professors who want to develop courses based on this book. The book was based on lecture scripts and thus differs from traditional textbooks. The objective of the book is to give the reader an efficient work aid, which briefly and concisely explains the relevant core areas of investment calculations and business financing in a thematically and graphically appealing manner; the book is a useful tool enriched with many examples for answering common questions associated with creating an academic paper.

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