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The Center for Health Care Management and Law (ZGWR) plans numerous academic events. The following list is not complete and is continually updated.

Most recent events

July 7, 2016:
Academic symposium on "The health care of residents in stationary retirement and nursing homes: paths to better cooperation and coordination"

4th Symposium of the Center for Health Care Management and Law on inter-sector care in the health care system

Download program

November 8, 2016:
The law on fighting corruption in health care – the first six months

Lecturer: Attorney General Alexander Badle, Director of the Center for Fighting Property Crimes and Corruption in Health Care at the District Attorney's Office Frankfurt am Main

18th Health policy colloquium of the Association for Management and Contract Design in Health Care Management in collaboration with the ZGWR

Lecture series

The  interfaces between the service sectors, and in particular the lack of integration between providing out-patient and in-patient health care, form one of the central weaknesses of the German health care system. This was the starting point on which the expert commission on the assessment of the developments in health care sector based its special assessment in 2012 with the title "Competition at the interface between out-patient and stationary health care." With an opening lecture of the  Chairman of the expert commission at the time, Professor Eberhardt Wille from the University Mannheim, the Center for Health Care Management and Law (ZGWR) started a series of symposia on January 14, 2013 that deal with issues of inter-sector care. Starting with the basic issues that were the focus of the 1st symposium, the following events focused more on application-oriented issues that arise in connection with providing medical care in retirement and nursing homes. It has become increasingly clear that providing health care in nursing care facilities exhibits all elements of inter-sector care with its interface problems and unused optimization potential.

On January 14, 2013, the Center for Health Care Management and Law (ZGWR) of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main held a scientific symposium under the title "Inter-sector care and competition in the health care field – status and perspectives.”

On September 26, 2013, the 2nd ZGWR symposium on inter-sector care of the Center for Health Care Management and Law (ZGWR) took place. Under the title "Medication management in homes: soloists in team work?," patient representatives, physicians, pharmacists, and care managers discussed interface problems in the provision of medication to the elderly living in nursing care facilities with representatives from academia and participants from the health care sector, and they demonstrated possible solutions.

The 3rd symposium on inter-sector care in the health care system of the Center for Health Care Management and Law took place on  September 23, 2014 under the title "Patient-centric process optimization in home care: medication management as interdisciplinary problem." The focus was on medication therapy in homes, which is a highly complex process with many possible errors due to the involvement of many people from the areas of medicine, pharmacy, and nursing care. After by experts from the various fields of health care took stock of the current situation, Prof. Meyer and the health care researcher Stefanie Kortekamp, M.A. reported their first results from their research project "Process optimization in Medication Management - ProMmt" and discussed them with the participants and experts.

The 4th. symposium on questions of inter-sector health care will discuss health management in retirement and nursing homes on July 7, 2016.

The health care of home residents faces increasing new challenges, which are further exacerbated by the shortage of care personnel and age-related retirement of many general practitioners. The legislation has formulated additional requirements for the cooperation and coordination of all participants and has provided financing and forms of action to be implemented by the service providers and statutory health insurers. The 4th. symposium on inter-sector care in the health care system brings experts and practitioners from the nursing care and health fields together to discuss existing problems in Hesse with providing medical treatment to home residents and to develop new solutions for them.

Past events

Contact person

Prof. Dr.
Hilko J. Meyer
Remote working
Fax : +49 61 0153-4648
Web team - Faculty 3ID: 5146