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Gut geht´s Frankfurt

The project "GUT GEHT’S FRANKFURT” is a cooperation project of the ZGWR at the Frankfurt UAS together with the Health Office of the City of Frankfurt, the City of Frankfurt, and the Self-Help Agency Frankfurt. The project is supported by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and the City of Frankfurt. 

The ZGWR is a scientific cooperation partner in the project and provides a part of the staff via the Frankfurt UAS. In close cooperation with the City of Frankfurt, the Health Office of the City of Frankfurt, the Self-Help Agency, and the TK, the project, initially supported for five years, is backed and promoted academically.  

The goal of project GUT GEHT`S is to bring all the actors together who are working towards the goals of maintaining, improving, and promoting the health and quality of life of the citizens of Frankfurt  and preventing illness.
GUT GEHT`S is supposed to further develop and strengthen the practice of cooperative efforts for promoting health and prevention, which the City of Frankfurt am Main has undertaken for many years, into a common level of collaboration.
Starting in Frankfurt neighborhoods with below par health-related opportunities, we want to kick off processes and support them long-term to promote equal health-related opportunities.


A central instrument is the annual City Health Conference. It collects existing programs and initiatives, sets new impulses for targeted measures, and develops a specific action catalog for the implementation of health-promoting and preventive measures in neighborhoods with unequal health-related opportunities. The first Frankfurt City Health Conference took place at the FRA UAS on October 15. 


The actors at the City Health Conference include the social welfare work, self-help groups, institutions and professional associations in health care (incl. physicians, dentists, psychotherapists, pharmacists) as well as representatives from health, retirement, and accident insurance companies, associations and social initiatives, representatives of municipal politics, and all relevant City protagonists.


The City Health Conference discusses inter-disciplinary, health-related topics. For this purpose, it uses the available data of the health reporting in Frankfurt am Main. 2018 and 2019 will focus on the health goal "Growing up healthy." 2020 and 2021 will focus on "Healthy aging." In the fifth year, GUT GEHT`S will determine the topics for the coming years at the City Health Conference itself.

Contact person for the project is Dr. Wolfram Burkhardt at ZGWR (Deputy Project Manager GUT GEHT’S FRANKFURT) wburkhardt(at)

You can find additional information on the website of the "Gut geht´s Frankfurt” project.

Contact person

Prof. Dr.
Wolfram Burkhardt
Head examination office
Building 10, Room 423
Fax : +49 69 1533-2809
Web team - Faculty 3ID: 6190