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§ 1 Name and legal status

The center operates under the name "Center for Health Care Management and Law (ZGWR)" and is an academic center of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main pursuant to § 54 Para. 3 HHG.

§ 2 Goals and mission

(1) The mission of the Center is to manage and promote application-oriented research and teaching in the areas of Health Care Management and Law at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main. The center serves as a platform for interdisciplinary and interdepartmental cooperation in these areas and supports and promotes its members in their research, development, consulting, teaching, and continuing education projects, in particular with securing third-party funds. It supports the university in its responsibility to promote young academics, to evaluate their research and development performance, and to inform the public of this performance.

(2) The center fulfills its mission through the following activities:- assistance with applying for and raising third party funding and support in the organization and implementation of projects, - support and promotion of applied research as part of third-party funded projects - cooperation with businesses, associations, agencies, and other universities, in Germany and abroad, through research ventures, academic exchanges, training and continuing education, and consulting - initiation, implementation, scientific support, and evaluation of model projects - use of students in the institute’s activities.

(3) The center will in particular implement the following ventures for this purpose: - research projects in Health Care Management and Law, - scientific conferences and congresses,- documentation of research on focus areas in a publication series,- qualification of students and counseling for students through assistant activities, internships,- program projects and the completion of integrated thesis papers in the national and international context,- political consulting on subject areas related to health care management and law,- implementation of training and continuing education events.

§ 3 Members

(1) Full-time professors and scientific staff working at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main may be members if they can demonstrate active research or teaching activities in the areas of health care management and law. The Directorate decides who should be accepted as a member. Membership applications can be submitted to the Directorate at any time. Membership lapses upon the decision of the Directorate if the prerequisites listed in Clause 1 no longer apply.

(2) Members and associates of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main who are not members of the Center as defined in Para. 1, members and associates of other universities, non-university research institutions, and other institutions working in health care management and law may also become associate members of the Center. The concerns of associate members must be heard when decisions are made that pertain to them. In this respect, they are entitled to submit motions. The Directorate decides who can be accepted as an associate member in the Center.

§ 4 General assembly

(1) The Managing Director calls a general assembly when necessary, however, at least once a year. An extraordinary general assembly must be called upon decision of the Directorate or when a motion to do so is supported by at least one quarter of the members of the Center.

(2) The general assembly may generally discuss any questions affecting the mission of the Center and issue recommendations to the Directorate.

(3) The general assembly elects the members of the Directorate pursuant to § 6 of these statutes.

(4) The general assembly decides annually on the approval of the actions of the Managing Director and the Deputy Managing Director.

§ 5 Bodies

The bodies of the Center are

1. The general assembly,

2. The Directorate,

3. The Managing Director.

§ 6 Election of the Directorate

(1) The Center is managed by a Directorate. The Directorate has at least two and at most four members. The Directors are elected by the professors in the general assembly. Each participating faculty should have at least one representative in the Directorate.

(2) During the general assembly, the group of professors elects one Deputy for the Directors. Para. 1 Clause 3 applies correspondingly; if fewer nominees are available for the election than Directors were elected, then the positions of the Deputies remain unfilled.

(3) Associate members as defined in § 3 Para. 2 Clause 1 of these statutes have no active or passive voting rights in the election of the Directorate.

§ 7 Responsibilities of the Directorate

(1) The Directorate decides with the simple majority of its present members. At least two members must be present for quorum. In case of a tie, the  vote of the Managing Director decides.

(2) The Directorate decides in all matters of the Center that are of essential significance, unless otherwise specified by law. The Directorate regulates the details in its procedural rules. Its responsibilities include in particular:

  • Election of the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director;

  • Creation of an organizational chart;

  • Specification of the program’s principles, responsibilities, and objectives and focus areas as defined in § 2;

  • Decision on the use of personnel and distribution of resources;

  • Finalization of the annual report; - decision on acceptance of members or associate members;

  • decision on institution and staffing of an Advisory Board.

(3) Every member of the Directorate can request a meeting of the Directorate if they provide the reasons.

§ 8 Election of the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director

(1) The Directorate elects the Managing Director and a Deputy Managing Director from the group of its professors at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main for a term of two years.

(2) The election is carried out as a secret ballot.

(3) Reelection is permissible.

(4) The election of a successor should take place at least three months before the start of the term.

§ 9 Responsibilities and authorities of the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director

(1) The Managing Director manages the Center and represents it with respect to the university. In doing so, s/he closely coordinates with the Deputy Managing Director. § 44 Para. 1 Hesse University Act remains unaffected. The responsibilities of the Managing Director are as follows:

  • Calling and conducting the meetings of the Directorate;

  • Preparation and implementation of decisions of the Directorate;

  • Administration and business management of the Center;

  • Development of the budget proposal;

  • Presentation of the annual report;

  • Suggestion of research projects;

  • Raising third party funding;

  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with businesses, research institutions, government agencies, ministries, and other domestic and foreign institutions that work on topics in health care management and law;

  • PR work and representation of the Center in coordination with the central press and PR work of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main. 

(2) In case of absence, the Managing Director is represented by the Deputy Managing Director.

(3) The Managing Director regularly reports to the Directorate about all significant matters.

(4) The Managing Director must call for a decision by the Directorate in all matters of fundamental importance. In urgent cases, s/he may initiate any required action. In especially important matters, s/he must immediately call an extraordinary meeting of the Directorate.

(5) The Managing Director acts as a supervisor of the academic staff and technical-administrative personnel at the Center.

(6) The Managing Director regularly reports to the Directorate about all matters affecting the center, in particular about any decisions of other committees at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main which may impact the Center. The Managing Director regularly communicates information and experiences with the members.

(7) The Managing Director submits a written annual report once a year to the Directorate, general assembly, and the President's Office of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main concerning the work and development of the Center.

§ 10 Advisory Board

(1) The Directorate may nominate an Advisory Board. In the event an Advisory Board is formed, people from science, business, politics, and society should be nominated for the board.

(2) The Advisory Board guides the work of the center and contributes to the realization of its goals and responsibilities. It thus acts in an advisory capacity for the Directorate and acts in concert with the Directorate to ensure the widest possible support for the work of the Center in society and business.

(3) At least once a year, the Managing Director calls the Advisory Board of the Center to a meeting in writing and provides board members with an agenda at least two weeks in advance.

§ 11 Financing

(1) The Center is financed from the income for the statutory services provided by the Center.

(2) The center is entitled to raise funding and donations from third parties.

(3) In addition, applications for additional university funds may be submitted.

(4) The space used by the Center is centrally managed.

§ 12 Dissolution of the Center

(1) In the event the Center is dissolved, integrated institutions are returned to the faculties who provided them.

(2) Upon dissolution of the Center, equipment that the Center acquired from funds directly allocated to the President's Office or from third-party funds are transferred to the involved faculties by a decision of the President's Office; it must be ensured that these funds are used sensibly.

§ 13 Legal effectiveness

The statutes take effect on the day after publication in the University Gazette (Hochschulanzeiger) as a special edition of the university newspaper of the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main (Name "CAZ").


Decided by the President's Office

Frankfurt am Main, 05.07.2010

Dr. Eng. Detlev Buchholz


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