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Institute for Mixed Leadership (IML)

Welcome to the Institute for Mixed Leadership

The Institute for Mixed Leadership (IML) bundles research activities, consulting and training offers on the topics of innovative leadership, change in leadership culture as well as diversity as a success factor for companies at the Faculty 3: Business and Law of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

The aim of the IML is to identify and dismantle structural barriers and existing stereotypical attributions that have a negative impact on the composition of leadership in organizations. The practice-oriented research work contributes to increasing the proportion and acceptance of women in leadership positions as well as mixed-gender and diverse leadership teams.

Members of the directorate conduct research and teach on gender issues and current challenges in the context of management and leadership, including dealing with and reflecting on role stereotypes, career-oriented networking, balancing career and family, leadership and gender competencies.

In addition to its broad-based research, the IML offers events and consulting services oriented to the needs of practice. Here, too, the focus is on equality and equal opportunities as well as mindfulness and competence enhancement in the area of mixed leadership.

The IML also runs the Academy Mixed Leadership (German only). The aim of this management academy is to shape the change in management culture and to raise awareness of the increasing economic necessity of diversity. (Junior-)Executives are to be empowered and strengthened by suitable training offers for the assumption and exercise of leadership tasks.

Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to exchanging ideas with you.


Current research

Investigation of visibility parameters


Investigation of the importance, selection criteria and function of role models to increase the proportion of women in leadership positions

Examining the career implications of work flexibilization in the wake of the Corona pandemic

Research projects, publications, and lectures at the Frankfurt UAS

Salary and advancement negotiations

  • Gender aspects in contract negotiations (Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)
  • Gender-specific negotiation skills and their effect on salary and advancement negotiations – Initial study and follow-up study (Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)
  • Negotiation strategies of male and female executives during salary and advancement negotiations (Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)

The recruiting process:

  • Candidate experience – gender-specific experiences and their processing in the application process (study of recruiting practices of German businesses from the perspective of applicants. (Ruppert,  A. / Voigt, M. / Ferber, I.)
  • The influence of gender and ethnicity in applicant selection (Rieck, C. / Weissenrieder, C. et al.)
  • Analysis of Post-Employment Relations (Graml, R.)

Career development

  • Success Factor Negotiation: The Corona Pandemic as an Opportunity Structure − Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Gender Research (Kneip, V. / Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)
  • Escaping the part-time work trap − Statement at the Action Day „Equal Pay Day 2021“ (Kneip, V.)
  • Acceptance of executives – analysis of perceived behaviors of women and men in management positions (Weissenrieder, C. / Graml R. / Ziegler, Y.)
  • Career perspectives  of working mothers - 1st Frankfurt Career Study (Ziegler, Y. / Graml, R. / Weissenrieder, C.) 
  • Gender Diversity Culture Check - Study of influencing factors of the organizational culture on the number and acceptance of women in leadership positions in the aviation industry in Germany (Ziegler, Y. / Graml, R. / Weissenrieder, C.)
  • Is the glass ceiling still there? Explorative study of business-internal standards, values, and processes on the career chances of women (Weissenrieder, C. / Graml, R. / Hagen, T. / Ziegler, Y.)
  • Exploratory study of company culture on the career chances of women  (Weissenrieder, C. / Graml, R. / Hagen, T. / Ziegler, Y.)
  • Career possibilities for women in businesses in Japan and Japanese career women (Ziegler, Y.)
  • Media depiction of women in business and science (Lämmlein, B. / Weissenrieder, C.)
  • Gender diversity in management teams – A success factor for businesses? (Voigt, M.)
  • Study of alternative career models (Weissenrieder, C. / Graml, R.)
  • What effect does cultural education have on personality development, participation, and good leadership? (Lämmlein, B.)
  • Diversity in the Board of Supervisors – Study on the composition of German Boards of Supervisors (Rieck, C. / Bendig, H. et al.)
  • Negotiation in the time of mixed leadership  (Ruppert, A.)
  • Work and family - Living patterns of executives with children (Graml, R.)
  • Thoughts on the compatibility of family and job (Graml, R.)
  • Children, career, compromise and The illusion of the compatibility of family and career (Ziegler, Y. / Graml, R.)
  • Diversity management in public administration: Effects of institutional context conditions on the experiences of discrimination of LGBTIQ* individuals (Küchler-Stahn, N. et al.)
  • The L-Word in Business - Lesbian women at work (Graml, R. / Hagen, T. / Ziegler, Y.)
  • Preliminary study: Lesbian women at work - The L-Word in Business (Graml, R. / Ziegler, Y . / Weissenrieder, C.)
  • How can you integrate gender aspects into teaching? A model module to teach negotiation skills (Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)
  • Assertion-oriented, hard or factual, cooperative negotiation - what ideas and expectations to students have? (Ruppert, A. / Voigt, M.)


Elena BöhringerResearch Assistant
Building HoST, Room 311
Therese GrünerResearch Assistant IML
Building HoST, Room 3. OG
Catinca RothResearch Assistant IML
Building HoST, Room 3. OG
Melanie Slavici
Research Assistant IML
Building HoST, Room 3. OG


Elena BöhringerResearch Assistant
Building HoST, Room 311
Astrid KramerHead of Donor Relations
Building Villa Kleiststr. 8, Room 2nd floor
Prof. Dr.
Christian Rieck
Head of degree course: International Finance
Building 4, Room 503
Maren Schlegler
Geschäftsführerin School of Personal Development and Education
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 1017
Prof. Dr.
Christiane Siemes
Head of degree course: Business Law (LL.B.)
Building 4, Room 404
Prof. Dr.
Kerstin Wegener
Head of degree course Tourism Management (BA)
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 227
Prof. Dr.
Yvonne Ziegler
Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit besonderem Schwerpunkt Internationales Luftverkehrsmanagement
Building BCN, Room 226
  • Ursula Auf der Heide
  • Valeria Berghoff-Flüel
  • Anna Bergstermann
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gerdiken
  • Dr. Kirsten Gerstner
  • Mechtild M. Jansen
  • Katrin Kärner
  • Astrid Kramer
  • Prof. Dr. Nicole Küchler-Stahn
  • Prof. Dr. Isabel Nehmeyer-Srocke
  • Britta Niemeyer
  • Dr. Stephanie Robben-Beyer
  • Petra Rossbrey
  • Isabel Schürmann
  • Sarah Sorge
  • Barbara Wagner
  • Dr. Caprice Weissenrieder
  • Monika Weitz
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