
Institute for Public Management

Profile of the institute

The IPM is the Institute for Public Management at Faculty 3: Business and Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of the IPM is to promote and manage application-oriented research and teaching in the area of Public Management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and to support the continual reform of public administration and institutions.

The institute serves as a platform for interdisciplinary cooperation in the area of public management, and it supports and promotes its members with research, development, consulting, teaching, and continuing education projects, in particular with third-party funds.

The IPM nurtures cooperation with regional authorities, agencies, businesses, associations, and other universities in Germany or abroad through research ventures, academic exchange, training, continuing education, and consulting. In order to maintain the contacts in the above areas, the IPM also holds events at the scientific and application-oriented level. Furthermore, the IPM assists Faculty 3: Business and Law and the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences am Main with application procedures for third-party funding. At the same time, it provides support with the organization and implementation of projects. The institute also promotes the initiation, implementation, scientific support, and evaluation of model projects and ensures that students are used within the scope of these activities.


Managing Director

Prof. Dr.
Adelheid Zeis
Head of degree course: Public Administration (B. A.)/ Public and Non-Profit Management (B. A.)
Building 4, Room 520

Cooperation partners

The IPM works in a network consisting of academia, teaching, business, and public administration and has cooperations with the following municipalities and institutions:

These cooperations allow for a multitude of different problems in the various sectors of public management to be dealt with together with experienced know-how providers, while at the same time, reacting flexibly to the demands of everyone involved and potential customers.

About the IPM

The Institute for Public Management was founded on December 10, 2010 by the professors of Faculty 3: Business and Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences to develop the research, training, continuing education, and network with public administration and institutions.
In addition to promoting application-oriented research and teaching as well as implementing events and conferences, the IPM has shouldered the responsibility of supporting projects with third-party funding during the application, organization, implementation, and evaluation phases.
The IPM performs research in the area of public management, e.g. on the topics of Doppik, KLR, profitability studies of public investments, evaluation questions, budget planning, preparation for management responsibilities in public administration.
The Institute holds scientific conferences and congresses, training and continuing education events and undertakes policy consulting for public management.
It qualifies and supports students through assistance activities, internships, projects, and the creation of integrated thesis papers in the national and international context.
The IPM documents the research results on special focus areas in a publication series.

Support for professional training, advanced training, and continuing education

Bachelor program Public and Non-Profit Management

This traditional Business Administration program prepares students for the special features of non-profit organizations and those in the public sector and enables students to qualify for initial management responsibilities in a working environment that is constantly changing in terms of legal and organizational aspects.  

Bachelor program Public Administration

For the special management responsibilities in the public (and non-profit) sector, the dual Bachelor program Public Administration has been providing a qualifying program since the winter semester 2007/2008. The IPM wants to play a central role as a platform for the exchange of ideas related to theory and practice.

Continuing education

Continuing education for auditors. Find more information and the application here (German only).


The IPM regularly organizes lecture series and congresses on application-oriented research in the area of public management at Faculty 3: Business and Law of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.


The IPM publishes outstanding thesis papers of graduates of Faculty 3: Business and Law in the institute’s publication series.

Find out more


Institute for Public Management (IPM) e.V.
c/o Faculty 3: Business and Law
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1; 60318 Frankfurt am Main

Go to the legal notice of the website


Read the statutes of the IPM here.

Find out more


Managing Director

Prof. Dr.
Adelheid Zeis
Head of degree course: Public Administration (B. A.)/ Public and Non-Profit Management (B. A.)
Building 4, Room 520
Webteam Fachbereich 3ID: 2926