
Institute for Contract Design and Conflict Resolution (IVK)


Court proceedings sometimes take a long time and can be very expensive. Out-of-court conflict resolutions are gaining in significance beyond German borders. Mediation is a form of out-of-court conflict resolution. It was the subject of a research initiative of the Hesse Ministry for Science and Art (HMWK). This project was conducted by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences together with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University and the Max-Planck Institute for European History of Law. An institute which tackles questions of in-court and out-of-court conflict resolution and contract design was founded in order to solidify the research in this area. Our flyer (German only) for download.


Managing Director

Prof. Dr.
Isabella Anders-Rudes, LL.M.
Head of degree course Negotiating and Designing Contracts (LL.M.)
Building 4, Room 509

About the Institute

The Institute for Contract Design and Conflict Resolution was founded on December 16, 2015 by professors of Faculty 3: Business and Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences to develop the research, training, continuing education, and network with public administration and institutions.

The institute is supposed to continue studying the insights gained in the joint research project titled "Out-of-court and in-court conflict resolution" as part of the Hesse research initiative "LOEWE." Already existing professional contacts are to be intensified and additional ones developed. The institute performs research in the practice-relevant fields of contract design and conflict resolution, currently e.g. on the topics of "alternative dispute resolution in the finance sector" and "effects of the law on consumer disputes on the practical world."


The responsibility of the institute is to manage and promote application-oriented research and teaching in the areas contract design and conflict resolution at Faculty 3: Business and Law at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The Institute supports interdisciplinary cooperation in the areas of contract design and conflict resolution. It supports its members in projects in research, development, consulting, teaching and continuing education. The IVK also supports the university and Faculty 3, in particular, in its efforts to promote a new generation of scientists. It also facilitates the transfer of knowledge to professional practice.


Comments: Prof. Dr. Wendt comments on the chapter "Conflict Resolution and Mediation in the Insurance Industry" in: Kloweit/Gläßer (publ.), Mediationsgesetz (MediationsG) – Kommentar, Nomos Verlag, 2nd ed. 2018 (German only)

Book: Prof. Dr. Kupjetz has written a book on contract law. It was published by REDLINE Verlag. For more information please go here.

Book review: Dr. Saam reviewed the book "Kollektiver Rechtsschutz für Verbraucher in Europa – Die grenzüberschreitende Durchsetzung des Verbraucherrechts bei Bagatellschäden" by Jenny Buchner; the review appeared in Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2017, pp. 756.

Comment: Prof. Dr. Wendt authored a comment on the resolution of of the Federal Supreme Court dated January 14, 2016 (No. I ZR 98/15); it appeared under the title "Mediation in Rechtsschutzversicherungsbedingungen" in the magazine Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement (ZKM) 2016, pp. 107-109.

Events and miscellaneous

  • General assembly: The last general assembly of the IVK took  place in May 2018.
  • Lecture: On April 26, 2018, the Federal Association of German Business Lawyers held the annual congress "Syndikus Summit 2018." Prof. Dr. Wendt held a lecture there on the topic of "The Legal department as conflict solver - Overview: Variants of in-court, out-of-court, and company-internal conflict resolution."
  • Lecture: On April 20, 2018, the 5th research symposium took place at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Dr. Wendt gave a speech on the topic "Legal Tech - Get your rights automatically?"
  • General assembly: The second general assembly of the IVK took place on June 13, 2017.
  • Advisory Board meeting: The first Advisory Board meeting of the IVK took place on November 30, 2016.       
  • Lecture: The Insurance Forum of the German Insurance Academy (DVA) organized the conference "News on legal protection insurance" held on November 10, 2016. Prof. Dr. Wendt gave a speech titled "Mediation 2.0."        
  • General assembly: The first general assembly of the IVK took place on April 12, 2016.         
  • Founding event: The Institute for Contract Design and Conflict Resolution (IVK) of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences was founded on December 16, 2015.  


  • Alternative resolution of disputes: The IVK, in cooperation with the IHK Frankfurt, is conducting a study on the application of alternative dispute resolution methods in business. Prof. Dr. Anders-Rudes and Prof. Dr. Wendt are participating members of the Directorate of the IVK.      
  • Mediation: Dr Kupjetz performs research on mediation in the finance sector.         
  • Collective legal protection: Dr. Saam and Prof. Dr. Wendt perform research on collective legal protection and are working on an article on the topic.         
  • Alternative dispute resolution in the finance sector: Prof. Dr. Wendt performs research on alternative dispute resolution methods in the finance sector; a few research results were published in a comment on mediation law.
  • Comment: Prof. Dr. Wendt comments on the chapter "Conflict Resolution and Mediation in the Insurance Industry" in: Kloweit/Gläßer (publ.), Mediationsgesetz (MediationsG) – Kommentar, Nomos Verlag, 2nd ed. 2018
  • Book: Prof. Dr. Kupjetz has written a book on contract law. It was published by REDLINE Verlag.
  • Book review: Dr. Saam reviewed the book "Kollektiver Rechtsschutz für Verbraucher in Europa – Die grenzüberschreitende Durchsetzung des Verbraucherrechts bei Bagatellschäden" by Jenny Buchner; the review appeared in Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP) 2017, pp. 756.
  • Comment: Prof. Dr. Wendt authored a comment on the resolution of of the Federal Supreme Court dated January 14, 2016 (No. I ZR 98/15); it appeared under the title "Mediation in Rechtsschutzversicherungsbedingungen" in the magazine Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement (ZKM) 2016, pp. 107-109.
  • Book review: Dr. Saam reviewed the book "Online Dispute Resolution bei Verbraucherverträgen – Rechtlicher Rahmen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten" by Lisa Katharina Hofmeister; the review appeared in Zeitschrift Verbraucher and Recht (VuR) 2015, Vol 7.
  • Article: Dr. Saam wrote an article "Mediation im Güterichterverfahren – Mediationsgeeignetheit als Voraussetzung für eine Verweisung nach § 278 Abs. 5 ZPO"; it appeared in Zeitschrift Juristische Rundschau (JR) 2015, pp. 163-168.

Supporters and Partners

The Institute is pleased about the assistance provided by from the professional world, e.g. law firms, institutes, associations, and others. The Institute will gladly receive your inquiries directly.

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Find out more


Institute for Contract Design and Conflict Resolution (IVK) e.V.
c/o Faculty 3: Business and Law
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1; 60318 Frankfurt am Main

Go to the legal notice of the website


The statutes of the institute IVK can be viewed here.

Find out more


Managing Director

Prof. Dr.
Isabella Anders-Rudes, LL.M.
Head of degree course Negotiating and Designing Contracts (LL.M.)
Building 4, Room 509


Prof. Dr.
Domenik Wendt
Professor of Civil Law, European Business Law, and European Law
Building HoST, Room B 03 312

Other members of the directorate

Prof. Dr.
Christian Rieck
Head of degree course: International Finance
Building 4, Room 503
  • Dr. Karen Engler, RAin
    Director Center for Mediation, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt

  • Alexander Foerster, M.C.L (Master of Comparative Law), RA
    Partner, Mannheimer Swartling

  • Dr. Roland Fritz M. A., RA
    President of the Administrative Court ret.,
    Mediator, supervisor, trainer,
    adribo MEDIATION plus

  • Dr. Günter Hirsch
    President of the Federal Supreme Court ret., Insurance ombudsman

  • Dr. Daniel Saam
    Judge at the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main and
    Chairman of the Judges Association for Hesse

  • Jan K. Schäfer LL. M., RA
    Partner, King & Spalding LLP

  • Christine Seitz
    IHK Frankfurt am Main

  • Gesa Curtius-Stollenwerk, LL. M.
    Judge at the Higher Regional Court Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr.
Isabella Anders-Rudes, LL.M.
Head of degree course Negotiating and Designing Contracts (LL.M.)
Building 4, Room 509
Prof. Dr.
Christian Rieck
Head of degree course: International Finance
Building 4, Room 503
Prof. Dr.
Christiane Siemes
Head of degree course: Business Law (LL.B.)
Building 4, Room 404
Prof. Dr.
Domenik Wendt
Professor of Civil Law, European Business Law, and European Law
Building HoST, Room B 03 312
Web team Faculty 3ID: 2925
last updated on: 07.18.2022