Career Center – practice unit
Bachelor students of business administration, business administration – double degree, international business administration, public and non-profit management and business law are obligated to do an internship in the course of their studies. This probably raises some questions: How does the internship work? What conditions do I have to fulfill? Which companies offer mandatory internship placements? When can I start? Is it possible to complete an internship abroad? It is important for you to think about these questions early on. You can find detailed information and in-depth consultation in the Career Center and with Marcela Jednat.
The deanship is elected by the faculty council for three years and consists of three professors of the faculty Business and Law. It manages all faculty business and represents the faculty both internally and externally. The current deanship consists of the dean: Prof. Dr. Kai-Oliver Schocke, the academic dean: Prof. Dr. Barbara Lämmlein and the vice-dean: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Franzen.
Faculty council (FbR)
This is where politics „happen“, meaning discussing and deciding over interests of the faculty. The tasks of the FbR include i.e. changes of examination regulations, establishing or modifying degree courses or distribution of funds. The monthly meetings are public and offer a good opportunity to get updates on current developments in the faculty and internal processes.
Student body (FS) & student council of the faculty (FSR)
A „student body“ consists of all students of the faculty Business and Law. The student council of the faculty is often called “student body” for short, but is actually an elected advocacy group of students of faculty 3. This function is voluntary. Separately elected members of the council can be part of committees within the faculty (e.g. faculty council, the committees and commissions of the faculty), or in committees across the university (e.g. student parliament (StuPa) or senate). Moreover, the council organizes parts of the first-year-students’ orientation together with the mentoring-team and is responsible for student events.
Lecturers – Definition
Professors teach full-time. At a university of applied sciences professors not only have a university degree but also years of work experience. However, not all full-time lecturers are professors: Foreign language teachers and instructors for special tasks. The latter are persons with professor’s capacity that often work on their dissertations on the side. Lecturers often teach besides their actual professional activity. They often complete teaching assignments at the university. Apart from their university degree they also bring in actual practical experience.
Office of examinations
The office of examinations is the pivotal point of (almost) all student matters because it offers information about all topics surrounding examination and academic performance. Hereinafter are some examples that are part of the service portfolio of the office: Formalities such as registration and admission to certain examinations (e.g. thesis), access to examination files, applications for the examination board (e.g. compensation for disadvantages), creation of certificates and attestations, accepting seminar papers and presentations, examination counseling, etc. Head of the office of examinations is Prof. Dr. Dietmar Franzen. Other organizational matters, e.g. examination registration, creating transcripts of records etc. you can easily do online via HIS-portal.
Program spokesperson and „Round Tables“
What happens when organizational problems or content-related ambiguities within the programs arise – or you find possibilities for improvement? In order for the persons in charge (student reform representative and deanship) to respond they need to be informed about praise and criticism. This happens via the program spokesperson you (!) are going to elect in the following weeks! Beyond program spokespersons you can give your opinion once a year at the so-called “Round Table”. Interested students are welcome to exchange views with lecturers and discuss suggestions and challenges. The invitation to the “Round Table” is announced on the bulletin board of the faculty.
Student reform representatives (persons in charge of the respective degree course)
Student reform representatives are responsible for professional and contextual matters of the degree course.