Intervention, participation, innovation
The Competence Center for Social Intervention Research (KomSI) is an association of professors and employees of Faculty 4 - Social Work and Health - of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, with the aim of further developing research in social work methodologically and theoretically.
You will find the KomSI in the HoST (House of Science and Transfer) in Hungener Straße 6, building section A, 4th floor.
Volume 13: André Latz, Moritz Richarz: “Soziale Arbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Adressat*innenorientierung und Ermächtigung zu politischer Teilhabe: Reflection questions for one's own positioning in teaching and the professional field”
KomSI team
Postal address:
KomSI at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt
Visitor address:
HoST (House of Science and Transfer)
Gebäudeteil A, 4. Stock, Raum 406 (KomSI-Büro)
Gebäudeteil B, 4. Stock, Raum 418 (KomSI-Methodenlabor)
Hungener Str. 6
60389 Frankfurt am Main