
Data privacy statement

This data privacy statement serves the obligation to inform when collecting personal data at the time the data is being collected of the affected person in accordance with Article 13 EU DSGVO.

Name and contact of the responsible person

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Legally represented by:

President of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kai-Oliver Schocke
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49 69 1533 - 2415

Please contact the data-protection officer of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in case you have any questions or remarks regarding data privacy.

Contact information of the Data Protection Supervisor

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Data Protection Supervisor
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt/Main 


Type of stored data, purpose, deletion periods

Handling of personal data

Personal data is information, which allows determining a natural person, information that allows identifying a person. This includes particularly names, email addresses, enrollment numbers or telephone numbers. But also information about preferences, hobbies, memberships or information about websites, which were visited, are considered personal data.

Access data/server log data

When accessing the pages of this web server the following data is stored in general in the server log files

  • IP address,
  • Date and time,
  • Type of client browser,
  • URL of the accessed page,
  • error message of the appeared error if necessary,
  • the inquiring provider.

These data only serve the purpose of checking on the functionality, the safety and debugging purposes. This use is based on  EU DSGVO Article 6 paragraph 1 f). All log files are deleted and anonymized at the latest after 7 days.


Your information is stored for processing purposes when you contact members of the Frankfurt UAS (for instance via contact form or email) in the case that follow-up questions arise. The data is deleted after your matter was processed, once the legal obligation was met or the used service completed, unless the storage of the data is required for the implementation of legitimate interests of the Frankfurt UAS or due to a legal stipulation (i.e. law, regulation, statutes of the Frankfurt UAS etc).


Cookies are small data files, which allow storing specific, device-relevant information on your device (PC, smartphone etc.). They serve the user friendliness of the website (i.e. storage of login data). You can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option, with which the storage of cookies can be limited or completely avoided. However, it is pointed out that the use and particularly the user comfort may be limited if cookies are not used. In order of use log-in safe pages cookies are absolutely necessary. They allow the checking of the access authorization and are deleted after the session was ended.

Access-protected websites and user-based services

Next to the above mentioned data, the user name or an identification is stored in addition to the authorization control of the data access. This data is deleted or anonymized at the latest after 7 days, unless the storage of the data is required for the implementation of justified interests of the Frankfurt UAS or a legal stipulation (i.e. law, legal stipulation, statutes of the Frankfurt UAS, etc.).

Explicit consent declarations are obtained for all services that do not fall under this scope. The deletion is subject to the stipulations of the used service. The deletion period is clearly defined in the frame of the index of the processing activities. The legal basis is EU DSGVO Article 6 paragraph 1a).

Use of services of third parties

We incorporated content of third parties on some pages of this online offer (e.g. YouTube videos, map material from Google-Maps, RSS feeds, graphics, etc.) from other websites. This means that the providers (called hereinafter third-party providers) of that content always see your IP address. Because without the IP address the third-party providers would not be able to send the content to your browser. The IP address is necessary for the display function of that content. We try to solely use content of third-party providers who only use the IP address for the delivery of the content. However, we do not have influence on the further use of your data (i.e. if third-party users store IP addresses for statistic purposes.

Data collection for library purposes

Individualized internet offer such as reservations and borrowing procedures of books and other materials of the library of the Frankfurt UAS are automated. Personal data must be processed as the library user.

1. What data of the user is stored?

  • Personal data:
    Library number, name and given name, gender, date of birth, address (city, street and house number, possibly separate for main residence and postal address), as well as email address and the password (encrypted) for reservations, inquiries about the borrowing account, as well as email reminders and default actions.
  • Borrowing and billing data:
    The data, fees, expenses and service charges are charged and processed based on the user regulations of the library and the IT user regulations of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in the valid version, as well as in accordance with administrative cost regulations (VwKostO-MWK) and Hessian Administrative Cost Act (HVwKostG).

2. When is the data deleted?

Deleted is the following:

  • personal data when registering,
  • the borrowing data when the media are returned,
  • the payment data once the fee are paid.

The personal data is automatically deleted 2 years after the library ID has expired or upon request immediately in case of a personal de-registration; please contact the service desk of the library of the Frankfurt UAS.

3. Is your data passed on to third parties?

Personal data, borrowing data and payment data are exclusively used for library purposes. Personal data can be passed on to cash operators in the case of a disturbed payment function (see point 5).

4. Your consent

You do not have to provide the above mentioned personal data. A library card cannot be issued in this case. Your study chip cannot be activated for borrowing items and as of 2019 can no longer be used for the online use of electronic literature (e-books, e-journals, and databases).

5. Payment function

The study chip has an electronic wallet function for money-less payments of small amounts on the campus of the Frankfurt UAS, as well as in the library. The payment takes place pseudonymous, that means that the cash operator books the monetary amounts on the card on shadow account in his/her computer system, but only uses the series number of card. Payment data of the library fees are not collected. The operator does not know the name or the library account number of the user. This information is only transmitted if it is required in order to correct errors. The use of the payment function is offered on a voluntary basis.

Website editorial teamID: 4374
last updated on: 02.19.2025