Your student card serves as your library card. By enrolling at the Frankfurt UAS a libary account has been set up automatically. Your login for your library account as well as for reserving items and using the self-service facilities is the the library card number on your student card (below the barcode) and your password. Preset as password is your date of birth (ddmmyy). You can reset your passwort in case you have changed it and forgot it.
By using the library on site or online you agree to the library regulations and the IT regulations of the Frankfurt UAS (both available in German only).
Please fill out the registration form first. After completing the form please send an email to ausleihe(at) and include the following information/documents:
- First and last name
- German ID (Personalausweis)
- or passport and confirmation of registration (Meldebescheinigung)
- or residence title (Aufenthaltstitel)
- a confirmation of your being employed at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
We will notify you when your library card is ready for you to pick up. For faculty and staff special borrowing conditions apply. In case you are listed on one of our websites or the university intranet, we do not need further confirmation.
As an assistant lecturer please send the following form in addition.
As a member of the project staff, please send the following form in addition.
You are welcome to continue using the library after graduation. Please keep your student card for this purpose. Your library membership can be renewed by email to ausleihe(at)bibl.fra-uas. . de
Please include
- first and last name
- library card number (below the barcode on your student card)
- residence address
- date of birth
Even if you are not a member of the Frankfurt UAS you can register with and use the library. Please fill out the registration form first. After completing the form please come to the service desk in the library on the ground floor and bring the following documents
- your German ID (Personalausweis)
- or passport and confirmation of registration (Meldebescheinigung)
- or residence title (Aufenthaltstitel)
By using the library on site or online you agree to the library regulations and the IT regulations of the Frankfurt UAS (both available in German only).
As a minor you need to send the following documents in addition:
- a letter of consent signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian (letter of consent available in German only)
- identification card or copy of the identification card of your parents or legal guardian who signed the letter of consent
You can renew you libary card at the service desk or via email ausleihe(at) If you send an email please include the following information
- your name
- your library card number (below the barcode on your sudent card / library card)
- your adress
- your date or birth
- faculty (in case you are a student or teacher at the Frankfurt UAS)