
Loan terms for students and guests

Standard loan period: 28 days.

  • All items with no remark in the catalog (except for journals, standards and final theses)

Short term lending: for one day (or Friday for the weekend), items cannot be renewed.

  • All items with the remark short term lending in the library catalog

Not for loan:

  • All items with a the remark usage in the libary only in the library catalog
  • Journals, standards
  • Final theses

Here you can check when your books are due:


  • When you borrow books you will get a receipt indicating the due date.

Library account:

Email alert:

  • Please add your email address to your library account. You will receive a loan reminder by email one week ahead of the due date and a second reminder one day ahead. For books on short term lending there will not be a reminder.
  • Please note: It is still your responsibility to return the books or renew your loans on time. The library cannot guarantee the delivery of reminders by email.

You also can renew standard loans up to 4 times via your library account. Renewal is not possible if someone else has reserved the item.

Returning books is possible

  • via the book return boxes in front of the library entrance (building no 3)
  • via the self-service machines


Which items can be renewed:

  • All items with standard loan period (28 days)

Renewal period:

  • 28 days
  • The new loan period starts with the date of renewing.
  • You can renew items until the day the books are due.

Number of possible renewals:

Renewing is not possible if:

  • the book is for short-term lending  only
  • you already renewed the item twice,
  • the book is overdue,
  • someone else reserved it,
  • your membership has expired
  • you have fines to pay.

Number of possible reservations:

  • You may reserve up to 4 items currently on loan. 

How to reserve items:

  • Once you found the book in the library catalog just click on reserve.
  • Log into your library account by entering your library card number and your password. Preset as your password is your date of birth (ddmmyy).

Picking up reserved books:

  • An alert that the book is ready for pick-up will be sent via email.
  • The item will be available for you at the library for 5 days.
  • In case you did not add your email address to your library account, you can check directly in your library account, if the requested item is ready for pick-up.

You can also make a purchase suggestion.

  • Instead of four weeks you can borrow books and other items for two months;
  • you can renew the items once online for additional two months;
  • you can reserve up to 5 items currently on loan.

Please note: A renewal is not possible if your library account is blocked due to fines, or the items are requested by another user.

To take advantage of this service, please ask the registrar's office (Prüfungsamt) to confirm you are currently writing a final paper by sending the following form to ausleihe(at)


Returning items late

  • 1st overdue notice: 3 Euro per item
  • 2nd overdue notice: plus 3 Euro per item
  • 3rd overdue notice: plus 6 Euro per item   

Fees according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG.

Lost or damaged  items

  • Books or other library material: 15 Euro administration fee per item plus cost of item
  • Replacement fee for new library card for guests: 20Euro  (according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG)

Borrowing from other libraries / Interlibrary loan (2,00 Euro)

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro card. Please show the receipt at the service desk, so we can credit your ILL account with that amount.

Overdue notices for returning items late

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro card
  • by bank transfer using the following bank details:


DE10 5005 0000 0001 0064 85



Recipient of payment (Empfänger)

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Reference (Verwendungszweck)

Bibliothek AND Library card number

Loan terms for faculty and staff

Standard loan period: 84 days (3 months).

  • All items with no remark in the catalog (except for journals, standards and final theses)

Short term lending: for one day (or Friday for the weekend), items cannot be renewed.

  • All items with the remark short term lending in the library catalog

Not for loan:

  • All items with a the remark usage in the libary only in the library catalog
  • Journals, standards and the historical collection
  • Final theses

Here you can check when your books are due:


  • You will get a receipt indicating the due date.

Library account:

Email alert:

  • Please add your email address to your library account. You will receive a loan reminder by email one week ahead of the due date and a second reminder one day ahead. For books on short term lending there will not be a reminder.
  • Please note: It is still your responsibility to return the books or renew your loans on time. The library cannot guarantee the delivery of reminders by email.

You also can renew standard loans up to four times via your library account, unless someone else has reserved the item.

Which items can be renewed:

  • All items with standard loan period (84 days)

Renewal period:

  • 84 days
  • The new loan period starts with the date of renewing.
  • You can renew items until the day the books are due.

Number of possible renewals:

Renewing is not possible if:

  • the book is for short-term lending  only
  • you already have renewed the item twice,
  • the book is overdue,
  • someone else reserved it,
  • your membership has expired,
  • you have fines to pay.

Returning books is possible

  • via the book return boxes in front of the library entrance (building no 3)
  • via the self-service machines


Number of possible reservations:

  • You may reserve up to 4 items currently on loan. 

How to reserve items:

  • Once you found the book in the library catalog just click on reserve.
  • Log into your library account by entering your library card number and your password. Preset as your password is your date of birth (ddmmyy).

Picking up reserved books:

  • An alert that the book is ready for pick-up will be sent via email.
  • The item will be available for you for 5 days.
  • In case you did not add your email address to your library account, you can check directly in your library account, if the requested item is ready for pick-up.

You can also make a purchase suggestion.


Returning items late

  • 1st overdue notice: free of charge
  • 2nd overdue notice: plus 3 Euro per item
  • 3rd overdue notice: plus 6 Euro per item   

Fees according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG.

Lost or damaged  items

  • Books or other library material: 15 Euro administration fee per item plus cost of item
  • Replacement fee for new library card: 20 Euro  (according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG)

Borrowing from other libraries / Interlibrary loan (2,00 Euro)

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro card. Please show the receipt at the service desk, so we can credit your ILL account with that amount.

Overdue notices for returning items late

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro card
  • by bank transfer using the following bank details:


DE10 5005 0000 0001 0064 85



Recipient of payment (Empfänger)r

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Reference (Verwendungszweck)

Bibliothek AND Library card number

The library teamID: 10907
last updated on: 02.19.2025