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Some databases can be accessed outside the campus network by using authentification via Shibboleth. Instead of installing software on your computer, you can log in with your own CIT account to access the content.

List of databases with authentification via Shibboleth.

Steps and log-in

  1. Select the database you want to use from the list above. The link will lead you to a website in DBIS with more information about the selected database.
  2. Below the section titled Zugang von außerhalb (nur für Hochschulangehörige) = remote access (for members of the Frankfurt UAS only) you can choose between remote access via VPN or via Shibboleth.
  3. Select Shibboleth.
  4. On the next screen, enter your CIT account (the log-in of the university given to you by the Campus IT).
  5. Next, accept the terms and conditions for using Shibboleth. At first registration with a provider a notice on the data to be transferred is displayed which has to be accepted too.
  6. After successful log-in, you will be able to use the database off-campus.


If you are using a public computer, please make sure to logout and delete all cookies after your session, so your log-in data won't be saved for others to use. 

Some databases can be accessed outside the campus network by using authentification via Shibboleth. Instead of installing software on your computer, you can log in with your own CIT account to access the content.

List of databases with authentification via Shibboleth:

Content-Select (publishers Beltz Juventa, Lambertus ...)
Datev Students online
De Gruyter (including the publishers Oldenbourg, Birkhäuser ...)
Emerald Insight
IEEE Xplore

Steps and log-in

  1. Select the database you want to use from the list above. The link will lead you to a website in DBIS with more information about the selected database.
  2. Below the section titled Zugang von außerhalb (nur für Hochschulangehörige) = remote access (for members of the Frankfurt UAS only) you can choose between remote access via VPN or via Shibboleth.
  3. Select Shibboleth.
  4. On the next screen, enter your CIT account (the log-in of the university given to you by the Campus IT).
  5. Next, accept the terms and conditions for using Shibboleth. At first registration with a provider a notice on the data to be transferred is displayed which has to be accepted too.
  6. After successful log-in, you will be able to use the database off-campus.


If you are using a public computer, please make sure to logout and delete all cookies after your session, so your log-in data won't be saved for others to use. 

The library teamID: 11336
last updated on: 08.18.2022