
FAQ library services

Registering with the library / renew library card

Your student card serves as your library card. By enrolling at the Frankfurt UAS a libary account has been set up automatically. Your login for your library account as well as for reserving items and using the self-service facilities is the the library card number on your study chip (below the barcode) and your password. Preset as password is your date of birth (ddmmyy). You can reset your passwort in case you have changed it and forgot it.

By using the library on site or online you agree to the library regulations and the IT regulations of the Frankfurt UAS (both available in German only).

You can renew your library membership in person at the service desk or by email:  ausleihe(at) :

Please include in your email: 

  • you name
  • library /student card number
  • residence address
  • date of birth
  • Faculty

Even if you are not a member of the Frankfurt UAS you can register with and use the library. Please fill out the registration form first. After completing the form please come to the service desk in the library on the ground floor and bring the following documents

  • your German ID (Personalausweis)
  • or passport and confirmation of registration (Meldebescheinigung)
  • or residence title (Aufenthaltstitel)

By using the library on site or online you agree to the library regulations and the IT regulations of the Frankfurt UAS (both available in German only). 

As a minor you need to send the following documents in addition:

  • a letter of consent signed by your parent(s) or legal guardian (letter of consent available in German only)
  • identification card or copy of the identification card of your parents or legal guardian who signed the letter of consent

If your student card or library card has been lost or stolen, contact the library by phone (+49 69 1533-3300), email ( or in person right away. We will block your card so no one can use it.

Please inform the library in case your address has changed.

Borrowing and returning items

How can I borrow books?

  • Research the books you need via the library catalog 
  • Take your items from the open stacks along with your student card / library card.
  • Check out items at the service desk or via the self-service machines.

How long can I keep the items?

Standard loan period: 28 days.

  • All items with no remark in the catalog (except for journals, standards and final theses)

Short term lending: for one day (or Friday for the weekend), items cannot be renewed.

  • All items with the remark short term lending in the library catalog

Not for loan:

  • All items with a the remark usage in the libary only in the library catalog
  • Journals, standards
  • Final theses
  • Students and staff: up to 50 books
  • Guests: up to 25 books

Here you can check when your books are due:


  • You will get a receipt via email indicating the due date.

Library account:

Email alert:

  • Please add your email address to your library account. You will receive a loan reminder by email one week ahead of the due date and a second reminder one day ahead. For books on short term lending there will not be a reminder.
  • Please note: It is still your responsibility to return the books or renew your loans on time. The library cannot guarantee the delivery of reminders by email.

You also can renew standard loans up to four times via your library account, unless someone else has reserved the item.

Yes, as a student you can renew standard loans up to 4 times via your library account.

Renewal period:

  • 28 days
  • The new loan period starts with the date of renewing.
  • You can renew items until the day the books are due.

Renewing is not possible if:

  • the book is for short-term lending  only
  • you already renewed the item twice,
  • the book is overdue,
  • someone else reserved it,
  • your membership has expired
  • you have fines to pay.

Returning books is possible

  • via the book return boxes in front of the library (24/7)
  • via the self-service machines in the library (during library opening times)


How to reserve items:

  • Once you found the book in the library catalog just click on reserve.
  • Log into your library account by entering your library card number and your password. Preset as your password is your date of birth (ddmmyy).
  • You may reserve up to 4 items currently on loan. 

Picking up reserved books:

  • An alert that the book is ready for pick-up will be sent via email.
  • The item will be available for you for 5 days.
  • In case you did not add your email address to your library account, you can check directly in your library account, if the requested item is ready for pick-up.

You can also make a purchase suggestion.

  • Instead of four weeks you can borrow books and other items for two months;
  • you can renew the items once online for additional two months;
  • you can reserve up to 10 items currently on loan.

Please note: A renewal is not possible if your library account is blocked due to fines, or the items are requested by another user.

To take advantage of this service, we need a proof of the registrar's office (Prüfungsamt). Please show the HIS form (sign up for your BA or MA thesis) at the service desk or send the confirmation to bibl(at) 

You can borrow the following items. Please ask for them at the service desk.

USB drive

  • loan periodof 28 days (4 weeks)
  • you can renew the item up to 4 times via your library account
  • check out possible via the self-service machines (please ask for the item at the service desk first)

Charging cable for cell phones and notebooks

  • borrowing and returning at the service desk only
  • borrowing for 1 day

Extension cable for notebooks

  • borrowing and returning at the service desk only
  • borrowing for 1 day

Circuit board (for Frankfurt UAS students only)

  • borrowing and returning at the service desk only
  • loan periodof 28 days (4 weeks)
  • you can renew the item up to 4 times via your library account

Drawing board (for Frankfurt UAS students only)

  • borrowing and returning at the service desk only
  • loan periodof 28 days (4 weeks)
  • you can renew the item up to 4 times via your library account

Locker key for 1 oder 28 days

  • There are serveral lockers for 1 day. Check out is possible via the self-service machines (please ask fort the item at the service desk first)
  • There is a limited number of lockers for 28 day. There might be a waiting list. Please do not keep any books that you haven't borrowed or food in your locker.


  • borrowing and returning at the service desk only
  • borrowing for 1 day

Please note: There will be a fine if you return items late.

E-books, databases and e-journals

For members of the University off-campus access is possible by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).You need to install the software FortiClient. For more information on setting up VPN click here.

Please make sure you are using FortiClient. The former VPN-software (OpenVPN) is not working any more

For technical questions or troubleshooting please contact the IT department:

Campus IT
Phone:  069  1533 - 4444

If you need any e-books that are not available through the library, you can suggest these titles for purchase. To suggest e-books that you would like to see added to the library's collection please send an email to: erwerb(at) We welcome your input.

If the publisher offers suitable license access options, an acceptable price and it is a scientific book the library will buy the e-book. We will also notify you when the item is available.

In case the publisher does not offer a suitable license we will buy the title in print (if available).

Students and staff

Depending on the publisher and licencing restrictions up to 10% of the e-book, individual chapters or entire e-books can be downloaded and saved to an USB drive. For e-journals you can download individual articles.Within the library you can use all computers except for the computer lab (closed right now) for downloading.

USB drives can be borrowed at the service desk. 


Please register with the library first. After registeringup to 10% of the e-book, individual chapters or entire e-books can be downloaded and saved to an USB drive. For e-journals you can download individual articles.Within the library you can use all computers except for the computer lab (not available for guests) for downloading.

USB drives can be borrowed at the service desk. 


Unless the publisher offers a link for a complete download, it is prohibited to download or print entire e-books or major parts.

It is not allowed to transfer, sell, rent or lend downloaded titles or parts of text to another user under any condition whatsoever. If e-books are protected by DRM (digital rights management) to control the use of digital content, it is prohibited to bypass the DRM system.

More information on e-books and e-journals:

For more information on e-books and e-journals check the FAQ.

Fees and fines


Returning items late

  • 1st overdue notice: 3 Euro per item
  • 2nd overdue notice: plus 3 Euro per item
  • 3rd overdue notice: plus 6 Euro per item   

Fees according to VwKostO-MWK and HVwKostG.

Lost or damaged  items

  • Books or other library material: 15 Euro administration fee per item plus cost of item
  • Replacement fee for new library card: 20 Euro  (according to VwKostO-MWK
    and HVwKostG)

Borrowing from other libraries (ILL)

The basic fee for ILL is 2 Euro for one book or other item or up to 20 copies of an article.

Payment method:

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro or credit card. Please show the receipt at the service desk, so we can credit your ILL account with that amount.

Returning items late / overdue fines

Please note that the borrower is responsible for accumulated overdue fines whether or not the overdue notice is received. Outstanding fines and other charges will prevent borrowing, reserving and renewing and must be paid in full.

Payment methods:

  • at the PayStation by girocard/Maestro or credit card
  • by bank transfer using the following bank details:


DE10 5005 0000 0001 0064 85




Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Bibliothek UND Bibliotheksausweisnummer.

Other services

We are happy to help you at the service desk during opening times. Furthermore, we offer the following services:

Schedule an online meeting

For in-depth questions or help please schedule a meeting in advance to make sure we have enough time.

+49 69 1533-3300

The library subscribes to about 41.000 e-journals and 270 print journals. You can search for print and e-journals via the library catalog

Print journals

Print journals up to volume 2016 can be found on the 3rd floor. Current issues are stacked in numbered boxes in the main reading room on the ground floor. You can check for the box numbers in the library catalog. All journals in the main reading room are sorted according to subject. Just be aware that most journals are available online and not in print.

In general, print journals cannot be borrowed. You can copy or scan articles.


If you are looking for e-journals only you can either check the Electronic Journals Library or the  library catalog. The Electronic Journals Library lists all e-journal. You can search by title or you can browse by subject. A traffic light systems tells you if a given journal is licenced through the library and therefore accessible (yellow), freely available (green) or not available (red). Students and staff can access licensed e-journals from off-campus via VPN.

For further questions please contact:  zeitschriften(at)


You can find a  printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. In general, for guests copying or printing is not possible in the library.


There are two book scanners in the computer lab. In case you forgot to bring an USB drive you can borrow one at the service desk. Scanning ist free of charge. In addition students and staff can use the the printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library.


You can find a  printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. For printing and copying you need to add money to your study chip first. You can add money to your student card at the printing station using a girocard or debit card. You can add 1 Euro, 2 Euro, 5 Euro, 10  Euro. It is 5 cent for black and white prints or copies and 7 cent for color prints/copies.


You can find a printing, scanning and copying station in the computer lab on the ground floor of the library. You need to log in with your token or parking card.


In general, for guests copying or printing is not possible in the library.


The library offers the following study areas. There is no reservation necessary. Study spaces can be used during opening times of the library.

Study spaces for quiet work

  • About 170 individual study spaces for quiet work in the main reading room and on the 1st - 3rd floor

Group study rooms

  • Ground floor: 13 computer workstations with internet access + 1 large group study room
  • 1st floor: 1 group study room
  • 2nd floor: 1 group study room
  • 3rd floor: 2 group study rooms
  • 4th floor': 4 group study rooms

Library regulations

  • Beverages: Beverages in spill-proof bottles or mugs are allowed. We have a small room in the entrance area were you can fill your own bottle with fresh water.
  • No food policy: You are not allowed to consume any food study areas or group study rooms. We have a small room in the entrance area where are allowed to eat something.

If you will be seen eating food in the study areas or group study rooms you have to leave the library.

Learning Center

The learning center (Selbstlernzentrum) offers a number of study places for students. Please check their homepage for more information.

In the entrance area of the library is a small room with a water cooler. You can fill your bottles with water. Please bring you own bottles. You can drink and eat something in this room.

We kindly ask you to help keeping this room and the library clean. Food and drinks in cups or open bottles are not allowed outside of this room. You can bring drinks in bottles or closed cups to the study rooms though.

Library regulations

Library regulations

  • No food policy: Food and drinks in cups are not allowed in the library. In the entrance area of the library is a small room with a water cooler. You can drink and eat something in this room.
  • Bottled drinks only: Drinks in bottles or closed cups are allowed.

We kindly ask you to help keeping this room and the library clean. If you will be seen with food outside of the water cooler room, you must leave the library.

The library teamID: 2504
last updated on: 02.19.2025