
Academic Bicycle Challenge 2020

From October 1 to 31, 2020, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will take part in the Acadamic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) for the second year in a row as a bicycle-friendly university.

The international bicycle competition gets our university moving and sets an example for sustainability. Fun, exercise and team spirit are the main focus of the ABC. Sporting achievements are allowed, but not required.

Goal: To cover as many bicycle kilometers as possible, whether to the university, for shopping, to friends or as an excursion and on vacation - every kilometer counts!

Now it's time to pedal hard to get the department, the seminar group, the faculty or a team of friends and colleagues all the way to the top.

For the first three individuals in each group of employees (teachers and staff) and students, with the most kilometers, attractive prizes beckon. Groups of participants can form teams (5 - 10 people). The best teams will receive a team event as a prize. In addition, CampusSport raffles prizes among all participants who have cycled more than 250 km.

So it is worthwhile, not least to promote your own health and to actively contribute to climate protection!

Further information under:

Contact person: Esa Böttcher: CampusSport(at)

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Website editorial teamID: 14286
last updated on: 07.23.2024