
Symposium European Climate Policy

between ambition and reality

Science and civil society are increasingly warning of the consequences of climate change and calling on political decision-makers to act. In a report on the COP25 summit in Madrid in 2019, leading researchers (Future Earth & the Earth League 2019) published results that show that goals such as those agreed in the Paris Climate Change Convention cannot be achieved with the efforts made so far. The research network agrees, however, that even a 1°C increase in the global mean temperature will lead to a transgression of the limit, which will result in irreversible environmental changes.
With the new legislative period of the European Commission, there is movement in European climate policy. The "European Green Deal" is becoming a priority in the EU. Will the EU be able to achieve its ambitious climate and energy goals?
The aim of the event will be to shed light on the area of conflict between different policy fields, such as climate, transport and agricultural policy, and the positions of various interest groups. The CAES Symposium "European Climate Policy - between aspiration and reality" is intended to provide impulses on how climate protection measures need to be designed in the EU. Climate and energy goals as well as instruments and legislation will be examined from different, even converging, perspectives by experts from politics, business, science and civil society.

Video Recording of the Event

Opening: Research and science for a strong European Green Deal
Ayse Asar
State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art

KEYNOTE | Where do we stand with international climate protection policy?
Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif
Professor at the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research, Kiel

PART I | EU CAP after 2020 - Will the future shape of European agricultural policy jeopardize climate protection goals?
Alois Gerig
MdB, Chairman of the Committee for Food and Agriculture (CDU)
Dr. Beatrix Tappeser
Member of the Bioeconomy Council of the Federal Government
Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Lakner
Professor for Agricultural Economics at the University of Rostock

PART II | Mobility and Financial Policy in the Tensions of European Climate Justice
Morten Cable
Co-CEO of the European Cyclists' Federation and former environmental mayor of Copenhagen
PD Dr. Jenny Preunkert
Institute for Sociology, University of Duisburg-Essen

PART III | Discussion with a Member of the European Parliament
Martin Häusling
Organic farmer, MEP for the Greens/EFA

CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK | Effective climate protection in the EU system change now or never!
Prof. Dr. Martina Klärle
Professor of Land Management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Website editorial teamID: 14284
last updated on: 07.23.2024