
Welcome to the Sustainability Quiz of Frankfurt UAS at the Museum Embankment Festival 2022 on the banks of the river Main

We introduced our sustainability strategy on March 1, 2021. This makes us the first university in Hesse with a sustainability strategy.


For each of the 6 questions of the quiz there is a correct solution letter, together the letters form the solution word.





3. At which position is "Quality Education" listed as one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations” ?

A: 15

T: 4

E: 8

B: 17

S: 1



4. Which statement is false?1,2

T: Boiling water with a pot lid on saves 65% energy.

I: Approximately 320,000 disposable cups for hot beverages are used on average every hour in Germany.

U: Germany produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the global average.



5. How much more CO2 emissions are caused by bottled water compared to tap water?3

I: 68 times more per liter

R: 586 times more per liter

N: The CO2 emissions are almost the same.

Drinking water from the tap produces an average of 0.35g of CO2 per liter. For 1 liter of water from the discounter, however, already 202.74g CO2. That's 586 times as much CO2 per liter as tap water! In Germany, an average of about 180 liters of bottled water is consumed per year. That adds up to over 3 million tons of CO2 every year, and that's despite the fact that tap water in Germany is strictly tested on a regular basis.




6. Since when can Frankfurt UAS proudly claim the title 'Fairtrade-University'?

T: March 2021

S: December 2020

E: January 2022

G: Frankfurt UAS is not yet 'Fairtrade-University'



Solution: Sustainable __ __ __ __ __ __





1. What are the other 5 strategic 'guard rails' of Frankfurt UAS besides sustainability?

E: Practical Relevance, Social Responsibility, Modernization, Digitalization, Interculturality.

U: Communication, Social Responsibility, Internationality, Digitalization, Interdisciplinarity

F: Practical Relevance, Social Responsibility, Internationality, Digitalization, Interdisciplinarity



2. Which Frankfurt UAS project that is being exhibited at the Museumsuferfest is an upcycling project?

L: Canoe as lightweight construction

U: Wasteland - musical instruments made from recyclables

R: SpacerFabric_HOME (ZeltHAUS)

1Environmental Action Germany/ DUH (last visited 18.08.2022)

2WWF (last visited 18.08.2022)

3GUTcert case study commissioned by a tip: tap e.V. (last visited 18.08.2022)

Website editorial teamID: 14277
last updated on: 07.23.2024