
VisibleN Making sustainability visible

VisibleN | Making sustainability visible

In order to be able to achieve the major goal of CO2 neutrality of Frankfurt UAS by 2030, but also many other goals, indicators as well as key figures must be developed and measurements taken for the areas in which we want to become more sustainable. This is the only way to recognize the effects of one's own behavior, adjust behavior and infrastructure accordingly, and derive new measures if necessary.
An interactive dashboard is used to perform a number of functions. First, the continuous development towards a sustainable university must be made perceptible and visible.
Crucial for the goal-oriented development towards a sustainable university is meaningful monitoring. Where do we stand with regard to which of the goals developed in the sustainability strategy, which Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) are we paying towards with the respective milestones and goals, and which measures should be addressed as a priority?

Little by little, knowledge around the topic of sustainability is bundled in the dashboard as a source of information and inspiration. 

In order to make sustainability activities at Frankfurt UAS visible and tangible both internally and externally, high-profile (student) model projects have been and are being carried out.

Sustainability Action Week

From 01.07. to 05.07.2024, the focus at our university will be on sustainability!

Each day has a different motto. You can find the Highlights here.
(German Only)


Contact us

Sustainability Office - Lead

Marina Ringwald
Building Kleiststraße 1, Room E 81

Public Relations, Events, Contests

Kirsten Moriggl-NeynaberProjektmitarbeiterin Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit
Building Kleiststraße 1, Room E 84

Sustainability Office

Website editorial teamID: 14167
last updated on: 06.28.2024