As part of a bottom-up movement, not only students in particular but also teaching and non-teaching staff holding a variety of positions at our University have taken up the baton of sustainable action – and on their own initiative. Following a number of preliminary discussions, the Sustainability Task Force’s first major round-table conference took place on November 28, 2019, with the goal of bundling these initiatives into a single platform.
It has since been working intently on the Sustainability Strategy. The Strategy was born out of 10 workshops devoted to the key thematic areas of governance, environment and society. The Task Force has summed up its motivation in the guiding principle “Develop know-how, shape attitude, become an ambassador.”
Formulating the Sustainability Strategy is but the first step. The objective will be ultimately realized when the substance of the Strategy is systematically lived out in practice – indeed, when the principles of sustainability guide our thoughts and actions.
We extend our warmest thanks to all those who helped in developing the sustainability strategy Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie
Nils Bauer, Fb2 (S)
Prof. Dr. Elizaveta Gardó, Fb3 (T)
Dr. Sabine Geldsetzer, BESt Dep.(E)
Dr. Margit Göttert, equal opportunities officer (E) (group spokesperson)
Prof. Dr. Veronika Kneip, Fb3 (T)
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller-Merbach, Fb3 (T)
Dr. Christoph Rosenbusch, QEP (E)
Ruth Schlögl, Fb1 (E)
Ulrike Schmittner, Stuport (E)
Kilian Wignanek, Fb3 (S)
Inke Worgitzki, libr (E)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niklas Döring, Fb2 (T)
Natascha Hempel, (E)
Golo Hermann, QEP (E)
Sascha Hippert, Fb3 (S)
Walther Hirsch, CBT (E)
Prof. Dr. Michael Horstmann, Fb 1 (T)
Marianne Jäger, Fb2 (E)
Caroline Löw, Campussport (E)
Prof. Holger Marschner, Fb2 (T)
Lea Menn, Fb4 (S)
Prof. Dr. Yari Or, Fb 4 (T)
Prof. Dr. Volker Ritter, Fb 1 (T)
Prof. Erik Röthele, Fb1 (T)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Schiefer, Fb 2 (T)
Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Schmitz, Fb 1 (T) (group spokesperson)
Sarah Maria Braun, Fb4 (S)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bremm, Fb2 (T)
Prof. Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch, Fb2 (T)
Dr. Sabrina Engelmann, BESt (E)
Kristina Gaiser, Fb4 (S)
Jasmin Grünewald, Diversity (E)
Raul Gschrey, Fb4 (T)
Dr. Vera Jost, Diversity (E) (group spokesperson)
Prof. Dr. Tine Köhler, Fb1 (T)
Prof. Dr. Michaela Köttig, Fb4 (T)
Angelika Plümmer, Fb1 (T, E)
Heiko Schorde, Bibl. (E)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schrader, Fb2 (T)
Philipp Senft, BEST (E)
Sarah Sorge, Fb3 (E)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Timmermanns, Fb4 (T)
Prof. Dr. Martina Voigt, Fb3 (T)