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Helping in the Ukrainian crisis

This site contains useful links and information on the crisis in Ukraine for those who want to help. This website is updated regularly.

You can let us know about further support initiatives by sending an email to webredaktion(at)

Call for social engagement on light of the situation in Ukraine

Do you want to actively help refugees at the Frankfurt UAS?


Due to the situation in Ukraine, the refugees and our partner organizations from civil society (charities, associations, initiatives and non-profits) need support from students, teachers and employees of the university more than ever. That is why we ask for your help!

If you would like to help in a course, please send an email to servicelearning(at)

If you would like to support refugee students directly at our university, please send an email to steps(at)


We thank you for your willingness to help and look forward to your support!

Ways to help Ukraine

Frankfurt helps

The city of Frankfurt has created a website with information on the current situation in Ukraine, support initiatives and other ways to help. You can find all this and further information, such as the requirements to request asylum at (website only available in German): The website is updated regularly.

Hessen helps

The federal state of Hessen has created the website "Hessen hilft" (Hessen helps) to provide information to all people living in Hessen and affected directly or indirectly by the crisis. (Website only available in German).

Local association Ukrainischer Verein Frankfurt am Main e.V.

The local association Ukrainischer Verein Frankfurt am Main e.V. has put together a list of donation websites to directly help affected people. They are also looking for volunteers.

You can find more information on the website of the association (website only available in German):

Further support initiatives and information pages

The providers of the websites are responsible for the content of the external links.

If you want to help with accommodation, you can offer your space at you would like to help in general refugees from Ukraine, please send an email to ukraine(at) On the other hand, if you can interpret for them, please send an email to translators(at) An initiative of the teachers of the Frankfurt UAS together with the HTW Berlin with available study places for refugees

Umbrella association of Ukrainian organizations
Here you can find information on the current situation as well as the necessary relief aid (website available only in German and Ukrainian).

FAZ Article: "Wie man den Ukrainern jetzt helfen kann" (only available in German)

Support initiatives of the German Red Cross in Frankfurt (only available in German)

Q&A on entering and staying in Germany for people from Ukraine, published on the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (available in Ukrainian and Russian)

A citizen’s initiative organizing a collection and distribution center in Niederrad is looking for volunteers for different time slots. You can register at:

Peace demonstrations throughout Germany on the pages of the Network of the German Peace Movement (only available in German)

More demonstration dates can be found on the following page:

List of support initiatives for universities provided by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung ("How universities get involved")

An overview of voluntary activities (only available in German)

An association of foundations, companies and public institutions

Website editorial teamID: 10820
last updated on: 04.14.2022