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Column: When things aren't going so well

At university, you may find yourself feeling emotionally distressed. Whatever it is, don't wait long to make an appointment with the university's psychosocial counseling service.

In our university's psychosocial counseling column, which also appears regularly in the student newsletter, Rihab Dubau gives you useful information about the counseling services and what problems you can turn to the counseling service for.

On this page you will find all previous contributions to the column.

All columns

I'm not feeling well and I've actually wanted to do something about it for a while. But how do I go about it? Can they even help me at all? Maybe my problem is far too small to go there?


Rihab Dubau from the Psychosocial Counseling Service:

Students with emotionally stressful situations of any kind are in good hands with us. If you are suffering from anxieties of all kinds, fear of failure, depressive moods, family or relationship issues, stressful aspects of an internship or student job, loneliness, or life crises where nothing makes sense anymore... Whatever the issue, it's always a good idea to simply make an appointment with us. Together, we will sort everything out and find suitable solutions. Even if the matter is more complex and specialized external services would be helpful, we support you in your search.

For more information on Psychosocial Counseling Service at Frankfurt UAS, please visit

I recently started studying abroad, and I'm struggling to adapt to a new country, culture, and academic system. I feel overwhelmed and emotionally distressed. What resources does my university offer to help students like me cope with these challenges?


Rihab Dubau from the psychosocial counseling service:
Adjusting to a new country, culture and academic system can be both – exciting and difficult. Things might be especially challenging when you are far away from people who usually support you. If you find yourself feeling emotionally distressed, don't wait long and make an appointment with the university's psychosocial counseling service. Often a single one-to-one conversation will help, but multiple appointments are also possible. This service is strictly confidential and free of charge.

Just a few examples:

  • Anxieties of failure, diminished motivation, dealing with stress
  • Disagreement or conflict with others
  • Issues concerning self-esteem, assertiveness, self confidence
  • Family or relationship issues
  • Dealing with homesickness or loneliness
  • Getting adjusted to different values or manners than in your home country

Sometimes you may not even have any idea what the problem is, but just a sense that something isn`t right. Whatever your situation, please feel free to contact us any time for an appointment. We are just a phone call or an e-mail away. Together, we will examine your current situation and identify possible options to move forward. Counseling sessions are available in person, online, or by phone, whatever you prefer.

For more information on psychosocial counseling at Frankfurt UAS, please visit


Jannika HummelCentral Student Advisory Center
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 810

Support where it is needed

Do you have a concern – in your studies or in your private life – that is putting you under psychological strain? Then you should definitely contact the psychosocial counseling at Frankfurt UAS. The counseling is free of charge for you and will be treated strictly confidential.

You can find more information on the pages of the Psychosocial Counseling Service.


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Website editorial teamID: 12596
last updated on: 03.11.2024