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Working together to keep the campus clean

Reducing waste on campus and increasing the proportion of recycling through more waste separation is a major concern for students, staff and university management. In order to achieve this, new regulations and processes relating to waste separation are to be introduced at Frankfurt UAS in the future.

Supplying an entire university with different waste garbage cans is not only very expensive, but also means significantly more work for the cleaning staff to empty them. For these reasons, it is planned, for example, to set up several collection points in the corridors of the university buildings. We all need to help separate waste and thus contribute to a more environmentally friendly university!

On this page you will already find general information about keeping the campus clean and ways to separate waste and keep it clean.

Residual garbage
There are garbage cans in various places on campus where residual waste in particular can be disposed of. This includes leftover food, small packaging or waste that cannot be disposed of elsewhere.

Waste Paper
There are waste paper bins in all seminar-/lecture rooms and offices. However, if you would like to dispose of larger quantities of waste paper, there is a waste paper container behind Building 2 (directly opposite the bottle bank) which is open around the clock.

Deposit and used glass
A cool drink on campus is quickly consumed. But where to put the deposit or used glass? If you don't want to go to the nearest deposit machine, you can simply put your returnable bottles in one of the deposit boxes provided by the General Students' Committee (AStA), directly in front of the Red House. There is also a bottle bank on our campus. It is located directly behind Building 2 near the post office. There is also another bottle bank at the BCN high-rise building, Nordendstraße entrance.


Cigarette butts
Did you know that a carelessly discarded cigarette filter can contaminate up to 60 liters of groundwater and thus have a huge impact on the environment? This makes it all the more important to dispose of cigarette butts in the designated ashtrays on campus. They were set up in the summer semester of 2022 and are intended to help keep our university clean.


Ideas for Upcycling

Die Materialstatt
Materials for model making - such as those required in architecture studies - can be expensive for students. At the same time, there are often parts left over for which there may no longer be a use for them. In order to relieve students of the high costs incurred and to be able to reuse leftover materials in the interests of sustainable use of resources, Building 1, 5th floor, has been equipped with the Materialstatt - a swap shop by students for students.

Sanitary facilities left clean

At our university, the cleaning staff are on duty every day to keep the premises and especially the sanitary facilities clean. To ensure that all members of the university enjoy using the sanitary facilities at Frankfurt UAS, all students, professors and staff are required to leave them clean (preferably as they would like to find them themselves)!



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Frankfurt UAS Facility Management.

Website editorial teamID: 13391
last updated on: 01.18.2024