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SOLID Summer School “Social Work and Drug Assistance” at Frankfurt UAS

From July 3 to 14, 2023, the Institute for Addiction Research (ISFF) held their summer school on the topic of "Social Work and Drug Assistance" at our university this year. 22 students of social work, employees of non-profit organizations, trained social workers, doctors and lecturers of the partner universities from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China had the opportunity to gain exciting insights into the theory and practice of social work and drug help in Germany. The program included seminars, workshops, panel discussions and practical visits to social institutions in Frankfurt, including the drug consumption room in Niddastraße and the Eastside facility. The focus was on a cross-national exchange on the topics of addiction, HIV/AIDS and people in prisons. In addition to content input, there were also method workshops, e.g. on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy. Group exercises and work as well as presentation techniques and an exchange with students from Frankfurt UAS were also central elements of the program. Of course, there was no shortage of fun and socializing: joint dinners provided an opportunity to network and get to know the culinary delights of Frankfurt. Furthermore, there was the possibility to discover Heidelberg during a joint weekend excursion – all in best weather.

The summer school takes place annually within the framework of the DAAD-funded project SOLID ("Social work and strengthening NGOs in development cooperation to treat drug addiction") and serves to discuss the development of social work in drug help with the project partners from Central Asia and China and to develop new perspectives. The organizing team looks back on two instructive and stimulating weeks, and thanks all participants for their contribution!

More information about the: Institute for Addiction Research (ISFF) of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences at; more about the SOLID project:

Website editorial teamID: 9272
last updated on: 02.17.2021