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Searched for "leave of absence"

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  1. Leave of absence and part-time studies


    Leave of absence and part-time studies Do you require a break or do you have to assume a share of family responsibilities? Information about the application for a leave of absence or part-time studies can be found on this page. In case of assuming family responsibilities you may also use the offers of the Family office (German only). Leave of absence Requirements Students may apply for a...

  2. Organization of studies


    Organization of studies Information for first year students This is a list of information and events that are of particular importance, particularly during the first weeks at the Frankfurt UAS. Academic calendar and exam registration A list of dates for the current semester, future semesters and past semesters is available here . Information about exam registrations and can...

  3. [Translate to EN:] ERASMUS+ FAQ


    ERASMUS + FAQ Here you will find the answer to frequently asked questions, perhaps your question will already be answered? Otherwise, you are welcome to contact us by email. Who can complete an Erasmus+ semester abroad? How do I find the right host university? Take a look at our application database Mobility Online to find suitable universities for your degree program. You will then have to research the...

  4. FranCa portal for students


    FranCa - Your student portal Access FranCa here! The new eCampus of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Go to the FranCa portal       You can now download the following certificates directly from the FranCa portal study certificates* study progess certificates receipts for paid semester fees invoices for the upcoming re-registration transcripts of record   ...

  5. Beginning your studies


    The Student Services Center welcomes you at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences! You have been enrolled in your desired degree course! In order to facilitate the start of your start with us we have some information you. Activate your Campus IT account (CIT account). To activate your CIT account please enter your CIT username and your activation code as found in your application portal on the IDM webpage . You can check your student email account ...

  6. Student Support and Services


    Contacts in the department of Student Support and Services Employees at the Student Services Center Student Services Center Phone : +49 69 1533-3666 studienbuero@fra-uas.de Witte, Jutta – Head of department (room 26) Balzer, Yvonne (room 23) Danek, Bettina (room 114) Faye, Eléna (room 25) Heidrich, Karin (room 26) Karg, Janine (room...

  7. Student Services Center


    Student Services Center Please use our customer center or send an e-mail to studienbuero(at)fra-uas. remove-this. de . Please state your application number if you have a request reagarding your application or enrollment. If you are enrolled at our university, please use your student e-mail-adress and state your matriculation number . Current information Study chip and semester ticket Validation of Study Chips...

  8. Student services


    Student services Services On this page you can find all services for students of Frankfurt UAS. Advice Do you have questions? International students may check out our International Office or take advantage of the  Student Advisory Service . Apartment-hunting You are looking for an apartment in Frankfurt or surroundings? Give...

  9. Overseas FAQ


    Overseas FAQ Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions. Perhaps your question has already been answered?   Otherwise you are welcome to contact us by email. Before the application Who can complete an overseas semester abroad? Every student enrolled at Frankfurt UAS can apply for a semester abroad at the International Office. The earliest semester you can go abroad is the 3rd semester and you need...

  10. Starting your studies step by step


    Starting your studies step by step Instructions to get started 1. STUDY CHIP – student ID Functions „STUDY CHIP“: Student ID for Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Student ticket (German only)  for public transport (imprinted semester ticket) Library card (building 3) Means of payment for the canteen and library (money deposit) Note: For first-semester students the ticket is already imprinted. ...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022