
Study Business Administration Double Degree (B.A.)

Discontinued program

This program has been discontinued and is only available to students who are currently enrolled in it.

Information for prospective students

Business Administration Double Degree (B.A.)

Business Administration à la franco-allemande – from Hesse to southern Champagne.

The 'classical business administration studies' is very popular and is extremely valued by the international economy sector. There are no limits to your tendencies and skills with respect to your specialization intentions next to extensive basic training. Together with the French partner university "Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes) " in Troyes (Champagne), the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences offers you the chance to acquire in seven semesters the German 'Bachelor of Arts' (B.A.) in Business Administration and the French Bachelor degree in the degree course 'Bachelor International (INBA).

The acquired intercultural knowledge and skills during the two study sections at both institutions of higher education will prepare you for a managerial position in an international environment. The German and French language skills play a major part, which are complemented by additional English language skills.


Additional information for...
First-year students


During the first two semesters you will take part in lectures of the undergraduate Bachelor degree course 'Business Administration'. Your second academic year will take place at the French partner university in the degree course INBA and the practical module ('internship - French: stage') supervised by the Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes)  in France. The sixth and seventh semester including the bachelor thesis with colloquium will take place again at your home institution in Frankfurt.

The partner university

Troyes is located in the center of southern Champagne and has roughly 100,000 citizens. The Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes) is a state recognized institution of higher education directed by the local chamber of commerce (Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie – CCI). The institution of higher education has close relations to the professional world and is particularly supported by the regional economic region and politics.



Business Administration Double Degree

Bachelor of Arts – B.A.


7 terms, full-time

ECTS credit points


Program start

This program is being discontinued. Enrollments are no longer possible.

Partner Institutions

Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes)




ZEvA till SS 2025

Admission requirements



The business administration training in Germany and France predestines you for leadership positions in German-French, European or globally acting companies and institutions.

Relevant information

The German-French Institution of Higher Education (Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH) supports students of the degree course with a scholarship if certain conditions are met. Please read more here International Office of the Frankfurt UAS or on the internet pages of DFH.

The study content is the following:

The attendance of the lectures by the students in the guest country are determined in great detail by mutual agreements. Particular attention was drawn to providing a complementary structured curriculum that considers professional as well as general intercultural aspects. The students of the Frankfurt UAS will attend subject-specific modules such as international business law, accounting, taxation, strategic management, economic analysis and technical language modules.

Admission requirements

The deadline for the application for the winter semester is July 15.

You must submit a separate and informal application for the random selection. The application period for the random selection starts two weeks prior to the beginning of the lectures of the respective semester and ends on the first day of the lectures.

Access the academic calendar.

The degree course is admission restricted. The study spot placement takes place via a local NC procedures.

The enrollment requires sufficient knowledge of the French language next to the general requirements (higher education entrance qualification). The language skills are demonstrated by presenting the language diploma DELF B 2 (Diplom d'Etudes en Langue Francaise) or through the proof of sufficient achievements in French as a higher level course for the higher education entrance qualification.

The examination board may approve of an acquired proof by examination in justified exceptional cases.

The studies include a three semester-long stay in France, of which 2 study semesters will have to be attended at the "Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes) " in Troyes and 1 practical semester.
The stay in France is financially supported by the German-French institution of higher education. You will receive a double degree.

Accreditation and degree

The German-French degree course in Business Administration with double degree ESC Troyes was accredited by ZEvA and entails 210 credit points (ECTS). After successfully completed studies the Frankfurt UAS will grant you the German Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - and the Y SCHOOLS (formerly Groupe ESC Troyes) the French Bachelor International (BBA).

Think ahead and then study in the master's degree program!


Head of degree course

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1760
last updated on: 03.26.2024