
Study Urban Planning (B.Eng.)

Informations for students of Urban Planning (B.Eng.)

Are you interested in spatial, networked and interdisciplinary fields of tasks on the different scale levels of the city and would like to take responsibility for the long-term and climate-protecting development of our spatial and built environment in a sought-after professional field? If so, the Urban Planning degree program at Frankfurt UAS is the right place for you.

Together we will shape the cities of tomorrow!

Urban planners deal with the sustainable development of cities and the design of urban spaces. They create planning concepts and development strategies for their further development on behalf of private and public employers.


This degree course is offered exclusively in German.

Further information can be found on the German page.



Urban Planning



6 semester, full-time



ECTS credit points


Program start

winter semester

Study requirements


Admission requirements

Admission semester: Winter semester only

Admission requirements: Fachabitur/Abitur

Admission: Admission to the program is restricted. Places are allocated by means of an NC procedure.


Application deadline for WS 2022/23: July 15, 2022


Excellent career opportunities

Urban planners are in great demand both in the public sector, such as municipal building or planning authorities, and in the private sector, i.e. primarily in architecture or landscape and urban planning offices.

The bachelor's degree program in urban planning also offers its graduates - after completion of a master's degree program in the field of urban planning and proof of relevant two years of professional practice - to use the protected professional title "urban planner".


Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jochen Abel
Head of degree course Real Estate and Facility Management B.Sc. and Real Estate and Integral Building Technology B.Eng.
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 510
Fax : +49 69 1533-2058
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Paola Alfaro - d'Alençon
Fachgebiet: Städtebau und Entwerfen im internationalen Kontext
Building 1, Room 506
Martin Beberweil
Building 2, Room 066
Fax : +49 69 1533-2783
Nicole BeckerReferentin für Qualitätsmanagement und Digitalisierung
Building 1, Room 418
Phone : +69 1533 2338
Prof. Dr.
Josef Becker
Head of degree course: Infrastructure Management (M. Eng.)
Building 1, Room 409
Johanna Beuscher
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Forschungsgruppe ReSULT
Building 1, Room 38
Professor Dr.-Ing.
Erik Boska
Baubetrieb, Baubetriebswirtschaft und BIM im Baubetrieb
Building 1, Room 309.2.
Anja Böttcher
Building 1, Room 426
Fax : +49 69 1533-2903
Anja BöttcherLehrauftragsverwaltung
Building 1, Room 426
Prof. Dr. (M.A.)
Stefan Braun
Professor für Schlüsselkompetenzen | School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE)
Building 18 (BCN, CityGate), Room 220
Prof. Dr.
Jens Brauneck
Head of program Geodata Management (B.Eng.)
Building 1, Room 315
Verena BurenWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Building BCN, Room 1027
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Timo Carl
Digitales Entwerfen und Konstruieren
Building 1, Room 40
Zühal DemirezenReferee for electrical engineering study programs
Building 8, Room 109
Fax : +49 69 1533-2012
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jan Dieterle
Chair of Sustainable Open Space and Urban Design; Head of Urban Planning (B.Eng.)
Building 1, Room 507
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Stefan Dominico
Head of degree course: Mechanical Engineering (B. Eng.) and Spanish-German Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
Building BCN, Room 625
Stefanie Eberding
Lehrende für Entwurf
Building 1, Room 510
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Karima El Bakkal
Referentin für Umbaumaßnahmen und Umzüge
Building 1, Room 418
Lukas Elias BestStudiengangsentwicklung Pflege
Building 2, Room 103a
Fax : +49 69 1533-62869
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Johannes Fokken
Professur Baukonstruktion und Entwerfen
Building 1, Room 512.2
Prof. Dr.
Caroline Günther
Head of degree course: Barrier-free Systems: Planning and Building (M. Sc.)
Building 1, Room 510
Fax : +49 69 1533-2761
Prof. Dr.
Jonas Hahn
Professorship for Real Estate Management
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 512
Eva Hahnenstein-JacobSecretary for faculty 4
Building 2, Room 103
Fax : +49 69 1533-2809
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Christian Hähnlein
Studiengangsleitung Infrastruktur – Wasser und Verkehr
Building 2, Room 61
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Lukas Hannemann
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Gebäudetechnik
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 520
Fax : +49 (0)69 1533-62394
Sabine Heimann-TrosienTeaching unit officer for the mechanical engineering degree programs
Building BCN, Room 624
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Dominic Hofmann
Professor for Infrastucture and Environment
Building HoST, Room B03 319
Prof. Dr.-Ing
Janna Hohn
Professorship for Urban Planning and Design
Building 1, Room 506
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wolfgang Jung
Head of degree course: Advanced Architecture (M. Sc.)
Building 1, Room 511
Prof. Dr.
Annette Kämpf-Dern
Professur für Management von Facility Services
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 512
Susan KaziReferentin für Studiengangsentwicklung
Building 1, Room 418
Julia Kirch
Postdoc im Real Estate Research Lab, Kooperationsprogramm PROFfm
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 510
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Dennis Knese
Professor for Sustainable Mobility and Cycling
Building HoST, Room B 03 319
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Tine Köhler
Head of degree course: Geomatics and Public Works (B. Eng.)
Building 1, Room 409
Fax : +4969 1533-2374
Jochen Krimm
Lehrender der Ausbautheorie
Building 1, Room 509
M. Eng.
Fabian Kufner
Projekt WiFaPu
Building 2, Room 065
Professor Dipl.-Ing.
Thomas Lehmann
Building construction and design
Building 1, Room 519
Phone : 069 1533-2316
Dr. phil. nat.
Ralf Lehnert
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben – Ingenieurmathematik
Building 1, Room 512.1
Heinrich Lessing
Studiengangsleitung Architektur B.A. und Architektur M.A.
Building 1, Room 521
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Roger LohoWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Digitales Entwerfen und Konstruieren
Building 1, Room 38
Prof. Dr-Ing.
Florian Mähl
Professur für Tragwerklehre, Baukonstruktion und Bauphysik
Building 1, Room 509
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Melanie Merkel
Professur für Betontechnologie, Bauschäden, Schutz- und Instandhaltung
Building 2, Room 061
Phone : +49 69 1533-0
David MerklWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 131
Dominik Nagel
Building 2, Room 062
Fax : +49 69 1533-2783
Christina Ness
Speaker for promotion of female scientific staff
Building 1, Room 427
Laura Ostsieker
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben – Ingenieurmathematik
Building 1, Room 512.1
Patrik PalmuLaboringenieur - FB1 Modellbauwerkstatt
Building 1, Room 545
Hans-Joachim Plath
Building 2, Room 61
Fax : +49 69 1533-2061
Joachim Pös
Building 2, Room 72
Fax : +49 169 1533-2374
Susana Restrepo Rico
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Building HoST, Room 309
Prof. Dr. sc.
Volker Ritter
Professor for Technical Building Services
Building BCN, Room 510
Anne Röder
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin FUTURE AGING Lehrbeauftragte
Building HoST, Room B 02 201
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Johannes Roos
Professorship for Road Design and Traffic Engineering
Building 21b(Hungener Straße), Room 03 319
Claudia Roth
Advisor for the practical semester | LE Civil Engineering
Building 1, Room 311
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Petra Rucker-Gramm
Building 2, Room 061
Fax : +49 69 1533-2783
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Gunnar Santowski
Head of Program Civil Engineering dual B. Eng., Head of Examination Office, Faculty 1
Building 2, Room 72
Fax : +49 69 1533-2783
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Gunnar Santowski
Head of Program Civil Engineering dual B. Eng., Head of Examination Office, Faculty 1
Building 2, Room 72
Fax : +49 69 1533-2783
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Nicole Saravanja
Professur für Geoinformatik
Building BCN, Room 220
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Petra K. Schäfer
Professor for Transport Planning, Speaker
Building HoST, Room B 03 319
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Petra K. Schäfer
Professur für Verkehrsplanung
Building HoST, Room B 03 319
Ruth SchlöglReferentin Forschung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Building 1, Room 425
Prof. Dr.
Jan Schulze Althoff
Professor for Geodata Management
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 220
Ronald SchwarzbachInstrumentenausgabe und Fahrzeugverleih
Building 9, Room 8
Prof. Dr.
Robert Seuß
Head of degree course: Geomatics and Public Works (M. Eng.)
Building BCN, Room 220
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Robert Seuß
Professur für Geoinformation
Building BCN, Room 220
Alexander SonnenburgHead of degree course Civil Engineering dual
Building 2, Room E71
Magdalena SprandelConsultant for examination matters at Fb1
Building 1, Room 416
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Stefan Staehle
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Forschungslabor Nachkriegsmoderne
Building 1, Room 425
Svenja Stolze
Building 1, Room 413
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Carmen TalhiReferentin für internationale Partnerschaften
Building 1, Room 427
Milena TillmannSachbearbeitung Fachbereichsverwaltung
Building 1, Room 413
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Milena TillmannSachbearbeitung Fachbereichsverwaltung
Building 1, Room 411
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Tatjana Vautz
Head of Programme Advanced Architecture
Building 1, Room 519
Jesko VietenseGeschäftsführung
Building 1, Room 407
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Agnes Weilandt
Head of degree course Sustainable Structures (M. Eng.)
Building 1, Room 323
M. Eng.
Franziska Weiser
PROFfm-Praxis-Promovendin Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, ReLUT
Building HoST, Room 3. OG
Prof. Dr.
Renate Weissenböck
Professor (in representation) for concept and design
Building 1, Room 507
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jan Dieterle
Chair of Sustainable Open Space and Urban Design; Head of Urban Planning (B.Eng.)
Building 1, Room 507

Please contact the Student Services Center at international.admission(at)


Office Hours

The current office hours can be found on the pages of the International Admission.

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Website editorial teamID: 10731
last updated on: 07.25.2024