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Guide for prospective students

On these pages you will find information on frequently asked questions about study orientation and entry to Frankfurt UAS that reach us at the Info-Center at the Frankfurt UAS.

The Student Advisory Center offers comprehensive advice on questions regarding study decisions, study content and career prospects. You can find further information on the pages of the Student Advisory Center.

An overview of all degree programs (bachelor and master) at Frankfurt UAS can be found on the page for the studies and degree programs. Or go directly to the overview of the bachelor's programs or master's programs. Clicking on the respective study program will take you to the respective admission requirements. If you are unsure whether you meet the admission requirements, please send your question by email to the Student Services Center

Information about the application process for bachelor's and master's programs as well as for open and NC programs can be found on the page about studying at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

Where to apply with a foreign university addmission (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung = HZB), what documents you need, and further information can be found on the pages of the International Office.

Questions and answers about the selection process of your application can be found on the FAQ page of the Student Services Center (German only).

If you have successfully applied for a degree program at the Frankfurt UAS and would like to enroll, you will find an enrollment guide of the Student Services Center in German. The enrollment process is entirely online through our portal FranCa

Vocationally qualified persons have the possibility to be admitted to studies without a school entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur or Fachabitur). For more information kindly contact Bettina Fischer-Gerstemeier.

Prospective international students can also contact our International Office directly for further information.

Website editorial teamID: 9011
last updated on: 03.19.2024