
Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG)

The Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG) is a state education funding program in Germany. It is intended for students who are in need of financial assistance to complete their studies. BAföG can be granted for the duration of the standard period of study if proof of progress in studies is provided in the meantime. International students can only receive BAföG in exceptional cases. Whether BAföG is granted and how much is paid depends on the student's need. The decisive factor is the student's own income and the income of relatives or parents. You must also not be older than 30 at the beginning of your studies.

In principle, BAföG primarily supports foreign students who are allowed to stay in Germany for a longer period of time or who have already lived in Germany for a long time prior to their studies. For EU citizens, it is also easier to receive BAföG funding if you have a permanent residence card or if you had a job in your field of study (lasting at least half a year) prior to your studies.

Please note that 50% of the BAföG must be repaid after the end of the maximum funding period and a rest period of 5 years. If you have a very low income then, you can start repaying at a later date.

Information, advice on BAföG and application can be obtained from the Studentenwerk Frankfurt.

In addition, the AStA of Frankfurt UAS can advise you regarding BAföG.


Gürkan AsciInternational Student Advisor
Building 1, Room 2
Fax : +49 69 1533-2748

Consultation hours 

To make an appointment, send an email to beratung(at) Briefly describe your case and attach the required documents to the email. Then you will receive an individual appointment, either online or on-site at the office (Tuesdays or Thursdays).

Information days

Our student assistants also offer a general information session every Friday from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. (Without appointment) 

International OfficeID: 10185
last updated on: 11.08.2021