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Top-Ups Erasmus+

Inclusion and equal opportunities are central concerns of the Erasmus+ program. The program aims to achieve the goal of more equal opportunities and inclusion in all areas of education through various measures and opportunities. A key component in the higher education sector is additional financial support for participants with fewer opportunities via top-ups and real cost funding. In order to enable even more people with fewer opportunities to participate in the program in the future, the National Agency for Erasmus+ University Cooperation at the DAAD (NA DAAD) has expanded the target groups for receiving additional financial support and simplified access conditions in addition to increasing the scholarship rates for students. From the winter semester 2022/23, students with a disability or chronic illness, students with children, students from a non-academic background and working students can receive a top-up amount. Students with a disability or chronic illness and students with children can claim real costs. The information provided on special funding is checked by the International Office on a random basis.

It is important to note that the special funding must be applied for before the start of the mobility.


All beneficiaries of a top-up grant receive a lump sum of 250 euros per month in addition to their Erasmus grant. It does not matter whether the stay is for study or internship purposes. The top-up is only applied once and is not cumulative. This means that a first degree student taking their child abroad and a student suffering from a chronic illness both receive 250 euros per month.  Students who are abroad for short-term mobility (e.g. BIPs) receive a one-off top-up grant of 100 or 150 euros, depending on the duration of their stay. The top-up grant is only paid subject to the availability of funds.

Students studying or doing a (graduate) internship with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 20 (proof of notification from the state social welfare office or ID) can apply for a top-up grant of EUR 250 per m

Top-up funding for students who are taking one or more children abroad. The amount of the top-up is independent of the number of children. It is also possible to apply if the other parent is traveling with the child, but double funding of the child is excluded (e.g. if the other parent also receives Erasmus+).

Students who suffer from a chronic illness and who incur additional costs abroad as a result are eligible for special funding.

Top-up funding for students in employment. The employment must have been carried out continuously for at least six months in relation to the mobility. The period of employment must fall within a time window of 6 months before applying for the mobility and the time of the start of the mobility.

A prerequisite for eligibility is that the gainful employment in the sending country is not continued during the stay abroad. Notice of termination is not a prerequisite; the employment contract can also be paused. During the minimum period of employment prior to application, monthly earnings must be above EUR 450 and below EUR 850 (total net earnings from all activities per month).

For a semester abroad:

You apply for funding by answering the relevant questions on special funding in the Mobility online portal and uploading the signed declaration of honor by the deadline specified in the "Additional funding" email.

For your internship abroad:

For an internship abroad, you must provide the information on special funding on the application form. You must then complete the declaration on your honor and sign it to confirm that you are eligible for special funding.

Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung der Sonderförderung zum Ausfüllen und Unterschreiben

As part of the European Green Deal, Erasmus+ supports sustainable travel within Europe with a financial grant of 50 euros.

You can receive additional funding (top-up) for Green Travel for your mobility project if you use a low-emission means of transport (bus, train or carpooling with 3 or more people).

You will receive the 50 euros after completing your mobility with the payment of your 2nd Erasmus installment. The application for the top-up is made during your application for funding.

From the 2024 project, the 50 euro lump sum will no longer apply and travel days can be applied for (1-6 days) depending on the distance.

There is now also the option of using an Interrail Pass, which is intended to further promote sustainable mobility. Further information on the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+ can be found here.

If the actual costs incurred exceed the top-up funding, it is possible to claim these costs, provided they are related to the mobility project, via a so-called long-term application. This option is available to participants (students and university staff)

           with a disability (GdB 20+)


           with a chronic illness


           who are taking their children abroad with them.

In this case, the application amount will be calculated according to your personal needs and paid out in addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding rate. Please note that only additional costs can be taken into account that

    are not covered by national authorities (integration offices, health insurance funds, regional associations, social welfare offices, student services), and
    you incur as a result of your stay abroad. This includes, for example, flight costs and costs for accommodation for accompanying assistants or for barrier-free accommodation.

A maximum of 15,000 euros per semester and 30,000 euros per academic year and per mobility can be applied for.

As you will have to prove the difference between the costs in Germany and abroad, please allow sufficient time for the application and contact the International Office at least six months before the start of your mobility.

International OfficeID: 13879
last updated on: 06.20.2024